[fiware-lab-user-creation] ?==?utf-8?q? confirm: BAa4A9ivQ2OqT5SXUgXvoDO8bK8UltDyHPA7OncBsO61QqDM

Jaume Segura Garcia jaume.segura at uv.es
Thu Sep 5 20:49:36 CEST 2019

I am interested to create a FIWARE Lab account.
Thank you.
Best regards,

On dijous 5 setembre 2019 19:48 CEST, fernando.lopez at fiware.org wrote: 
> Thank you very much to select FIWARE Lab Cloud. We have received a request  
> for
> FIWARE Lab user creation.
> Here are the results.
> Name   Jaume Segura Garcia
> Email	jaume.segura at uv.es
> Selected Region Vicenza
> To confirm that you want to create a FIWARE Lab account, simply reply to  
> this
> message, keeping the Subject: header intact.
> If you do not wish to created a FIWARE Lab account, please simply disregard
> this message. If you think you are being maliciously registered to the  
> list, or
> have any other questions, send them to  
> fiware-lab-user-creation at lists.fiware.org.
> Thank you very much,
> FIWARE Lab administrative team.
Prof. Jaume Segura Garcia
ETSE - Universitat de València
Avda Universitat s/n
46100 - Burjassot (València)
Despatx 1.3.2
Tlfn: 0034 963543730
Fax: 0034 963544768


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