Please try to provide an answer ... I am unable to put time in this ... in Brussels and preparing tomorrow's review with the consortium! -------- Mensaje reenviado -------- Asunto: [FI-WARE-JIRA] (FLUA-247) eVeryride Fecha: Mon, 27 Apr 2015 09:06:00 +0100 De: FW External User (JIRA) <communityaccount at><mailto:communityaccount at> Para: fiware-lab-help at<mailto:fiware-lab-help at> [ ] FW External User updated FLUA-247: ---------------------------------- Comment by lorenzo.polentes at<mailto:lorenzo.polentes at> : Hi, I'm trying to log-in at the website, with the purpose of using FIWARE services and submit the forms for the IMPACT and Soul-FI Accelerators. I registered with this email, but when I try to sign-in, it tells me the email address was not registered. In effect I didn't receive any confirmation email at my email address. What should I do, considering that I have only 3 more days to apply at the accelerators? Many thanks, Lorenzo Lorenzo Polentes lorenzo.polentes at<mailto:lorenzo.polentes at> +39 347 333 9140 > Il 25 aprile 2015 alle 16.20 FIWARE LAB Upgrade Account > <communityaccount at><mailto:communityaccount at> ha scritto: > > > FW External User created an issue > > FIWARE LAB Upgrade Account / [UpgradeAccount] FLUA-247 > eVeryride > Issue Type: [UpgradeAccount] UpgradeAccount > Assignee: Thierry Nagellen > Components: EuropeanPioneers, IMPACT > Created: 25/Apr/15 4:19 PM > Status: [Open] Open > User full name Lorenzo Polentes > User account to be upgraded lorenzo.polentes at<mailto:lorenzo.polentes at> > Additional Email accounts associated to the project > Accelerator submission name > Preferred FIWARE Lab Node Berlin > Additional Comments/Requirements > Number of VMs > # public IPs > total # vCPUs > total RAM > total harddisk > Object Storage > Reporter: Lorenzo Polentes > E-mail: lorenzo.polentes at<mailto:lorenzo.polentes at> > > > This email was generated by the FIWARE JIRA following a request for account > upgrade to community status. > eVeryride > --------- > > Key: FLUA-247 > URL: > Project: FIWARE LAB Upgrade Account > Issue Type: UpgradeAccount > Components: EuropeanPioneers, IMPACT > Reporter: FW External User > Assignee: Thierry Nagellen > > *Reporter*: Lorenzo Polentes > *E-mail*: [mailto:lorenzo.polentes at] -- This message was sent by Atlassian JIRA (v6.4.1#64016) ________________________________ Este mensaje y sus adjuntos se dirigen exclusivamente a su destinatario, puede contener información privilegiada o confidencial y es para uso exclusivo de la persona o entidad de destino. Si no es usted. el destinatario indicado, queda notificado de que la lectura, utilización, divulgación y/o copia sin autorización puede estar prohibida en virtud de la legislación vigente. Si ha recibido este mensaje por error, le rogamos que nos lo comunique inmediatamente por esta misma vía y proceda a su destrucción. The information contained in this transmission is privileged and confidential information intended only for the use of the individual or entity named above. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution or copying of this communication is strictly prohibited. If you have received this transmission in error, do not read it. Please immediately reply to the sender that you have received this communication in error and then delete it. Esta mensagem e seus anexos se dirigem exclusivamente ao seu destinatário, pode conter informação privilegiada ou confidencial e é para uso exclusivo da pessoa ou entidade de destino. Se não é vossa senhoria o destinatário indicado, fica notificado de que a leitura, utilização, divulgação e/ou cópia sem autorização pode estar proibida em virtude da legislação vigente. Se recebeu esta mensagem por erro, rogamos-lhe que nos o comunique imediatamente por esta mesma via e proceda a sua destruição -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: <>
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