[Fiware-miwi] miwi GE infos (Fwd: [Fiware] QUITE IMPORTANT AND URGENT: RE: GEs to discuss in the review meeting)

Toni Alatalo toni at playsign.net
Sat Dec 14 14:54:33 CET 2013

Was just wondering about this — is this simply due to WP13 GEs not having been part of any official fi-ware release yet?

Or is something missing about the status of our GEs? Many of them are already available in work-in-progress pre-release mode, on github. Just wanted to mention Christof that if you need help in gathering MIWI GE status, links to the source codes and info about commercial exploitation etc. we can quite easily do that. And demo links ofc.

For example, CIEs POI backend:
GE is available from https://github.com/Chiru/WeX/tree/master/poi
and live demo at http://chiru.cie.fi/FI-WARE/demos/POI/map_demo/

etc. for almost all MIWI GEs. But right now I’m afraid that info is not gathered anywhere (that demo link for what the guys showed at the F2F I asked and got by private email) — would be good to have in the wiki in any case I figure.


Begin forwarded message:

> From: Juanjo Hierro <jhierro at tid.es>
> Subject: [Fiware] QUITE IMPORTANT AND URGENT: RE: GEs to discuss in the	review meeting
> Date: 13 Dec 2013 22:49:49 GMT+2
> To: "fiware at lists.fi-ware.eu" <fiware at lists.fi-ware.eu>
> Dear FI-WARE GEi owners,
>   We have got a very clear response from our PO, Arian Zweger, about what are the concrete GEis which are going to be particularly questioned during the month 30 project review next week.
>   Please react accordingly so that:
> you provide your WPL the necessary information that will allow him to answer any potential question at the review; or
> let us know INMEDIATELY whether you will attend the meeting personally, as to be able to respond any questions directly
>   Note that, regarding the first set of GEis, Arian mentions that the EC and reviewers wish to explore whether it is worthwhile to continue funding development.
>   Some questions that I wouldn't be surprised if the PO/reviewers make:
> What are your commercial plans around the GEis beyond the FI-PPP ? 
> (for those cases were the GEi is not being offered as open source): what are the FRAND terms under which you plan to deliver your GEi beyond the FI-PPP ?
> If you are not involved in any proposal focused on continuation of the Technology Foundation (FI-WARE) ... how do you plan to provide lab support of your GEi to SMEs in phase 3 or even UC projects in phase 2 trials ?    How doy you plan to provide level 1 and 2 support of you GEi if deployed on FI-Lab ?
>   Besides this, there are a number of questions regarding GEis in several chapters that WPLs/WPAs should prepare a response for.
>   For those who didn't follow the details about the next month 30 project review, these are the logistics:
> Reharsal: Rehearsal: 16-17/Dec. Telefónica’s office (Avenue des Arts, 20).The meeting will start at 11:15-12:00 on Monday.
> Review: 18th December 2013, avenue de Beaulieu BU25 0/S2
> agenda of the review:https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AmxBgS-lWT4vdDB6NXJzMHVubDg1Zko5VG5BbzAzSnc#gid=0 
>   Best regards,
> -- Juanjo Hierro
> P.D.: A note about the list below ... apartently, the DCA GEi was in the list because of an inconsistent message in the catalogue (it was mentioned that the product was going to be licensed as open source while at the same time it was stated that it could be used under certain terms and conditions).   This has already been fixed.
> -------------
> Product Development and Innovation (PDI) - Telefonica Digital
> website: www.tid.es
> email: jhierro at tid.es
> twitter: twitter.com/JuanjoHierro
> FI-WARE (European Future Internet Core Platform) Coordinator 
> and Chief Architect
> FI-PPP Architecture Board chairman
> You can follow FI-WARE at:
>   website:  http://www.fi-ware.eu
>   facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/FI-WARE/251366491587242
>   twitter:  http://twitter.com/FIware
>   linkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/groups/FIWARE-4239932
> -------- Original Message --------
> Subject:	RE: GEs to discuss in the review meeting
> Date:	Fri, 13 Dec 2013 14:33:44 +0000
> From:	<Arian.ZWEGERS at ec.europa.eu>
> To:	<mcp at tid.es>
> CC:	<jhierro at tid.es>, <CNECT-ICT-285248 at ec.europa.eu>
> Dear Miguel,
> As requested, please find a list below.
> The question for the first group is whether it is worthwhile to continue funding development of:
> - Data Chapter
>                 - Compressed Domain Video Analysis, Codoan / Siemens
>                 - Metadata Preprocessing, MetadataProcessor / Siemens
>                 - Media-enhanced Query Broker, QueryBroker / Siemens
> - Apps Chapter
>                 - (Service Composition, Ericsson Composition Editor (ECE) / Ericsson)
>                 - Service Mashup, Mashup Factory / DT
>                 - Mediator, Mediator_TI / Telecom Italia
> - IoT Chapter
>                 - (Backend) Configuration Management, IoT Discovery - UNIS
>                 - (Backend) IoT Broker, IoT Broker - NEC
>                 - (Backend) Device Management, IDAS DCA - TID
>                 - (Gateway) Protocol Adapter, ZPA / Telecom Italia /  EPCGE / Orange
> - Security Chapter
>                 - Security Monitoring / Android Vulnerability Assessment, Ovaldroid / Inria
>                 - Identity Management, GCP / DT
>                 - Identity Management, One-IDM / NSN
>                 - Identity Management, DigitalSelf / NSN
>                 - Malware Detection Service (Opt), Morphus / Inria
> - I2ND Chapter
>                 - Cloud Proxy
>                 - (I2ND) Network Information and Control (NetIC-VNP), Altoclient/ALU-D
>                 - (I2ND) Network Information and Control (NetIC-OFNIC), VNP/NSN
>                 - (I2ND) Network Information and Control (NetIC-altoclient), VNEIC/ALU-I
>                 - (I2ND) Service Connectivity Capability and Control (S3C), S3C / DT
> - Tools
>                 - Trace Analyzer, IBM Israel
> Then there are specific questions for the second group:
> - Cloud Chapter
>                 - Why having a DCRM by IBM and one by Intel? Differences?
>                 - Object Storage GEi by IBM:?? Status?
>                 - Edgelets Manager by Thales: not in the Catalogue?
> - Data Chapter
>                 - UDA – unstructured data analysis by ATOS?? Status?
> - Apps Chapter
>                 - Relation Mediator_TI by Telecom Italia and SETHA2 by Thales?
> - IoT Chapter
>                 - (Gateway) Device Management, Gateway Device Management / Franhoufer: not in the Catalogue?
>                 - Test and evaluation server environment for NGSI by SAP?? Status?
>                 - Template Handler by SAP?? Status?
> - Security Chapter
>                 - KeyRock by UPM?? Status?
>                 - Access Proxy by UPM?? Status?
> - MiWi Chapter
>                 - Where are Advanced Middleware, 2D-UI, 3D-UI, Synchronization, Cloud Rendering, Display as a Service, GIS Data Provider, POI Data Provider, 2D-3D-Capture, Augmented Reality, Real-Virtual Interaction, Virtual Character, Interface Designer? Status?
> Best regards,
> Arian
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