Hi I just arrived from lecturing. Give me 15 min to setup document and hangout. Christof Am 25.02.2014 um 17:53 schrieb Christof Marti <mach at zhaw.ch>: > Dear GE owners, dear WP13 members > > As last week, I have to postpone tomorrows weekly meeting to 12:00 CET. > Sorry for short notice. If you can not attend please check the minutes after the meeting. > > > Proposal for the new time-slot starting from next week (March 5th) is Wednesday 08:30 - 09:30 CET > We discussed this last week and among the attendees Wednesday early morning was the best slot available. > Please contact me if this is not possible for you. > > Best regards > Christof > > ---- > InIT Cloud Computing Lab > Institut of Applied Information Technology - InIT > Zurich University of Applied Sciences - ZHAW > School of Engineering > Phone: +41 58 934 70 63 > Skype: christof-marti > >
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