[Fiware-lab] Tickets assigned to Berlin helpdesk

Uwe Herzog herzog at eurescom.eu
Thu Feb 12 12:22:10 CET 2015

Dear Berlin node helpdesk,

I noticed in some of the tickets assigned to you that you apparently have entered your answers to users only as a comment in the ticket (e.g. HELP-1892 <http://jira.fi-ware.org/browse/HELP-1892> , HELP-1947 <http://jira.fi-ware.org/browse/HELP-1947>  etc.). Please be aware that external users can normally not see these comments and you should in addition answer by sending an email to the user. Maybe you have done that and I simply cannot see this. Could you please clarify to us?

In addition, please don't forget to finally close the tickets when you think that there will be no follow up action. Otherwise the ticket will remain in status "Answered" suggesting that the issue is not closed yet.

Best regards,

Uwe Herzog
Programme Manager
Heidelberg, Germany
Phone:  + 49 6221 989 132

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