[Fiware-miwi] thu 13: meet about webtundra dom-integration & xml3d net sync vs. tundra components

Toni Alatalo toni at playsign.net
Wed Jan 15 07:44:44 CET 2014

Another note from yesterday: we decided to have a little meet / working session about the DOM integration and xml3d etc. in the WebTundra context.

Lasse has Sync.DomIntegration as a feature tracker entry in the fi-ware forge, and as evident for many posts here we’ve worked on it a lot from the 3DUI perspective at Playsign.

One topic is net sync of full xml3d, xflow, and perhaps arbitrary DOM elements. Basic 3d things like transforms and meshes we can (and already do, in Erno’s xml3d reader) map between xml3d xml elements and Tundra components. For xml elements for which there is no existing nor need for a Tundra component, an option is just to use DynamicComponent’s where use the name feature to have the XML element name (for example for Xflow <data> and <computation> elements). But is that the best idea or would something else be better? Hierarchy is coming per Lasse’s plan to add normal xml-style hierarchy to Tundra.

Idea is mostly for us (me & Erno) and Lasse to plan next steps in the work but anyone interested can participate, Jarkko said that Cyberlightning folks working on xml3djs & xflow may join in, and Jonne or someone from Admino may come too. We can discuss it in the weekly today as well, or set it so that DFKI folks can participate remotely tomorrow if it seems like a good idea.

If DFKI Fives already does e.g. full sync of xml3d (and xhtml?) using a similar entity-component model, or if there’s designs for that etc., those would be obviously good to check too — pointers are welcome.


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