[Fiware-miwi] Cloud Rendering review status

Jonne Nauha jonne at adminotech.com
Thu Apr 10 15:36:55 CEST 2014

The install and user guide pages are ready for review and we actually
already communicated with Lasse on IRC and he checked them out



So those are ready for external review. I think they are now a lot better.
There is a form of "hello world" now on the JavaScript library side. More
code related things, more details on installation and usage.

Unfortunately the unit test page is not yet complete. The guy who is making
them is 90% done, just need to push the tests to the repo and update the
wiki pages. We will do this during today and tomorrow, hopefully inside the
deadline of 11.4. He had some unexpected traveling (I assume work related)
that he had to do so making this stuff got on hold for a bit too long time.

Best regards,
Jonne Nauha
Meshmoon developer at Adminotech Ltd.
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