Hi there, In order to be a bit more concrete on what we are expected to fulfill I tell you our current status based on the procedure which is currently online. 1- Apply<mailto:fiware-membership-application at lists.fiware.org> to the Secretary and provide the information required by the BoD; and --> Never found out what the information required by the BoD is but sent an email to the CC address, which you can see in the bottom of this chain of emails. So, what is the information required by the BoD? 2- Sign the Adherence Agreement (to be sent in response to your application); and --> Waiting for it, I guess. 3- Adhere to the FIWARE Foundation Code of Conduct<https://www.fiware.org/foundation/code-of-conduct/> and the FIWARE Foundation Fee Code<https://www.fiware.org/foundation/fee-code/> --> How? Just let me know Thanks again. Miguel. De: Stefano De Panfilis Enviado el: viernes, 25 de noviembre de 2016 16:12 Para: JUAN JOSE HIERRO SUREDA CC: fiware-membership-application at lists.fiware.org; Miguel García Asunto: Re: Membership application of Zabala Innovation Consulting S.A. Dear Juanjo, I think your can send the ma. It is now agreed. I'm with mobile now so no doc with me ... Ciao Stefano Il 25 Nov 2016 15:28, "Juanjo Hierro" <juanjose.hierro at telefonica.com<mailto:juanjose.hierro at telefonica.com>> ha scritto: Hi, Currently there is already a formal procedure, check: http://fiware.org/foundation/join Howeer, we will soon publish a form to facilitate the process. If you could wait a couple of days, it will be up and running. Cheers, -- Juanjo On 25/11/2016 15:01, Miguel García wrote: Hi Stefano, Juanjo, So far got no feedback on any formal procedure. Should I wait for after the summit? Best! De: Miguel García Enviado el: martes, 08 de noviembre de 2016 16:11 Para: 'fiware-membership-application at lists.fiware.org<mailto:fiware-membership-application at lists.fiware.org>' Asunto: Membership application of Zabala Innovation Consulting S.A. Dear all, I’m glad to inform about the interest of Zabala Innovation Consulting, S.A. to join the FIWARE Foundation as Gold Member. I’ll be glad if you could inform us about the paperwork needed in order to join the Foundation. Thanks for your response and regards. Miguel García R&D and innovation consultant Zabala Innovation Consulting | 30 years! 1986-2016 Paseo Santxiki, 3 bis · E-31192 Mutilva (Navarra) – Spain T (+34) 948 198 000<tel:%28%2B34%29%20948%20198%20000> www.zabala.es<http://www.zabala.es/> | New website! Twitter<https://www.twitter.com/Zabala_IC> | LinkedIn<https://www.linkedin.com/company/zabala-innovation-consulting-s-a-> This information is confidential. +INFO:LOPD<http://www.zabala.es/es/aviso-legal-email> P Please, consider the environment before printing. -- ______________________________________________________ Coordinator and Chief Architect, FIWARE platform IoT Unit, Telefónica email: juanjose.hierro at telefonica.com<mailto:juanjose.hierro at telefonica.com> twitter: @JuanjoHierro You can follow FIWARE at: website: http://www.fiware.org twitter: @FIWARE facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/FI-WARE/251366491587242 linkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/groups/FIWARE-4239932 -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: <https://lists.fiware.org/private/fiware-membership-application/attachments/20161201/626c8901/attachment.html>
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