[Fiware-legal] 20130724 FIWARE OIL Terms and Conditions .docx

Galit Leider GALITL at il.ibm.com
Mon Jul 29 06:42:20 CEST 2013

Dear Luis, dear all,

Attached please find a few comments from IBM highlighted in yellow for the
call today.

(See attached file: 20130724 FIWARE OIL Terms and Conditions_IBM .docx)

Best regards,

Galit Leider (LL.B ,MBA)
Senior  Contracts Professional
Contracts Team Leader
IBM Haifa Research Lab
Tel: +972-4-8281300, mobile: +972-54-6976300
email: galitl at il.ibm.com

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From:	LUIS GARCIA GARCIA <lgg at tid.es>
To:	"fiware-legal at lists.fi-ware.eu"
            <fiware-legal at lists.fi-ware.eu>,
Date:	26/07/2013 08:48 AM
Subject:	[Fiware-legal] 20130724 FIWARE OIL Terms and Conditions .docx
Sent by:	fiware-legal-bounces at lists.fi-ware.eu

Dear all,

Find enclosed the new version of the Ts&Cs.  Juanjo will come back with
point b of “Fi-ware Services” definition and will explain you why he
considers that some NSN last proposed modifications shouldn´t figure in the
text (specifically clauses 2.2.2. and 2.2.6)

Both IBM and Telefónica have also included some minor clarifications. You
can check them highlighted in the text.

Thanks for your support on this and hope that next Monday we will close
this document

Have a nice weekend

Luis García García
Asesoria  Jurídica // Legal Department
Tfnos: +34 914832614 //  +34913129666
Telefónica Investigación y Desarrollo, S.A.Unipersonal
DISTRITO C- Edificio Oeste 1,  6ª planta
Ronda de la Comunicación s/n
28050-Madrid (España)

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