Hi, I still have questions and need clarification about IDL proposed by eProsima. 1. Originally I understood that eProsima's proposal is *modified* OMG IDL and as such is not compatible with the original one. But in last meeting there was a statement that besides renaming sequence to list and interface to service it is fully compatible to OMG IDL. Please give a clear statement what are the changes. For example you have this syntax in your spec: @Annotation MyAnnotation { attribute string my_annotation_member_1; // ... }; However, I found following annotation example for OMG IDL in Internet: @Annotation local interface Key { attribute boolean value default true; }; The syntax is different. 2. I need to know how to annotate services, operations/functions, return types and arguments. I provide here examples in our IDL syntax: namespace * enc // HTTPPort annotates the 'enc' service with argument 8080 [HTTPPort(8080)] service enc { // Function ping is annotated with Oneway and Encrypted annotations // without parameters [Oneway, Encrypted] void ping() // In function saveString Argument s of type string // is annotated with annotation OptionallyEncrypted without // parameters void saveString(string fileName, [OptionallyEncrypted] string s) // Return type of function loadString is annotated with // annotation OptionallyEncrypted without parameters string [OptionallyEncrypted] loadString(string fileName) } I also expect that you can annotate a namespace entity that you proposed. 3. For me is not clear why support of multiple IDL's require additional transformation tools. When I look to the design of the latest rtiddsgen 2 (http://community.rti.com/rti-doc/510/ndds/doc/rtiddsgen2/RTI_rtiddsgen_architecture.pptx) there is a separation between parser's Raw Tree and AST Tree. Code generator is working on the AST tree and not on Parser's Raw Tree tree. Having another plug-in parser generating same in-memory representation would avoid making text-to-text transformation. I have same separation, just my tree is not fully AST based. Also I need to notice that in order to support dynamic functionality from DFKI proposal we need to have IDL representation in memory, which I can convert back to the IDL. Best, Dmitri
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