[Fiware-lab] Helpdesk duty schedule

Aristi Galani agalani at unipi.gr
Wed Dec 17 08:57:25 CET 2014

Dear Uwe

IWAVE team cannot  support fiware-lab helpdesk  the 31st of December and 
5th of January, because of University vacation period.

Kind regards
Aristi, on behalf of IWAVE team

On 12/16/2014 5:52 PM, Uwe Herzog wrote:
> Dear all,
> we are going towards the end of the year and I think so far the 
> entering of availabilities in the helpdesk duty scheduler has worked 
> excellently -- many thanks to everybody.
> I have now looked into the calendar to ensure activities will continue 
> smoothly into next year and noticed that only 2 slots are still open 
> in the first 2 weeks in January (some more in the following 2 weeks). 
> It would be great if these all could be filled still before the Xmas 
> break.
> I copy below some statistics that I prepared on sharing the workload, 
> fyi (data as of now).
> Best regards,
> Uwe
> Uwe Herzog
> Programme Manager
> Heidelberg, Germany
> Phone:  + 49 6221 989 132
> _http://www.eurescom.eu_ <http://www.eurescom.eu/>
> 	Until 26-12 	From 27-12 	Total
> TID: Miguel Carrillo, Manuel Escriche Vicente 	9 	2 	*11*
> Eurescom team: Florian Rommel, Uwe Herzog 	6 	3 	*9*
> TI: Marco Cipriani 	3 	2 	*5*
> CREATE-Net: Daniele Santoro 	6 		*6*
> Aristi Galani/iwave team (UPRC) 	4 	2 	*6*
> Sándor Laki / Wigner team 	7 	6 	*13*
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