[fiware-lab-user-creation] confirm: DEXarBd96TwohtHE1wCTEbxqmerzowRo26yKPmW9A7ndwd7G

Sonsoles Tena sonsoles.tena at docuten.com
Mon May 18 08:52:07 CEST 2020

Yes, I confirm.

El lun., 18 may. 2020 a las 8:50, <fernando.lopez at fiware.org> escribió:

> Thank you very much to select FIWARE Lab Cloud. We have received a
> request
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> Name   Sonsoles
> Email   sonsoles.tena at docuten.com
> Selected Region Vicenza
> To confirm that you want to create a FIWARE Lab account, simply reply to
> this
> message, keeping the Subject: header intact.
> If you do not wish to created a FIWARE Lab account, please simply disregard
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> Thank you very much,
> FIWARE Lab administrative team.


Sonsoles Tena


 sonsoles.tena at docuten.com

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