[fiware-lab-user-creation] [FIWARE-JIRA] (HELP-19100) [Fiware-lab-help] Fiware Lab Cloud Portal Account Access

fenix ave fenix.fenix35 at gmail.com
Thu Jan 6 12:57:32 CET 2022


I have been using my account constantly via ssh, accessing the portal
whenever I need to update instances and/or port permissions.

Usage is corporate. I use this email for the activities I develop at the
Federal University of Pernambuco.

Em qui., 6 de jan. de 2022 às 04:50, Help-Desk <
jira-help-desk at jira.fiware.org> escreveu:

> Dear user,
> First of all, thank you for trusting in the FIWARE Lab in order to test
> the FIWARE GEs. We appreciate it a lot.
> We were checking the status of your account and at the moment we see that
> you have a Trial account that it is expired. Additionally, it seems that
> you have not access your account in a long time. The Terms and Conditions
> of the FIWARE Lab had changed some year ago and currently only corporate
> emails are allowed to access to the FIWARE Lab. You should tell us what is
> the use of your account.
> Best regards,
> FIWARE Lab admin
> From FIWARE JIRA - Main Help Desk ----
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Comments:
> ------------------------
> Issue id: HELP-19100
> Description:
> Dear,
> I am unable to log in to my Cloud Portal Fiware Lab account.
> Could you check what is going on? and free my access?
> Thanks!
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> [Created via e-mail received from: fenix ave <fenix.fenix35 at gmail.com>]
> FIWARE Chapter:
> Status: In Progress
> ---------------------
> This email was generated by FIWARE JIRA following an email received into
> the Main Help Desk.
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