[Fiware-miwi] Missing GE definitions in the tracker

Christof Marti mach at zhaw.ch
Fri Nov 22 12:53:18 CET 2013


All the Generic Enabler’s are now available in the tracker.
Please update your existing entries to the correct GE.

InIT Cloud Computing Lab - ICCLab http://cloudcomp.ch
Institut of Applied Information Technology - InIT
Zurich University of Applied Sciences - ZHAW
School of Engineering 
Phone: +41 58 934 70 63
Skype: christof-marti

Am 22.11.2013 um 12:02 schrieb Christof Marti <mach at zhaw.ch>:

> HI Jarkko
> Sorry. My mistake. I have to add the GEs to the tracker.
> Will do this asap and send you an email, when done.
> Christof
> Am 22.11.2013 um 11:50 schrieb Jarkko Vatjus-Anttila <jarkko at cyberlightning.com>:
>> When feeding new data into the tracker, the GE list does not contain our GEs, but instead only "General" and "middleware". Shall we pick either one of those, or should someone define collectively our GEs somewhere? I trust we cannot create new GEs for this list, am I right?
>> -- 
>> Jarkko Vatjus-Anttila
>> VP, Technology
>> Cyberlightning Ltd.
>> mobile. +358 405245142
>> email. jarkko at cyberlightning.com
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