[Fiware-legal] Governance Model FI PPP Rev. 6

Schweppe, Kathrin kathrin.schweppe at sap.com
Wed Mar 13 17:04:58 CET 2013

Dear Juanjo,

Your wording would explicitly invalidate the entire 12 pages of the entire governance model of the Collaboration Agreement by explicitly excluding that ?

Maybe that was unintentional, either way, this is inacceptable.

The proposed model is insufficient to regulate the entire governance. It is missing really essential rules for governance between the projects, e.g. the responsibilities of each FI PPP participants, rules for voting and composition of Boards etc. I do not think, it is wise to get rid of all of those rules, esp. those who are undisputed, with your wording. I understand the goal here more as some fine tuning of the governance model and not throwing the entire governance model away.

I thought a while about the wording you used regarding mediation. First, I thought it was ok, taking into account the role of the EC foreseen in Rev. 3. However, thinking and analyzing it once more with a changed role of the EC addressing the anti-trust law issues on the EIB, it appeared to me, that a dispute with the EC could appear under this governance model. Dispute resolution with the EC in a FP 7 project is regulated in the Core Grant Agreement S. 9  and with mediation regarding the Governance model for the EIB. The Grant Agreement says clearly that dispute resolution is before the competent court of Brussels without any possibility of mediation with the EC. Having these rules in mind, I doubt, that the EC is accepting mediation on matters of the EIB and they will regard the wording, in so far as it is binding the EC, as invalid. As my proposed wording is emphasizing the choice of the partners regarding mediation, meaning in essence the same as the old wording, it avoids confusion regarding the disputes with the EC.

Thanks for your understanding,


Kathrin Schweppe, LL.M.
Legal Counsel
Global Legal
Dietmar-Hopp-Allee 16
69190 Walldorf, Germany
T +49 6227 7-64369
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E kathrin.schweppe at sap.com<blocked::mailto:nadine.heitmann at sap.com>
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From: Juanjo Hierro [mailto:jhierro at tid.es]
Sent: Mittwoch, 13. März 2013 14:22
To: Schweppe, Kathrin
Cc: 'fiware-pcc at lists.fi-ware.eu' (fiware-pcc at lists.fi-ware.eu) (fiware-pcc at lists.fi-ware.eu); fiware-ga at lists.fi-ware.eu; Neidecker-Lutz, Burkhard; 'fiware-legal at lists.fi-ware.eu' (fiware-legal at lists.fi-ware.eu)
Subject: Re: Governance Model FI PPP Rev. 6

Dear Kathrin,

  I believe your proposal regarding the prevalence is ok, assuming it is clear that all the DoW has prevalence, not just the fragment of text that will become part of the governance description.   Indeed, I believe it would be better if we say:
The DOW prevails over the Collaboration Agreement. For the avoidance of doubt, where this governance model does not set up rules for the governance between the FI PPP Projects, the Collaboration agreement applies.

  Regarding your proposed changes regarding mediation, I don't understand why you are proposing something different than what we proposed after our PCC confcall on the matter.

  Regarding the other changes you propose, I'm fine with them.   Indeed they are capturing what we proposed last time to David.

  Please clarify me the question on mediation so that I can forward this on behalf of FI-WARE.   Opinions from others are of course welcome.

  Best regards,

-- Juanjo


Product Development and Innovation (PDI) - Telefonica Digital

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On 12/03/13 17:09, Schweppe, Kathrin wrote:
Dear Juanjo,
please find attached SAP's revision. There is still missing  wording regarding the prevalence. I have inserted two sentences regarding the prevalence, which I think are matching a) the Commission's view regarding the prevalence of documents and b) the applicability of the Collaboration Agreement. If we do not include any clarification, this text is a fast track to breach the Collaboration Agreement.
Please note, that David Kennedy did not take over the agreed wording from FI-Ware. He thinks the Project Coordinators and representatives should be only able to decide upon the which  items should be on the agenda of the Steering Board rather than deciding the items themselves. This would make the decision power of the Steering Board pretty toothless. In S. 3.2. I included the same sentence as the mandate of the Steering Board Member. This should be consistent throughout the entire governance model.

Furthermore, the choice of mediation should be the choice of the partners. Please note, that in the case of a dispute between the EC and  a partner, the Grant Agreement  foresees a dispute resolution via the competent court of Brussels. It might be worth to reconsider any wording regarding mediation as the EC, or better their Legal Department could consider the mediation sentences in conflict with the Grant Agreement.

Thanks and best regards,


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