[Fiware-miwi] EntSys: has Scene, integrates Networking & 3DUI + possibilities for XML3D

Philipp Slusallek Philipp.Slusallek at dfki.de
Sun Jan 19 20:58:02 CET 2014


Am 15.01.2014 09:34, schrieb Toni Alatalo:
> BTW we discussed Admino’s Interface Designer (or ‘scene editor’)
> yesterday too, and after completing the rex-ec implementation of it
> they’ve now implemented it as an editor for xml3d too. Is good that
> we can now take a look at those too, for example how the editor works
> with the APIs of webrocket (~webtundra scene api) and xml3d(.js?, or
> using dom?) regarding attribute metadata requirements etc. which have
> been discussed earlier.

Thins sounds great. Is there a chance to see anything of the editor yet? 
We would be extremely interested to get our hand dirty with it. I am 
sure we find people interested in working on this, too.

> And very cool to hear about the fives & KIARA works, looking forward
> to looking into those at some point. Ah and very good to know from
> Torsten’s mail this part: "Upon receiving updates for an entity, this
> entity updates the internal data representation (java script objects)
> and updates the respective fields in its XML3D DOM element via
> sceneManager, if necessary:” — so that’s the other ‘b)’ alternative
> from the ‘DOM as UI’ talks .. as in internal reprs being js objects
> like current webtundra too, the case of this diagram:
> https://rawgithub.com/realXtend/doc/master/dom/rexdom-dom_as_ui.svg
> (instead of
> https://rawgithub.com/realXtend/doc/master/dom/rexdom.svg)

Well, we never store the JS objects, they are only used in the API from 
KIARA to communicate the changes to the scene (and back).


> ~Toni
> On 02 Jan 2014, at 16:02, Philipp Slusallek <Philipp.Slusallek at dfki.de> wrote:
>> Hi Toni,
>> Nice work! The internal separation certainly makes a lot of sense.
>> It would be great to add option (b) so that we can test a full XML3D-based connection to realXtend soon. Would be a great step forward for the integration. Great!
>> Our sync server is getting into shape as well right now and already can move animated XML3D/Xflow characters around in a larger city model.
>> Sergiy and Torsten are ironing out some performance issues right now and are working on a modified version of scalability approach, so we can separate and distribute larger worlds dynamically. There is still quite a bit of work that remains, though.
>> Our KIARA work is also progressing nicely. There will be a first release coming now in January. This could be a basis for discussing if or how this may be a good basis for abstracting the networking layer behind a nice API.
>> Best,
>> 	Philipp
>> Am 22.12.2013 10:25, schrieb Toni Alatalo:
>>> About 3 weeks ago we presented a plan for an implementation of the
>>> entity system and how it would integrate networking (Synch GE) and
>>> rendering (3DUI GE).
>>> A key aspect in the design was to separate data and view parts of the EC
>>> implementations — unlike in any previous Tundra implementation, where
>>> the scene internals and all EC implementations have been directly tied
>>> to certain graphics renderer (Ogre or Three.js). The motivation here was
>>> to support ‘headless clients’ or ‘simulation servers’ — for example for
>>> a Node.js server side service running some simulation or AI code to use
>>> this library to connect to a Tundra server to manipulate the scene
>>> (possibly what the SceneAPI Epic is after). Without ugly hacks like the
>>> !headless checks in many parts of the C++ Tundra code. When the
>>> renderer-dependent view code is a separate optional module the scene &
>>> network parts can be used also without it but the programming model
>>> (against the scene with the entities) is always the same. Consequently,
>>> the proposal in this plan was to *not* use the DOM as the internal data
>>> storage for the Scene — simply because there is no (native) DOM
>>> implementation available e.g. in the Node.js environment. The original
>>> post with more explanations is
>>> https://lists.fi-ware.eu/private/fiware-miwi/2013-November/000330.html
>>> No one objected, so we went with the plan and I’m very happy to tell
>>> that the basics for it are implemented and work now. As planned in that
>>> post, we (Ludocraft & Playsign so far) moved to work in a common
>>> repository based on Lasse’s Synchronization GE work —
>>> WebTundraNetworking was renamed to WebTundra and we added a view/
>>> directory there: https://github.com/realXtend/WebTundra
>>> To see it in action you'll need a recent development build of Tundra
>>> WebSocketServer plugin enabled. realXtend will make an official release
>>> in January so it will become readily available then. And perhaps we can
>>> run Tundra servers in FI-LAB at some point to be able to host web
>>> services then. But if you build it yourself, it’s very easy to test with
>>> the web-hosted test scene we provide:
>>> https://forge.fi-ware.eu/plugins/mediawiki/wiki/fi-ware-private/index.php/3DUI-WebTundra_-_Installation_and_Administration_Guide#Test_with_provided_web_hosting_for_scene_data
>>> To test the tech and verify and improve the application programming
>>> model etc. we’ve ported the Pong example on top of Tundra (server-side
>>> js) and WebTundra (browser client-side) — more info about that later
>>> separately, but if someone wants a pre-peek that work is in
>>> https://github.com/playsign/PongThreeJS/tree/ec (includes server/ dir
>>> for the Tundra scene). The Pong example is used also in the dev guide
>>> docs in
>>> https://forge.fi-ware.eu/plugins/mediawiki/wiki/fi-ware-private/index.php/3DUI-WebTundra_-_User_and_Programmers_Guide (to
>>> be improved but has basics now).
>>> With this some things are clear: we already have a platform on which can
>>> develop apps. But all FI-WARE goals are not delivered yet and there are
>>> some options so I’ll describe the status briefly here:
>>> XML3D Support: in the F2F I promised we’ll do 3 things: 1. the entity
>>> system integration (done as reported here now), 2. recommended asset
>>> pipeline research & impl (on-going, now waiting for the updated three.js
>>> glTF loader by mr. Parisi) and finally 3. a proposal how to proceed with
>>> the rendering choice / alternatives. The current WebTundra
>>> implementation gives two, I find quite nice, alternatives for XML3D support:
>>> a) add XML3D parsing to WebTundra so that it can read XML3D declarations
>>> and populate the internal Scene correspondingly, hence resulting in a 3d
>>> rendering when the view module is enabled. Erno actually implemented a
>>> first version of this this week. It was made by changing the
>>> pre-existing WebTundra TXML parser in Toni Dahl’s Chiru-WebClient to
>>> read XML3D instead, this work is in
>>> https://github.com/playsign/WebTundraNetworking/commits/sceneparser . I
>>> find this approach has interesting upsides: is simple, and thanks to the
>>> entity-system is transparent to the other parts — for example the
>>> networking works normally so that in fact this works as a way to
>>> populate a Tundra server from XML3D (when the client reads xml3d and
>>> creates the entities, they get replicated to the server too :) . Also
>>> for XML3D standardization efforts it can be interesting that there is
>>> another implementation of it. Obvious downsides are that it’s a small
>>> incomplete subset of the spec (at least now) and it doesn’t use the
>>> xml3d.js engine which has xflow support with hw acceleration coming etc.
>>> b) add XML3D.js view module to WebTundra. Now that the core scene and
>>> ECs are renderer independent, it is easy and totally feasible to add a
>>> xml3d.js renderer. The ThreeView is currently just one file with not an
>>> awful lot of code — same with XML3D.js would probably be as simple. This
>>> is helped by Erno having applied the MVC pattern in the code so that
>>> besides the data in the scene there are model and controller codes which
>>> manage the state and observe data coming in from the net and track
>>> Placeable and Mesh references and dependencies etc. so that the View is
>>> told to display things when they are ready (instead of the view
>>> requiring all that tracking in itself). So with the complexities in
>>> Model & Controller parts, possibly already in a renderer agnostic way
>>> (we didn’t check with this in mind), possibly not so much is left for
>>> the potential alternative Views to handle. We currently need the
>>> Three.js view in any case as e.g. Meshmoon has a lot of components &
>>> rendering made with three so at least first the XML3D.js view would be
>>> an alternative only.
>>> Another topic is the DOM integration. Current WebTundra has none. There
>>> again I think there are two ways:
>>> 1. The previously discussed ‘DOM as UI’ idea where the internal Scene is
>>> just mirrored to DOM (this is simple and Jonne already did it in
>>> WebRocket). This might also be one way to implement xml3d.js view
>>> support .. if we just populate the DOM it should show when xml3d.js is
>>> active (but when using ThreeView the DOM population would be only for
>>> developer purposes, to allow seeing the values in debugger etc).
>>> 2. Change the scene internals so that it would use the DOM directly.
>>> Erno actually prototyped this before we decided to not require DOM in
>>> the core to support the node.js case. I don’t know if the scene core
>>> could somehow sensibly use the DOM when it’s there, but work without it
>>> when it’s not (except ofc with the simply optional mirroring option of
>>> 1.). Perhaps somehow doing what Philipp outlined at the F2F, put own JS
>>> objects to the DOM nodes (so we could have the Attribute objects with
>>> the type info that the net sync (& interface designer) require there).
>>> Anyhow, this is where we are now — I’m very happy that the basics work
>>> and we have a common base on which can work and where to integrate
>>> things (e.g. 2D UI, Input, Interface Designer, possibly app specific
>>> components from other GEs like POI & real-virtual interaction or GIS?)
>>> and on which we can implement apps like the Pong example illustrates.
>>> The XML3D support and DOM integration we can have at least with the a)
>>> and 1) options that have already been implemented. We are however open
>>> to discuss alternatives and possible clever techniques to address those.
>>> Thanks to everyone for the efforts so far! Looking forward to tackling
>>> the last remaining issues & packaging first releases after the holidays
>>> then..
>>> ~Toni
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>> Deutsches Forschungszentrum für Künstliche Intelligenz (DFKI) GmbH
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Deutsches Forschungszentrum für Künstliche Intelligenz (DFKI) GmbH
Trippstadter Strasse 122, D-67663 Kaiserslautern

   Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Wolfgang Wahlster (Vorsitzender)
   Dr. Walter Olthoff
Vorsitzender des Aufsichtsrats:
   Prof. Dr. h.c. Hans A. Aukes

Sitz der Gesellschaft: Kaiserslautern (HRB 2313)
USt-Id.Nr.: DE 148646973, Steuernummer:  19/673/0060/3
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