[Fiware-miwi] 13:00 meeting location: CIE (Re: Oulu meet today 13:00)

Philipp Slusallek Philipp.Slusallek at dfki.de
Fri Oct 25 10:28:52 CEST 2013


With interaction I mean the user interaction. Yes, it eventually gets 
mapped to REST (or such) calls to the device. But how you map the device 
functionality to user interaction is a big step where different 
applicatios will have very different assumptions and interaction 
metaphors. Mapping them all to ageneric sensor model seems very difficult.

Using a sematic annotation avoid having to create such a mapping when 
you design the sensor, avoid having to store the model on each sonsor, 
and pushes the mapping to the software/application side,which is (in my 
opinion) in a much better option to decide on that mapping. A fallback 
mapping may still be provided by the sensor for the most basic cases.



Am 25.10.2013 09:05, schrieb Tomi Sarni:
> /It becomes more of an issue when we talk about interactivity, when the
> visual representation needs to react to user input in a way that is
> consistent with the application and calls functionality in the
> application. In other words, you have to do a mapping from the sensor to
> the application at some point along the pipeline (and back for actions
> to be performed by an actuator)./
> Currently when a client polls a device(containing sensor and/or
> actuators) it will receive all interaction options that available for
> the  particular sensor or actuator. These options can be then accessed
> by a HTTP POST method from the service. So there is the logical mapping.
> I can see your point though, in a way it would seem logical to have that
> XML3D model to contain states (e.g. button up and button down 3d model
> states), and i have no idea whether this is supported by XML3D, as i
> have been busy on server/sensor side.  This way when a sensor is being
> accesses by HTTP POST call to change state to either on or off for
> instance, the XML3D model could contain transition logic to change
> appearance from one state to another. Alternatively there can be two
> models for two states. When the actuator is being queried it will return
> model that corresponds to its current state.
> On Fri, Oct 25, 2013 at 9:29 AM, Philipp Slusallek
> <Philipp.Slusallek at dfki.de <mailto:Philipp.Slusallek at dfki.de>> wrote:
>     Hi Tomi,
>     Yes, this is definitely an interesting option and when sensors offer
>     REST-ful interfaces, it should be almost trivial to add (once a
>     suitable and standardized way of how to find that data is specified.
>     At least it would provide a kind of default visualization in case no
>     other is available.
>     It becomes more of an issue when we talk about interactivity, when
>     the visual representation needs to react to user input in a way that
>     is consistent with the application and calls functionality in the
>     application. In other words, you have to do a mapping from the
>     sensor to the application at some point along the pipeline (and back
>     for actions to be performed by an actuator).
>     Either we specify the sensor type through some semantic means (a
>     simple tag in the simplest case, a full RDF/a graph in the best
>     case) and let the application choose how to represent it or we need
>     to find a way to map generic behavior of a default object to
>     application functionality. The first seems much easier to me as
>     application functionality is likely to vary much more than sensor
>     functionality. And semantic sensor description have been worked on
>     for a long time and are available on the market.
>     Of course, there are hybrid methods as well: A simple one would be
>     to include a URI/URL to a default model in the semantic sensor
>     description that then gets loaded either from the sensor through
>     REST (given some namespace there) or via the Web (again using some
>     namespace or search strategy). Then the application can always
>     inject its own mapping to what it thinks is the best mapping.
>     Best,
>              Philipp
>     Am 25.10.2013 07:52, schrieb Tomi Sarni:
>         *Following is completely on theoretical level:*
>         To mix things a little further i've been thinking about a
>         possibility to
>         store visual representation of sensors within the sensors
>         themselves.
>         Many sensor types allow HTTP POST/GET or even PUT/DELETE methods
>         (wrapped in SNMP/CoAP communication protocols for instance) which in
>         theory would allow sensor  subscribers to also publish
>         information in
>         sensors (e.g. upload an xml3d model). This approach could be
>         useful in
>         cases where these sensors would have different purposes of use.
>         But the
>         sensor may have very little space to use for the model from up
>         8-18 KB.
>         Also the web service can attach the models to IDs through use of
>         data
>         base. This is really just a pointer, perhaps there would be
>         use-cases
>         where the sensor visualization could be stored within the sensor
>         itself,
>         i think specifically some AR solutions could benefit from this.
>         But do
>         not let this mix up things, this perhaps reinforces the fact
>         that there
>         need to be overlaying middleware services that attach visual
>         representation based on their own needs. One service could use
>         different
>         3d representation for temperature sensor than another one.
>         On Thu, Oct 24, 2013 at 9:49 PM, Philipp Slusallek
>         <Philipp.Slusallek at dfki.de <mailto:Philipp.Slusallek at dfki.de>
>         <mailto:Philipp.Slusallek at __dfki.de
>         <mailto:Philipp.Slusallek at dfki.de>>> wrote:
>              Hi,
>              OK, now I get it. This does make sense -- at least in a local
>              scenario, where the POI data (in this example) needs to be
>         stored
>              somewhere anyway and storing it in a component and then
>         generating
>              the appropriate visual component does make sense. Using web
>              components or a similar mechanism we could actually do the
>         same via
>              the DOM (as discussed for the general ECA sync before).
>              But even then you might actually not want to store all the
>         POI data
>              but only the part that really matter to the application
>         (there may
>              be much more data -- maybe not for POIs but potentially for
>         other
>              things).
>              Also in a distributed scenario, I am not so sure. In that
>         case you
>              might want to do that mapping on the server and only sync the
>              resulting data, maybe with reference back so you can still
>         interact
>              with the original data through a service call. That is the main
>              reason why I in general think of POI data and POI
>         representation as
>              separate entities.
>              Regarding terminology, I think it does make sense to
>         differntiate
>              between the 3D scene and the application state (that is not
>         directly
>              influencing the 3D rendering and interaction). While you
>         store them
>              within the same data entity (but in different components), they
>              still refer to quite different things and are operated on by
>              different parts of you program (e.g. the renderer only ever
>         touches
>              the "scene" data). We do the same within the XML3D core,
>         where we
>              attach renderer-specific data to DOM nodes and I believe
>         three.js
>              also does something similar within its data structures. At
>         the end,
>              you have to store these things somewhere and there are only
>         so many
>              way to implement it. The differences are not really that big.
>              Best,
>                       Philipp
>              Am 24.10.2013 19:24, schrieb Toni Alatalo:
>                  On 24 Oct 2013, at 19:24, Philipp Slusallek
>                  <Philipp.Slusallek at dfki.de
>         <mailto:Philipp.Slusallek at dfki.de>
>         <mailto:Philipp.Slusallek at __dfki.de
>         <mailto:Philipp.Slusallek at dfki.de>>
>                  <mailto:Philipp.Slusallek@
>         <mailto:Philipp.Slusallek@>__df__ki.de <http://dfki.de>
>                  <mailto:Philipp.Slusallek at __dfki.de
>         <mailto:Philipp.Slusallek at dfki.de>>>> wrote:
>                      Good discussion!
>                  I find so too — thanks for the questions and comments
>         and all! Now
>                  briefly about just one point:
>                      Am 24.10.2013 17:37, schrieb Toni Alatalo:
>                          integrates to the scene system too - for
>         example if a
>                          scene server
>                          queries POI services, does it then only use the
>         data to
>                          manipulate
>                          the scene using other non-POI components, or
>         does it
>                          often make sense
>                          also to include POI components in the scene so
>         that the
>                          clients get
>                          it too automatically with the scene sync and
>         can for
>                          example provide
>                          POI specific GUI tools. Ofc clients can query POI
>                          services directly
>                          too but this server centric setup is also one
>         scenario
>                          and there the
>                          scene integration might make sense.
>                      But I would say that there is a clear distinction
>         between
>                      the POI data
>                      (which you query from some service) and the
>         visualization or
>                      representation of the POI data. Maybe you are more
>         talking
>                      about the
>                      latter here. However, there really is an application
>                      dependent mapping
>                      from the POI data to its representation. Each
>         application
>                      may choose
>                      to present the same POI data in very different way
>         and its
>                      only this
>                      resulting representation that becomes part of the
>         scene.
>                  No I was not talking about visualization or
>         representations here
>                  but the
>                  POI data.
>                  non-POI in the above tried to refer to the whole which
>         covers
>                  visualisations etc :)
>                  Your last sentence may help to understand the confusion: in
>                  these posts
>                  I’ve been using the reX entity system terminology only
>         — hoping
>                  that it
>                  is clear to discuss that way and not mix terms (like
>         I’ve tried
>                  to do in
>                  some other threads).
>                  There ‘scene’ does not refer to a visual / graphical or any
>                  other type
>                  of scene. It does not refer to e.g. something like what
>         xml3d.js and
>                  three.js, or ogre, have as their Scene objects.
>                  It simply means the collection of all entities. There it is
>                  perfectly
>                  valid to any kind of data which does not end up to e.g. the
>                  visual scene
>                  — many components are like that.
>                  So in the above ‘only use the data to manipulate the
>         scene using
>                  other
>                  non-POI components’ was referring to for example
>         creation of Mesh
>                  components if some POI is to be visualised that way.
>         The mapping
>                  that
>                  you were discussing.
>                  But my point was not about that but about the POI data
>         itself —
>                  and the
>                  example about some end user GUI with a widget that
>         manipulates
>                  it. So it
>                  then gets automatically synchronised along with all the
>         other
>                  data in
>                  the application in a collaborative setting etc.
>                  Stepping out of the previous terminology, we could perhaps
>                  translate:
>                  ‘scene’ -> ‘application state’ and ‘scene server’ ->
>                  ‘synchronization
>                  server’.
>                  I hope this clarifies something — my apologies if not..
>                  Cheers,
>                  ~Toni
>                  P.S. i sent the previous post from a foreign device and
>         accidentally
>                  with my gmail address as sender so it didn’t make it to
>         the list
>                  — so
>                  thank you for quoting it in full so I don’t think we
>         need to
>                  repost that :)
>                      This is essentially the Mapping stage of the well-known
>                      Visualization
>                      pipeline
>         (http://www.infovis-wiki.net/____index.php/Visualization_____Pipeline
>         <http://www.infovis-wiki.net/__index.php/Visualization___Pipeline>
>         <http://www.infovis-wiki.net/__index.php/Visualization___Pipeline <http://www.infovis-wiki.net/index.php/Visualization_Pipeline>>),
>                      except
>                      that here we also map interaction aspects to an
>         abstract scene
>                      description (XML3D) first, which then performs the
>         rendering and
>                      interaction. So you can think of this as an additional
>                      "Scene" stage
>                      between "Mapping" and "Rendering".
>                          I think this is a different topic, but also with
>                          real-virtual
>                          interaction for example how to facilitate nice
>         simple
>                          authoring of
>                          the e.g. real-virtual object mappings seems a
>         fruitful
>                          enough angle
>                          to think a bit, perhaps as a case to help in
>                          understanding the entity
>                          system & the different servers etc. For example
>         if there's a
>                          component type 'real world link', the Interface
>         Designer
>                          GUI shows it
>                          automatically in the list of components, ppl
>         can just
>                          add them to
>                          their scenes and somehow then the system just
>         works..
>                      I am not sure what you are getting at. But it would
>         be great
>                      if the
>                      Interface Designer would allow to choose such POI
>         mappings
>                      from a
>                      predegined catalog. It seems that Xflow can be used
>         nicely for
>                      generating the mapped scene elements from some
>         input data,
>                      e.g. using
>                      the same approach we use to provide basic
>         primitives like
>                      cubes or
>                      spheres in XML3D. Here they are not fixed, build-in
>         tags as
>                      in X3D but
>                      can actually be added by the developer as it best fits.
>                      For generating more complex subgraphs we may have
>         to extend the
>                      current Xflow implementation. But its at least a great
>                      starting point
>                      to experiment with it. Experiments and feedback
>         would be
>                      very welcome
>                      here.
>                          I don't think these discussions are now hurt by us
>                          (currently) having
>                          alternative renderers - the entity system,
>         formats, sync
>                          and the
>                          overall architecture is the same anyway.
>                      Well, some things only work in one and others only
>         in the other
>                      branch. So the above mechanism could not be used to
>                      visualize POIs in
>                      the three.js branch but we do not have all the
>         features to
>                      visualize
>                      Oulu (or whatever city) in the XML3D.js branch. This
>                      definitely IS
>                      greatly limiting how we can combine the GEs into
>         more complex
>                      applications -- the untimate goal of the orthogonal
>         design
>                      of this
>                      chapter.
>                      And it does not even work within the same chapter.
>         It will
>                      be hard to
>                      explain to Juanjo and others from FI-WARE (or the
>         commission
>                      for that
>                      matter).
>                      BTW, I just learned today that there is a FI-WARE
>         smaller review
>                      coming up soon. Let's see if we already have to present
>                      things there.
>                      So far they have not explicitly asked us.
>                      Best,
>                      Philipp
>                          -Toni
>                               From an XML3D POV things could actually be
>         quite
>                              "easy". It should
>                              be rather simple to directly interface to
>         the IoT
>                              GEs of FI-WARE
>                              through REST via a new Xflow element. This
>         would
>                              then make the data
>                              available through <data> elements. Then you
>         can use
>                              all the features
>                              of Xflow to manipulate the scene based on
>         the data.
>                              For example, we
>                              are discussing building a set of
>         visualization nodes
>                              that implement
>                              common visualization metaphors, such as scatter
>                              plots, animations,
>                              you name it. A new member of the lab
>         starting soon
>                              wants to look
>                              into this area.
>                              For acting on objects we have always used Web
>                              services attached to
>                              the XML3D objects via DOM events. Eventually, I
>                              believe we want a
>                              higher level input handling and processing
>         framework
>                              but no one
>                              knows so far, how this should look like (we
>         have
>                              some ideas but they
>                              are not well baked, any inpu is highly welcome
>                              here). This might or
>                              might not reuse some of the Xflow mechanisms.
>                              But how to implement RealVirtual Interaction is
>                              indeed an intersting
>                              discussion. Getting us all on the same page and
>                              sharing ideas and
>                              implementations is very helpful. Doing this
>         on the
>                              same SW platform
>                              (without the fork that we currently have) would
>                              facilitate a
>                              powerful implementation even more.
>                              Thanks
>                                  Philipp
>                              Am 23.10.2013 08:02, schrieb Tomi Sarni:
>                                  ->Philipp
>                                  /I did not get the idea why POIs are
>         similar to
>                                  ECA. At a very high
>                                  level I see it, but I am not sure what
>         it buys
>                                  us. Can someone sketch
>                                  that picture in some more detail?/
>                                  Well I suppose it becomes relevant at
>         point when
>                                  we are combining our
>                                  GEs together. If the model can be
>         applied in
>                                  level of scene then
>                                  down to
>                                  POI in a scene and further down in
>         sensor level,
>                                  things can be
>                                  more easily visualized. Not just in
>         terms of
>                                  painting 3D models but in
>                                  terms of handling big data as well, more
>                                  specifically handling
>                                  relationships/inheritance. It also
>         makes it easier
>                                  to design a RESTful API as we have a common
>                                  structure which to follow
>                                  and also provides more opportunities
>         for 3rd
>                                  party developers to make
>                                  use of the data for their own purposes.
>                                  For instance
>                                  ->Toni
>                                   From point of sensors, the
>         entity-component becomes
>                                  device-sensors/actuators. A device may
>         have an
>                                  unique identifier and IP
>                                  by which to access it, but it may also
>         contain
>                                  several actuators and
>                                  sensors
>                                  that are components of that  device entity.
>                                  Sensors/actuators
>                                  themselves
>                                  are not aware to whom they are
>         interesting to.
>                                  One client may use the
>                                  sensor information differently to other
>         client.
>                                  Sensor/actuator service
>                                  allows any other service to query using
>                                  request/response method either
>                                  by geo-coordinates (circle,square or
>         complex
>                                  shape queries) or perhaps
>                                  through type+maxresults and service
>         will return
>                                  entities and their
>                                  components
>                                  from which the reqester can form logical
>                                  groups(array of entity uuids)
>                                  and query more detailed information
>         based on
>                                  that logical group.
>                                  I guess there needs to be similar
>         thinking done
>                                  on POI level. I guess
>                                  POI does not know which scene it
>         belongs to. It
>                                  is up to scene
>                                  server to
>                                  form a logical group of POIs (e.g.
>         restaurants
>                                  of oulu 3d city
>                                  model). Then
>                                  again the problem is that scene needs
>         to wait
>                                  for POI to query for
>                                  sensors and form its logical groups
>         before it
>                                  can pass information to
>                                  scene. This can lead to long wait
>         times. But
>                                  this sequencing problem is
>                                  also something
>                                  that could be thought. Anyways this is
>         a common
>                                  problem with everything
>                                  in web at the moment in my opinnion.
>         Services
>                                  become intertwined.
>                                  When a
>                                  client loads a web page there can be
>         queries to
>                                  20 different services
>                                  for advertisment and other stuff. Web page
>                                  handles it by painting stuff
>                                  to the client on receive basis. I think
>         this
>                                  could be applied in Scene
>                                  as well.
>                                  On Wed, Oct 23, 2013 at 8:00 AM,
>         Philipp Slusallek
>                                  <Philipp.Slusallek at dfki.de
>         <mailto:Philipp.Slusallek at dfki.de>
>                                  <mailto:Philipp.Slusallek at __dfki.de
>         <mailto:Philipp.Slusallek at dfki.de>>
>                                  <mailto:Philipp.Slusallek@
>         <mailto:Philipp.Slusallek@>__df__ki.de <http://dfki.de>
>                                  <mailto:Philipp.Slusallek at __dfki.de
>         <mailto:Philipp.Slusallek at dfki.de>>>
>                                  <mailto:Philipp.Slusallek@
>         <mailto:Philipp.Slusallek@>__df__ki.de <http://dfki.de>
>                                  <mailto:Philipp.Slusallek at __dfki.de
>         <mailto:Philipp.Slusallek at dfki.de>>>> wrote:
>                                      Hi,
>                                      First of all, its certainly a good
>         thing to
>                                  also meet locally. I was
>                                      just a bit confused whether that
>         meeting
>                                  somehow would involve us as
>                                      well. Summarizing the results
>         briefly for
>                                  the others would
>                                      definitely be interesting.
>                                      I did not get the idea why POIs are
>         similar
>                                  to ECA. At a very high
>                                      level I see it, but I am not sure
>         what it
>                                  buys us. Can someone
>                                      sketch that picture in some more
>         detail?
>                                      BTW, what is the status with the
>         Rendering
>                                  discussion (Three.js vs.
>                                      xml3d.js)? I still have the feeling
>         that we
>                                  are doing parallel work
>                                      here that should probably be avoided.
>                                      BTW, as part of our shading work
>         (which is
>                                  shaping up nicely) Felix
>                                      has been looking lately at a way to
>         describe
>                                  rendering stages
>                                      (passes) essentially through Xflow.
>         It is
>                                  still very experimental
>                                      but he is using it to implement
>         shadow maps
>                                  right now.
>                                      @Felix: Once this has converged
>         into a bit
>                                  more stable idea, it
>                                      would be good to post this here to get
>                                  feedback. The way we
>                                      discussed it, this approach could
>         form a
>                                  nice basis for a modular
>                                      design of advanced rasterization
>         techniques
>                                  (reflection maps, adv.
>                                      face rendering, SSAO, lens flare, tone
>                                  mapping, etc.), and (later)
>                                      maybe also describe global illumination
>                                  settings (similar to our
>                                      work on LightingNetworks some years
>         ago).
>                                      Best,
>                                               Philipp
>                                      Am 22.10.2013 23:03, schrieb
>         toni at playsign.net <mailto:toni at playsign.net>
>         <mailto:toni at playsign.net <mailto:toni at playsign.net>>
>                                  <mailto:toni at playsign.net
>         <mailto:toni at playsign.net>
>                                  <mailto:toni at playsign.net
>         <mailto:toni at playsign.net>>>
>                                      <mailto:toni at playsign.net
>         <mailto:toni at playsign.net>
>                                  <mailto:toni at playsign.net
>         <mailto:toni at playsign.net>>>:
>                                          Just a brief note: we had some
>                                  interesting preliminary
>                                  discussion
>                                          triggered by how the data
>         schema that
>                                  Ari O. presented for
>                                  the POI
>                                          system seemed at least partly
>         similar to
>                                  what the Real-Virtual
>                                          interaction work had resulted
>         in too --
>                                  and in fact about
>                                  how the
>                                          proposed POI schema was basically a
>                                  version of the
>                                  entity-component
>                                          model which we’ve already been
>         using for
>                                  scenes in realXtend
>                                  (it is
>                                          inspired by / modeled after it, Ari
>                                  told). So it can be much
>                                          related to
>                                          the Scene API work in the
>                                  Synchronization GE too. As the action
>                                          point we
>                                          agreed that Ari will organize a
>         specific
>                                  work session on that.
>                                          I was now thinking that it
>         perhaps at
>                                  least partly leads
>                                  back to the
>                                          question: how do we define (and
>                                  implement) component types. I.e.
>                                          what
>                                          was mentioned in that
>         entity-system post
>                                  a few weeks back (with
>                                          links
>                                          to reX IComponent etc.). I mean: if
>                                  functionality such as
>                                  POIs and
>                                          realworld interaction make sense as
>                                  somehow resulting in
>                                  custom data
>                                          component types, does it mean
>         that a key
>                                  part of the framework
>                                          is a way
>                                          for those systems to declare
>         their types
>                                  .. so that it
>                                          integrates nicely
>                                          for the whole we want? I’m not
>         sure, too
>                                  tired to think it
>                                          through now,
>                                          but anyhow just wanted to
>         mention that
>                                  this was one topic that
>                                          came up.
>                                          I think Web Components is again
>                                  something to check - as in XML
>                                          terms reX
>                                          Components are xml(3d) elements
>         .. just
>                                  ones that are usually in
>                                          a group
>                                          (according to the reX entity
>         <-> xml3d
>                                  group mapping). And Web
>                                          Components are about defining &
>                                  implementing new elements
>                                  (as Erno
>                                          pointed out in a different
>         discussion
>                                  about xml-html authoring
>                                          in the
>                                          session).
>                                          BTW Thanks Kristian for the great
>                                  comments in that entity system
>                                          thread - was really good to
>         learn about
>                                  the alternative
>                                          attribute access
>                                          syntax and the validation in
>         XML3D(.js).
>                                          ~Toni
>                                          P.S. for (Christof &) the DFKI
>         folks:
>                                  I’m sure you
>                                  understand the
>                                          rationale of these Oulu meets
>         -- idea is
>                                  ofc not to exclude you
>                                          from the
>                                          talks but just makes sense for
>         us to
>                                  meet live too as we are in
>                                          the same
>                                          city afterall etc -- naturally
>         with the
>                                  DFKI team you also talk
>                                          there
>                                          locally. Perhaps is a good idea
>         that we
>                                  make notes so that can
>                                          post e.g.
>                                          here then (I’m not volunteering
>         though!
>                                  😜) . Also, the now
>                                  agreed
>                                          bi-weekly setup on Tuesdays luckily
>                                  works  so that we can then
>                                          summarize
>                                          fresh in the global Wed
>         meetings and
>                                  continue the talks etc.
>                                          *From:* Erno Kuusela
>                                          *Sent:* ‎Tuesday‎, ‎October‎
>         ‎22‎, ‎2013
>                                  ‎9‎:‎57‎ ‎AM
>                                          *To:* Fiware-miwi
>                                          Kari from CIE offered to host
>         it this
>                                  time, so see you there at
>                                          13:00.
>                                          Erno
>         _____________________________________________________
>                                          Fiware-miwi mailing list
>         Fiware-miwi at lists.fi-ware.eu <mailto:Fiware-miwi at lists.fi-ware.eu>
>                                  <mailto:Fiware-miwi at lists.fi-__ware.eu
>         <mailto:Fiware-miwi at lists.fi-ware.eu>>
>         <mailto:Fiware-miwi at lists.fi-____ware.eu
>         <mailto:Fiware-miwi at lists.fi-__ware.eu>
>                                  <mailto:Fiware-miwi at lists.fi-__ware.eu
>         <mailto:Fiware-miwi at lists.fi-ware.eu>>>
>         <mailto:Fiware-miwi at lists.fi-____ware.eu
>         <mailto:Fiware-miwi at lists.fi-__ware.eu>
>                                  <mailto:Fiware-miwi at lists.fi-__ware.eu
>         <mailto:Fiware-miwi at lists.fi-ware.eu>>>
>         https://lists.fi-ware.eu/______listinfo/fiware-miwi
>         <https://lists.fi-ware.eu/____listinfo/fiware-miwi>
>         <https://lists.fi-ware.eu/____listinfo/fiware-miwi
>         <https://lists.fi-ware.eu/__listinfo/fiware-miwi>>
>         <https://lists.fi-ware.eu/____listinfo/fiware-miwi
>         <https://lists.fi-ware.eu/__listinfo/fiware-miwi>
>         <https://lists.fi-ware.eu/__listinfo/fiware-miwi
>         <https://lists.fi-ware.eu/listinfo/fiware-miwi>>>
>         _____________________________________________________
>                                          Fiware-miwi mailing list
>         Fiware-miwi at lists.fi-ware.eu <mailto:Fiware-miwi at lists.fi-ware.eu>
>                                  <mailto:Fiware-miwi at lists.fi-__ware.eu
>         <mailto:Fiware-miwi at lists.fi-ware.eu>>
>         <mailto:Fiware-miwi at lists.fi-____ware.eu
>         <mailto:Fiware-miwi at lists.fi-__ware.eu>
>                                  <mailto:Fiware-miwi at lists.fi-__ware.eu
>         <mailto:Fiware-miwi at lists.fi-ware.eu>>>
>         <mailto:Fiware-miwi at lists.fi-____ware.eu
>         <mailto:Fiware-miwi at lists.fi-__ware.eu>
>                                  <mailto:Fiware-miwi at lists.fi-__ware.eu
>         <mailto:Fiware-miwi at lists.fi-ware.eu>>>
>         https://lists.fi-ware.eu/______listinfo/fiware-miwi
>         <https://lists.fi-ware.eu/____listinfo/fiware-miwi>
>         <https://lists.fi-ware.eu/____listinfo/fiware-miwi
>         <https://lists.fi-ware.eu/__listinfo/fiware-miwi>>
>         <https://lists.fi-ware.eu/____listinfo/fiware-miwi
>         <https://lists.fi-ware.eu/__listinfo/fiware-miwi>
>         <https://lists.fi-ware.eu/__listinfo/fiware-miwi
>         <https://lists.fi-ware.eu/listinfo/fiware-miwi>>>
>                                      --
>         ------------------------------______--------------------------__--__--__-------------
>                                      Deutsches Forschungszentrum für
>         Künstliche
>                                  Intelligenz (DFKI) GmbH
>                                      Trippstadter Strasse 122, D-67663
>         Kaiserslautern
>                                      Geschäftsführung:
>                                         Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Wolfgang
>                                  Wahlster (Vorsitzender)
>                                         Dr. Walter Olthoff
>                                      Vorsitzender des Aufsichtsrats:
>                                         Prof. Dr. h.c. Hans A. Aukes
>                                      Sitz der Gesellschaft:
>         Kaiserslautern (HRB 2313)
>                                      USt-Id.Nr.: DE 148646973, Steuernummer:
>                                    19/673/0060/3
>         ------------------------------______--------------------------__--__--__---------------
>         ___________________________________________________
>                                      Fiware-miwi mailing list
>         Fiware-miwi at lists.fi-ware.eu <mailto:Fiware-miwi at lists.fi-ware.eu>
>                                  <mailto:Fiware-miwi at lists.fi-__ware.eu
>         <mailto:Fiware-miwi at lists.fi-ware.eu>>
>         <mailto:Fiware-miwi at lists.fi-____ware.eu
>         <mailto:Fiware-miwi at lists.fi-__ware.eu>
>                                  <mailto:Fiware-miwi at lists.fi-__ware.eu
>         <mailto:Fiware-miwi at lists.fi-ware.eu>>>
>         <mailto:Fiware-miwi at lists.fi-____ware.eu
>         <mailto:Fiware-miwi at lists.fi-__ware.eu>
>                                  <mailto:Fiware-miwi at lists.fi-__ware.eu
>         <mailto:Fiware-miwi at lists.fi-ware.eu>>>
>         https://lists.fi-ware.eu/____listinfo/fiware-miwi
>         <https://lists.fi-ware.eu/__listinfo/fiware-miwi>
>         <https://lists.fi-ware.eu/__listinfo/fiware-miwi
>         <https://lists.fi-ware.eu/listinfo/fiware-miwi>>
>                              --
>         ------------------------------____----------------------------__--__-------------
>                              Deutsches Forschungszentrum für Künstliche
>                              Intelligenz (DFKI) GmbH
>                              Trippstadter Strasse 122, D-67663
>         Kaiserslautern
>                              Geschäftsführung:
>                                Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Wolfgang Wahlster
>                              (Vorsitzender)
>                                Dr. Walter Olthoff
>                              Vorsitzender des Aufsichtsrats:
>                                Prof. Dr. h.c. Hans A. Aukes
>                              Sitz der Gesellschaft: Kaiserslautern (HRB
>         2313)
>                              USt-Id.Nr.: DE 148646973, Steuernummer:
>           19/673/0060/3
>         ------------------------------____----------------------------__--__---------------
>                              <slusallek.vcf>
>                      --
>         ------------------------------____----------------------------__--__-------------
>                      Deutsches Forschungszentrum für Künstliche Intelligenz
>                      (DFKI) GmbH
>                      Trippstadter Strasse 122, D-67663 Kaiserslautern
>                      Geschäftsführung:
>                        Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Wolfgang Wahlster
>         (Vorsitzender)
>                        Dr. Walter Olthoff
>                      Vorsitzender des Aufsichtsrats:
>                        Prof. Dr. h.c. Hans A. Aukes
>                      Sitz der Gesellschaft: Kaiserslautern (HRB 2313)
>                      USt-Id.Nr.: DE 148646973, Steuernummer:  19/673/0060/3
>         ------------------------------____----------------------------__--__---------------
>                      <slusallek.vcf>
>              --
>         ------------------------------____----------------------------__--__-------------
>              Deutsches Forschungszentrum für Künstliche Intelligenz
>         (DFKI) GmbH
>              Trippstadter Strasse 122, D-67663 Kaiserslautern
>              Geschäftsführung:
>                 Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Wolfgang Wahlster (Vorsitzender)
>                 Dr. Walter Olthoff
>              Vorsitzender des Aufsichtsrats:
>                 Prof. Dr. h.c. Hans A. Aukes
>              Sitz der Gesellschaft: Kaiserslautern (HRB 2313)
>              USt-Id.Nr.: DE 148646973, Steuernummer:  19/673/0060/3
>         ------------------------------____----------------------------__--__---------------
>              _________________________________________________
>              Fiware-miwi mailing list
>         Fiware-miwi at lists.fi-ware.eu
>         <mailto:Fiware-miwi at lists.fi-ware.eu>
>         <mailto:Fiware-miwi at lists.fi-__ware.eu
>         <mailto:Fiware-miwi at lists.fi-ware.eu>>
>         https://lists.fi-ware.eu/__listinfo/fiware-miwi
>         <https://lists.fi-ware.eu/listinfo/fiware-miwi>
>     --
>     ------------------------------__------------------------------__-------------
>     Deutsches Forschungszentrum für Künstliche Intelligenz (DFKI) GmbH
>     Trippstadter Strasse 122, D-67663 Kaiserslautern
>     Geschäftsführung:
>        Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Wolfgang Wahlster (Vorsitzender)
>        Dr. Walter Olthoff
>     Vorsitzender des Aufsichtsrats:
>        Prof. Dr. h.c. Hans A. Aukes
>     Sitz der Gesellschaft: Kaiserslautern (HRB 2313)
>     USt-Id.Nr.: DE 148646973, Steuernummer:  19/673/0060/3
>     ------------------------------__------------------------------__---------------


Deutsches Forschungszentrum für Künstliche Intelligenz (DFKI) GmbH
Trippstadter Strasse 122, D-67663 Kaiserslautern

   Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Wolfgang Wahlster (Vorsitzender)
   Dr. Walter Olthoff
Vorsitzender des Aufsichtsrats:
   Prof. Dr. h.c. Hans A. Aukes

Sitz der Gesellschaft: Kaiserslautern (HRB 2313)
USt-Id.Nr.: DE 148646973, Steuernummer:  19/673/0060/3
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