[Fiware-legal] RV: Consortium Agreement Fiware

LUIS GARCIA GARCIA lgg at tid.es
Wed Aug 3 14:27:32 CEST 2011

Dear Fabian, dear all,

I´ve been discussing with our management/technical people your proposal and have several concerns:

1º.- What happens if Fraunhofer FOKUS use/introduce SG developed by another institute in Fraunhofer and it becomes Needed for Execution of Use?

2º.- How should other partners be able to detect IP which is from Fraunhofer Fokus, and distinguish it from IP from other Fraunhofer institutes, when Fraunhofer Fokus and any other Fraunhoufer institute are not a legal entity on their own?

3º.- We are not in favour to include any particular exemption in a general rule applicable to all the Partners (other partners may wish to include their own exemptions). These exemptions must be included in Annex 3 and we have included in this annex the text you sent us.

4º.-  Using Kathrin´s words "Does this statement only refers to Sideground that is Software or does it refer to all Sideground? Do we have then Access Rights to all Fraunhofer Sidground which is not Software? It´s not clear

5º.- As SG is voluntarily used/introduced by the relevant partners in the Project, nothing hinders FOKUS to include - if it decides to do so-  exclusively its own SG (then this clause will only be applicable, as you wish, to FOKUS´s SG) Also, nobody can force FhG to introduce in the project any of its SG.

6º.-  FhG has accepted IPCA EICTA original wording in this clause  in others FP7 projects, even within FUTURE INTENET initiative.

It´s our willingness, to consider Fraunhofer's needs as a research organisation with scientifically independent institutes and, as you know, this clause has been widely discussed during our calls, but it seems we are in a closed road and a decision must be taken. We must finalize this CA (some partners do not sign their Form A until the CA is closed) to avoid any risk for the FI-WARE project.

I attach it again the proposal we sent yesterday:

"All Access Rights to Software that is Sideground shall be in the form of Limited Source Code Access for the execution of the Project, save that no Party shall be obliged to grant for Use any Access Rights to Source Code that is Sideground and that is not listed in Annex 5 of this CA. Access Rights to Software that is Sideground for Use shall be in the form of Object Code Access and/or API unless otherwise agreed between the Parties concerned. However, access to the API shall be granted if such access is Needed and may be subject to any condition that the owning Party considers as legitimate to protect the Sideground but, however, without limiting the Access Rights granted under this CA."

For the above mentioned reasons, I´ve received instructions to send this proposal as final and send during next week the pdf. File with the signature instructions.

As IBM has finally accepted the current wording in clause, once this question is solved and clause is agreed, the CA will be definitively completed.

For the sake of compromise, I kindly invite you again to accept the wording we proposed you yesterday for the last paragraph of

Looking forward to hearing from you.
Best regards

De: fabian.perpeet at zv.fraunhofer.de [mailto:fabian.perpeet at zv.fraunhofer.de]
Enviado el: martes, 02 de agosto de 2011 16:39
Para: kathrin.schweppe at sap.com
CC: claudia.manderfeld at zv.fraunhofer.de; klarissa.al-shorachi at izb.fraunhofer.de; jens.fiedler at fokus.fraunhofer.de; Barbara.Gromer at neclab.eu; JOSE JIMENEZ DELGADO; anne.tissier at thalesgroup.com; susanne.weikl at nsn.com; SUZANNE at il.ibm.com; benedicte.pascal at intel.com; Bettina.Lehmann at telekom.de; GALITL at il.ibm.com; giampaoletti at dis.uniroma1.it; Hans.Einsiedler at telekom.de; henk.heijnen at technicolor.com; irene.glueck-otte at siemens.com; JAVIER DE PEDRO SANCHEZ; jean-dominique.meunier at technicolor.com; JUAN JOSE HIERRO SUREDA; Raffaella.Melzi at alcatel-lucent.it; mathilde.dubesset at technicolor.com; markus.stamm at alcatel-lucent.com; jonas.heitto at alcatel-lucent.com; Klaus.Wuenstel at alcatel-lucent.com; nils-ivar.tjernberg at ericsson.com; Patricia.BEDOUI at fr.thalesgroup.com; philippe.schaeffer at inria.fr; PILAR PLASENCIA MAESO; robert.sarrazin at orange-ftgroup.com; JOSE LUIS PEÑA SEDANO; thomas.michael.bohnert at sap.com; werner.mohr at nsn.com; wolfgang.gerteis at sap.com; WOLFSTAL at il.ibm.com; Yves-Marie.LePannerer at technicolor.com; Corinne.SIEUX at fr.thalesgroup.com; pascal.bisson at thalesgroup.com; Sylvie.RAYNAUD at fr.thalesgroup.com; laila.gide at thalesgroup.com; Beatriz.aznar at atos.net; LUIS GARCIA GARCIA
Asunto: AW: Consortium Agreement Fiware

Dear Ms Schweppe,
as the other partners have continously rejected any proposal by Fraunhofer to restrict the definition of Sideground and due to our experiences from the negotiations concerning this CA that some partners obviously try to extend the legal claims to Sideground in a most extended way ("We should have the possibility to choose which architecture we would like to have") we want to make sure that this section in question refers only to Siderground generated by Fraunhofer FOKUS.
Fabian Perpeet

Von: Schweppe, Kathrin [mailto:kathrin.schweppe at sap.com]
Gesendet: Dienstag, 2. August 2011 16:25
An: Fabian Perpeet
Cc: Claudia Manderfeld, Ass.; Klarissa Martha Maria Al-Shorachi; Jens Fiedler, Dipl.-Inf.; Barbara.Gromer at neclab.eu; jimenez at tid.es; anne.tissier at thalesgroup.com; susanne.weikl at nsn.com; SUZANNE at il.ibm.com; benedicte.pascal at intel.com; Bettina.Lehmann at telekom.de; GALITL at il.ibm.com; giampaoletti at dis.uniroma1.it; Hans.Einsiedler at telekom.de; henk.heijnen at technicolor.com; irene.glueck-otte at siemens.com; jdps at tid.es; jean-dominique.meunier at technicolor.com; jhierro at tid.es; Raffaella.Melzi at alcatel-lucent.it; mathilde.dubesset at technicolor.com; markus.stamm at alcatel-lucent.com; jonas.heitto at alcatel-lucent.com; Klaus.Wuenstel at alcatel-lucent.com; nils-ivar.tjernberg at ericsson.com; Patricia.BEDOUI at fr.thalesgroup.com; philippe.schaeffer at inria.fr; pmaeso at tid.es; robert.sarrazin at orange-ftgroup.com; sedano at tid.es; Bohnert, Thomas Michael; werner.mohr at nsn.com; Gerteis, Wolfgang; WOLFSTAL at il.ibm.com; Yves-Marie.LePannerer at technicolor.com; Corinne.SIEUX at fr.thalesgroup.com; pascal.bisson at thalesgroup.com; Sylvie.RAYNAUD at fr.thalesgroup.com; laila.gide at thalesgroup.com; Beatriz.aznar at atos.net; lgg at tid.es
Betreff: AW: Consortium Agreement Fiware

Dear Mr. Perpeet,

I disagree, because I do not understand, why Fraunhofer has to state in this special clause that Sideground is from Fraunhofer Fokus. Does this statement only refers to Sideground that is Software or does it refer to all Sideground? Do we have then Access Rights to all Fraunhofer Sidground which is not Software? The statement there is confusing whilst it would be very clear within Annex 3. What are your problems to include that Statement into Annex 3? It would cover your needs and would probably end all these discussions.

Thank you and best regards,

Kathrin Schweppe, LL.M.
Contract Specialist
Global Legal
Dietmar-Hopp-Allee 16
69190 Walldorf, Germany
T +49 6227 7-64369
F +49 6227 78-54177
E kathrin.schweppe at sap.com<blocked::mailto:nadine.heitmann at sap.com>
Sitz der Gesellschaft/Registered Office: Walldorf, Germany
Vorstand/SAP Executive Board: Bill McDermot (Sprecher/Co-CEO), Jim Hagemann Snabe (Sprecher/Co-CEO), Werner Brandt, Gerhard Oswald, Vishal Sikka
Vorsitzender des Aufsichtsrats/Chairperson of the SAP Supervisory Board: Hasso Plattner
Registergericht/Commercial Register Mannheim No HRB 350269

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Von: fabian.perpeet at zv.fraunhofer.de [mailto:fabian.perpeet at zv.fraunhofer.de]
Gesendet: Dienstag, 2. August 2011 16:17
An: Schweppe, Kathrin
Cc: claudia.manderfeld at zv.fraunhofer.de; klarissa.al-shorachi at izb.fraunhofer.de; jens.fiedler at fokus.fraunhofer.de; Barbara.Gromer at neclab.eu; jimenez at tid.es; anne.tissier at thalesgroup.com; susanne.weikl at nsn.com; SUZANNE at il.ibm.com; benedicte.pascal at intel.com; Bettina.Lehmann at telekom.de; GALITL at il.ibm.com; giampaoletti at dis.uniroma1.it; Hans.Einsiedler at telekom.de; henk.heijnen at technicolor.com; irene.glueck-otte at siemens.com; jdps at tid.es; jean-dominique.meunier at technicolor.com; jhierro at tid.es; Raffaella.Melzi at alcatel-lucent.it; mathilde.dubesset at technicolor.com; markus.stamm at alcatel-lucent.com; jonas.heitto at alcatel-lucent.com; Klaus.Wuenstel at alcatel-lucent.com; nils-ivar.tjernberg at ericsson.com; Patricia.BEDOUI at fr.thalesgroup.com; philippe.schaeffer at inria.fr; pmaeso at tid.es; robert.sarrazin at orange-ftgroup.com; sedano at tid.es; Bohnert, Thomas Michael; werner.mohr at nsn.com; Gerteis, Wolfgang; WOLFSTAL at il.ibm.com; Yves-Marie.LePannerer at technicolor.com; Corinne.SIEUX at fr.thalesgroup.com; pascal.bisson at thalesgroup.com; Sylvie.RAYNAUD at fr.thalesgroup.com; laila.gide at thalesgroup.com; Beatriz.aznar at atos.net; lgg at tid.es
Betreff: AW: Consortium Agreement Fiware

Dear Ms Schweppe,
if the "problem" is how to differentiate between back-/sideground developed or not developed by employees of a certain department of a party then it makes no difference if this distinction is made in Annex 3 or the CA itself. Annex 3 is part of the CA.
Fabian Perpeet

Von: Schweppe, Kathrin [mailto:kathrin.schweppe at sap.com]
Gesendet: Dienstag, 2. August 2011 15:54
An: Fabian Perpeet; lgg at tid.es
Cc: Claudia Manderfeld, Ass.; Klarissa Martha Maria Al-Shorachi; Jens Fiedler, Dipl.-Inf.; Barbara.Gromer at neclab.eu; jimenez at tid.es; anne.tissier at thalesgroup.com; susanne.weikl at nsn.com; SUZANNE at il.ibm.com; benedicte.pascal at intel.com; Bettina.Lehmann at telekom.de; GALITL at il.ibm.com; giampaoletti at dis.uniroma1.it; Hans.Einsiedler at telekom.de; henk.heijnen at technicolor.com; irene.glueck-otte at siemens.com; jdps at tid.es; jean-dominique.meunier at technicolor.com; jhierro at tid.es; Raffaella.Melzi at alcatel-lucent.it; mathilde.dubesset at technicolor.com; markus.stamm at alcatel-lucent.com; jonas.heitto at alcatel-lucent.com; Klaus.Wuenstel at alcatel-lucent.com; nils-ivar.tjernberg at ericsson.com; Patricia.BEDOUI at fr.thalesgroup.com; philippe.schaeffer at inria.fr; pmaeso at tid.es; robert.sarrazin at orange-ftgroup.com; sedano at tid.es; Bohnert, Thomas Michael; werner.mohr at nsn.com; Gerteis, Wolfgang; WOLFSTAL at il.ibm.com; Yves-Marie.LePannerer at technicolor.com; Corinne.SIEUX at fr.thalesgroup.com; pascal.bisson at thalesgroup.com; Sylvie.RAYNAUD at fr.thalesgroup.com; laila.gide at thalesgroup.com; Beatriz.aznar at atos.net
Betreff: AW: Consortium Agreement Fiware

Dear Fabian, dear all,

the difference is, that NEC and others are making this distinction within the Background and Sideground Exclusion list. I find your inclusion in the discussed clause very confusing because it is not clear, if Sidground which is Software should be only from Fraunhofer Fokus or if that should apply to all Fraunhofer Sideground. Maybe you can include that limitation into Annex 3?

Best regards,

Kathrin Schweppe, LL.M.
Contract Specialist
Global Legal
Dietmar-Hopp-Allee 16
69190 Walldorf, Germany
T +49 6227 7-64369
F +49 6227 78-54177
E kathrin.schweppe at sap.com<blocked::mailto:nadine.heitmann at sap.com>
Sitz der Gesellschaft/Registered Office: Walldorf, Germany
Vorstand/SAP Executive Board: Bill McDermot (Sprecher/Co-CEO), Jim Hagemann Snabe (Sprecher/Co-CEO), Werner Brandt, Gerhard Oswald, Vishal Sikka
Vorsitzender des Aufsichtsrats/Chairperson of the SAP Supervisory Board: Hasso Plattner
Registergericht/Commercial Register Mannheim No HRB 350269

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Von: fabian.perpeet at zv.fraunhofer.de [mailto:fabian.perpeet at zv.fraunhofer.de]
Gesendet: Dienstag, 2. August 2011 15:32
An: lgg at tid.es
Cc: claudia.manderfeld at zv.fraunhofer.de; klarissa.al-shorachi at izb.fraunhofer.de; jens.fiedler at fokus.fraunhofer.de; Schweppe, Kathrin; Barbara.Gromer at neclab.eu; jimenez at tid.es; anne.tissier at thalesgroup.com; susanne.weikl at nsn.com; SUZANNE at il.ibm.com; benedicte.pascal at intel.com; Bettina.Lehmann at telekom.de; GALITL at il.ibm.com; giampaoletti at dis.uniroma1.it; Hans.Einsiedler at telekom.de; henk.heijnen at technicolor.com; irene.glueck-otte at siemens.com; jdps at tid.es; jean-dominique.meunier at technicolor.com; jhierro at tid.es; Raffaella.Melzi at alcatel-lucent.it; mathilde.dubesset at technicolor.com; markus.stamm at alcatel-lucent.com; jonas.heitto at alcatel-lucent.com; Klaus.Wuenstel at alcatel-lucent.com; nils-ivar.tjernberg at ericsson.com; Patricia.BEDOUI at fr.thalesgroup.com; philippe.schaeffer at inria.fr; pmaeso at tid.es; robert.sarrazin at orange-ftgroup.com; sedano at tid.es; Bohnert, Thomas Michael; werner.mohr at nsn.com; Gerteis, Wolfgang; WOLFSTAL at il.ibm.com; Yves-Marie.LePannerer at technicolor.com; Corinne.SIEUX at fr.thalesgroup.com; pascal.bisson at thalesgroup.com; Sylvie.RAYNAUD at fr.thalesgroup.com; laila.gide at thalesgroup.com; Beatriz.aznar at atos.net
Betreff: AW: Consortium Agreement Fiware

Dear Luis,
may we draw your attention to the fact that quite a few partners (including NEC) use the approach of making differences with regard to the Back- or Sideground generated by certain employees of certain departments which are obviously no legal entities in their own right, see excerpt from Annex 3 below.

Fraunhofer has made several compromises with regard to the Sideground issue and expect the same willingness from the other partners considering Fraunhofer's needs as a research organisation with scientifically independent institutes. The only change could be to add the last half-sentence proposed by SAP so that the section reads as follows:
"All Access Rights to Software that is Sideground (in case of Fraunhofer: Sideground developed by Fraunhofer FOKUS) shall be in the form of Limited Source Code Access for the execution of the Project, save that no Party shall be obliged to grant for Use any Access Rights to Source Code that is Sideground and that is not listed in Annex 5 of this CA. Access Rights to Software that is Sideground for Use shall be in the form of Object Code Access and/or API unless otherwise agreed between the Parties concerned. However, access to the API shall be granted if such access is Needed and may be subject to any condition that the owning Party considers as legitimate to protect the Sideground, but however, without limiting the Access Rights granted under this CA."

Please note that this is the last compromise we are willing to take.
Best regards
Fabian Perpeet

IBM Israel Science and Technology Ltd. hereby excludes from its obligation to grant Access Rights to any and all Background and Sideground other than the Background and Sideground generated by the people at the Haifa Research laboratory who participate in the performance of work under this Project.

IBM RESEARCH GMBH Hereby excludes from its obligation to grant Access Rights to any and all Background and Sideground other than the Background and Sideground generated by the people at the Zurich Research laboratory who participate in the performance of work under this Project.

NEC Europe Ltd.

NEC Europe Ltd. (NEC) hereby exclude all Background and Sideground generated by NEC Europe Ltd. other than that generated by NEC Laboratories of NEC Europe Ltd. Further, NEC excludes all Background that NEC is not free to grant access to due to obligations towards third parties.

Technicolor R&D France (hereinafter TRDF) expressly excludes from its obligation to grant Access Rights:

                                            i.     Technologies related to video compression / decompression, content indexation and searching, 3D video, any software pr hardware that have been developed for its customers (related (but not limited to) Set Top Boxes, gateways, modems and wireless technologies) and any Background/Sideground related to the movie industry such as (but not limited to) film mastering, special effects etc...

                                           ii.     Any and all Background and Sideground not generated by the people at the TRDF's laboratory who participate in the performance of work under the Project

                                          iii.     Any and all Background and Sideground TRDF is not free to provide

                                         iv.     Any and all Background and Sideground not Needed for the execution of the Project

                                          v.     Any and all background and Sideground TRDF has not itself introduced into the Project at its sole discretion for use in execution of the Project

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