[Fiware-lab] LAB - Who is in charge today?

Daniele Pavia daniele.pavia at eng.it
Mon Jun 22 12:43:19 CEST 2015

Dear Daniele,
I think Alfonso didn't think about the fact that we got the same name ;)

Daniele Pavia

On 06/22/15 11:23, Daniele Santoro wrote:
> Hi tomorrow should be my turn, I’ve already booked few weeks ago (on old wiki schedule). If you need to do some practice on handling tickets we can manage them together tomorrow.
> Anyway I’m going to change my “Daniele” to “Daniele CN”
> Best,
> D
> On 22 Jun 2015, at 10:49, Daniele Pavia <daniele.pavia at eng.it> wrote:
>> yes, it'll be me
>> On 06/22/15 10:13, MANUEL ESCRICHE VICENTE wrote:
>>> Thanks.
>>> And tomorrow? – Is that Daniele you as well?
>>> From: fiware-lab-bounces at lists.fi-ware.org [mailto:fiware-lab-bounces at lists.fi-ware.org] On Behalf OfDaniele Pavia
>>> Sent: lunes, 22 de junio de 2015 10:12
>>> To: fiware-lab at lists.fi-ware.org
>>> Subject: Re: [Fiware-lab] LAB - Who is in charge today?
>>> Hello Manuel,
>>> I'm in charge today.
>>> Kind regards,
>>> Daniele Pavia
>>> On 06/22/15 10:04, MANUEL ESCRICHE VICENTE wrote:
>>> Dear Partners,
>>> I would appreciate knowing who from ENG is in charge today?
>>> <Mail Attachment.png>
>>> Thanks in advance!
>>> Manuel
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> --
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> Daniele Santoro,
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