[Fiware-middleware] DFKI Thrift-based IDL Proposal

Philipp Slusallek philipp.slusallek at dfki.de
Tue Oct 21 22:32:14 CEST 2014

Hi all,

What Dmitri has provided is a clear and concise summary of what we have
changed from the current Thrift version. These are the features that we
need in the new IDL. [BTW, it also show that our proposal is very close
to the Thrift standard and almost completely backwards compatible (and
easily can be made completely compatible).]

Since we do not have a description of the proposal (OMG-based IDl) from
Jaime yet, he has formulated the changes with respect to the only thing
that makes sense for us.

I believe it should be trivial for anyone familiar with OMG IDL (and in
particular with the changed version that has been proposed but where we
still do not know what the changes really are) to check if suitable
features are supported or not, and think about ways to achieve them.

Jaime is in a much better position to do that then we are. Ideally, he
can start with Dmitri's document and can include any needed features
directly into his proposal as part of the joint document we wanted to

So, I cannot see anything that Dmitri might have done "wrong" (other
than that some people seem to be allergic to the string "Thrift", which
is becoming a bit bizarre -- to tell the truth :-).



Am 21.10.2014 um 15:11 schrieb Thomas Michael Bohnert:
> HI Dimitry,
> The starting point will be OMG IDL 3.5. You will sooner or later have to
> get familiar with it.
> Please adhere to that decision and use the time to get into the topic.
> If you need some more time to study it please let me know.
> I will have a look into what you have provided but we will not start
> from a Thrift foundation.
> Thanks for your cooperation,
> Thomas
> On 10/21/2014 03:05 PM, Dmitri Rubinstein wrote:
>> Hi Thomas,
>> On 10/21/14 14:40, Thomas Michael Bohnert wrote:
>>> Dimitri,
>>> Sorry, but then this is beyond was what requested yesterday.
>>> Thanks for your contribution but we wont consider it.HI
>>> Please read the minutes again and start from the OMG-IDL 3.5.
>> This is just impossible, since first of all we are not experts in
>> OMG-IDL. In order to fulfill your task I need not just to see a OMG-IDL
>> grammar but usage examples for any feature. Thrift provides them as a
>> part of tutorial and test suite, and I refer to them in my text. It is
>> hard to me to find similar OMG IDL examples online.
>> Also because of this Philipp requested yesterday a link to the OMG IDL
>> 3.5 PDF, and I requested answers to my questions regarding annotation
>> examples. What I mean is when somebody would like to convince us to use
>> OMG IDL then they should show how our features described in Thrift IDL
>> will be expressed in OMG IDL.
>> IMHO it does not really matter which spec I use as a foundation since  I
>> describe differences together with examples. Also I documented features
>> that AFAIK are missing in OMG IDL (2.5 Unused Thrift features) but are
>> available in Thrift.
>> Best,
>> Dmitri
>>> Best - Thomas
>>> On 10/21/2014 02:26 PM, Dmitri Rubinstein wrote:
>>>> No, our starting point is Thrift IDL, and I describe all differences
>>>> including a justification. Task with OMG IDL as foundation is
>>>> eProsima's
>>>> task, since they are experts in OMG IDL.
>>>> https://docs.google.com/document/d/1a0pttnIaHX6aGvCqvostEm8iB1n1hHD7vg7JxbfNe5Y/edit:
>>>> Deadline Thu EOB
>>>>      Joined document that describes the new IDL
>>>>      Features that have been dropped out of OMG (ePros)
>>>>        Including a justification
>>>>      Features that are proposed by Thrift (DFKI)
>>>>        Including a justification
>>>>        In particular related to features that are required by KIARA
>>>> innovations
>>>> Best,
>>>> Dmitri
>>>> On 10/21/14 14:16, Thomas Michael Bohnert wrote:
>>>>> Dimitry,
>>>>> Thanks - just one question. Is this starting from the OMG IDL as
>>>>> foundation?
>>>>> I assume so since this was the task to complete.
>>>>> Best - Thomas
>>>>> On 10/21/2014 02:13 PM, Dmitri Rubinstein wrote:
>>>>>> Hi all,
>>>>>> as discussed in the last meeting I put here information about our IDL
>>>>>> proposal. When final document appears online I will copy this text
>>>>>> to it.
>>>>>> 1. KIARA/DFKI IDL is based on Apache Thrift IDL, with the grammar
>>>>>> available here:
>>>>>> https://thrift.apache.org/docs/idl
>>>>>> Our grammar is available here:
>>>>>> https://forge.fi-ware.org/plugins/mediawiki/wiki/fi-ware-private/index.php/Middleware_-_KIARA_-_User_and_Programmers_Guide#KIARA_Interface_definition_language
>>>>>> Note: our goal was not to keep a full backwards compatibility with
>>>>>> Thrift, but to modify a grammar only when necessary. Still
>>>>>> technically
>>>>>> we can be backwards compatible (we can parse already *existing*
>>>>>> Thrift
>>>>>> IDL files), since we avoided to remove any functionality from Thrift
>>>>>> (only 'oneway' keyword was removed, see below). However, this was not
>>>>>> tested yet.
>>>>>> 2. We did following modifications:
>>>>>> 2.1 Base types
>>>>>> 2.1.1 Added unsigned types missing in Thrift: u8, u16, u32, u64
>>>>>> 2.1.2 Renamed bool to boolean, byte to i8 (signed byte).
>>>>>> 'boolean' is used more frequently than 'bool' in other IDLs. We can
>>>>>> switch back to 'bool' if desired.
>>>>>> 'byte' as a signed integer is not consistent with names of other
>>>>>> signed
>>>>>> integers (i16, i32, i64). We can switch back to 'byte' as signed
>>>>>> 8-bit
>>>>>> integer and use 'ubyte' as unsigned 8-bit integer if desired.
>>>>>> A comparison table for basic types for DFKI/KIARA, CORBA, Thrift,
>>>>>> etc.
>>>>>> is here:
>>>>>> https://forge.fi-ware.org/plugins/mediawiki/wiki/fi-ware-private/index.php/Middleware_-_KIARA_-_User_and_Programmers_Guide#Primitive_types
>>>>>> 2.2 Annotations
>>>>>> The official Thirft grammar available on the web (see link above)
>>>>>> *does
>>>>>> not* contain flexible annotation syntax. There is an annotation
>>>>>> support
>>>>>> available in the latest Thrift version:
>>>>>> https://github.com/apache/thrift/blob/master/test/AnnotationTest.thrift
>>>>>> However, annotations are limited to key-value pairs and even more
>>>>>> important: seems that function arguments and return types can't be
>>>>>> annotated, there are at least no examples.
>>>>>> Instead of using Thrift annotations we decided to introduce a
>>>>>> different
>>>>>> syntax inspired by WebIDL:
>>>>>> http://www.w3.org/TR/WebIDL/#idl-extended-attributes.
>>>>>> 2.2.1 Added syntax for defining custom annotations, similar to
>>>>>> structs
>>>>>> and exceptions:
>>>>>> annotation HTTPPort {
>>>>>>       i32 port = 80
>>>>>> }
>>>>>> 2.2.2 Added ability to annotate following entities: services, service
>>>>>> functions, return types of service functions, arguments of service
>>>>>> functions. We need this especially for security-related features. For
>>>>>> example:
>>>>>> namespace * enc
>>>>>> // HTTPPort annotates the 'enc' service with argument 8080
>>>>>> [HTTPPort(8080)]
>>>>>> service enc {
>>>>>>         // Function ping is annotated with Oneway and Encrypted
>>>>>> annotations
>>>>>>         // without parameters
>>>>>>         [Oneway, Encrypted]
>>>>>>         void ping()
>>>>>>         // In function saveString Argument s of type string
>>>>>>         // is annotated with annotation OptionallyEncrypted without
>>>>>>         // parameters
>>>>>>         void saveString(string fileName, [OptionallyEncrypted]
>>>>>> string s)
>>>>>>         // Return type of function loadString is annotated with
>>>>>>         // annotation OptionallyEncrypted without parameters
>>>>>>         string [OptionallyEncrypted] loadString(string fileName)
>>>>>> }
>>>>>> Also see our documentation:
>>>>>> https://forge.fi-ware.org/plugins/mediawiki/wiki/fi-ware-private/index.php/Middleware_-_KIARA_-_User_and_Programmers_Guide#Functions_2
>>>>>> 2.3 Generic types
>>>>>> Original Thrift IDL supports following predefined container types:
>>>>>> list<T>, map<T1,T2>, and set<T>. We decided to extend this syntax to
>>>>>> arbitrary generic types: GenericType<T1, T2, ..., Tn> where Ti can be
>>>>>> either type or constant. In this way we can support types like
>>>>>> bounded
>>>>>> arrays but still keep backwards compatibility with the original
>>>>>> syntax:
>>>>>> array< i32, 2> // bounded array of size 2
>>>>>> array< i32, array< i32, 4> > // two-dimensional array
>>>>>> 2.4 Removed Thrift features
>>>>>> We removed 'oneway' keyword from Thrift because we can use annotation
>>>>>> Oneway:
>>>>>> Original Thrift:
>>>>>> service Test {
>>>>>>       oneway void zip()
>>>>>> }
>>>>>> Our grammar:
>>>>>> service Test {
>>>>>>       [Oneway] void ping()
>>>>>> }
>>>>>> If backwards-compatibility to Thrift is desired we can try to support
>>>>>> both styles.
>>>>>> 2.5 Unused Thrift features
>>>>>> We currently parse but ignore following Thrift features that are
>>>>>> missing
>>>>>> in OMG IDL:
>>>>>> Struct fields can have optional integer identifier.
>>>>>> Struct fields can be 'required' or 'optional'.
>>>>>> 2.6 Planned extensions
>>>>>> Thrift does not provide entity like CORBA's 'module'. The namespace
>>>>>> keyword used by Thrift only allow to specify namespace in the
>>>>>> generated
>>>>>> code. We plan to add module NAME { ... } entity in order to provide
>>>>>> support for nested IDL namespaces as well as annotations per module.
>>>>>> Best,
>>>>>> Dmitri
>>>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>>>> Fiware-middleware mailing list
>>>>>> Fiware-middleware at lists.fi-ware.org
>>>>>> https://lists.fi-ware.org/listinfo/fiware-middleware


Deutsches Forschungszentrum für Künstliche Intelligenz (DFKI) GmbH
Trippstadter Strasse 122, D-67663 Kaiserslautern

  Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Wolfgang Wahlster (Vorsitzender)
  Dr. Walter Olthoff
Vorsitzender des Aufsichtsrats:
  Prof. Dr. h.c. Hans A. Aukes

Sitz der Gesellschaft: Kaiserslautern (HRB 2313)
USt-Id.Nr.: DE 148646973, Steuernummer:  19/673/0060/3
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