[fiware-lab-user-creation] *EXT* confirm: 5C6QQgtlr0Wmxb3RJYQb8U7PncBThnxvFluz7JGpDf8d1JSu

Gallego Carlos Carlos.Gallego at kapsch.net
Wed Feb 23 16:47:42 CET 2022


Carlos Gallego
Project Engineer
P +34 91 048 67 79 | M +34 689 694 668
Carlos.Gallego at kapsch.net
Kapsch TrafficCom Transportation S.A.U. | Anabel Segura 16, Vega Norte, Edificio 3 - Planta 3 | 28108 Alcobendas | Madrid | España
Company Register at: Commercial Court | Registered Office madrid | www.kapsch.net
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-----Original Message-----
From: fernando.lopez at fiware.org <fernando.lopez at fiware.org>
Sent: miércoles, 23 de febrero de 2022 16:45
To: Gallego Carlos <Carlos.Gallego at kapsch.net>
Subject: *EXT* confirm: 5C6QQgtlr0Wmxb3RJYQb8U7PncBThnxvFluz7JGpDf8d1JSu

Thank you very much to select FIWARE Lab Cloud. We have received a request for FIWARE Lab user creation.

Here are the results.

Name   cgallego1980
Email   Carlos.Gallego at kapsch.net
Selected Region Vicenza2

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FIWARE Lab administrative team.

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