[Fiware-miwi] Minutes aganda & hangout

Christof Marti mach at zhaw.ch
Wed Feb 19 12:12:25 CET 2014


We can try. Sorry I am a bit late.

Here is the link to the minutes: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1WNW1SHTI87XEr9ZvBzE23555HzYHtMMsryy-XI_7868/edit
and a Hangout-Link: https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/76cpi358pd6hk9k5m8hiaaqgpk?hl=de


Am 19.02.2014 um 10:49 schrieb Ari Okkonen CIE <ari.okkonen at cie.fi>:

> 12:00 CET is Ok for CIE.
> Could we, please, have the meeting by Google Hangout. We have found that 
> it is much easier to follow the conversation  in Hangout because the 
> quality of voice is significantly better.
> BR
> Ari, Arto, & Antti
> On 19.2.2014 10:53, Marti Christof (mach) wrote:
>> Hi
>> OK. Lets do the meeting at 12:00 CET.
>> Cheers
>> Christof
>> Am 18.02.2014 um 17:37 schrieb Marti Christof (mach) <mach at zhaw.ch>:
>>> Hi
>>> I have to postpone tomorrows MIWI meeting to 13:00 CET.
>>> (If 13h does not work for the majority I’m open for other proposals anything between 12-16 CET is OK for me)
>>> The timetable for my lectures changed and I have classes from 10-12 already from tomorrow.
>>> Starting next week (until end of May) I will be blocked every Wed 10-16:45 with lectures.
>>> So one topic of tomorrows meeting will be to find a new slot for the weekly meeting.
>>> Best regards
>>> Christof
>>> ----
>>> InIT Cloud Computing Lab - ICCLab http://cloudcomp.ch
>>> Institut of Applied Information Technology - InIT
>>> Zurich University of Applied Sciences - ZHAW
>>> School of Engineering
>>> Phone: +41 58 934 70 63
>>> Skype: christof-marti
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> -- 
> Ari Okkonen
> CIE, University of Oulu
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