[Fiware-miwi] MiWi Tracker - Status and Advanced Queries

Christof Marti mach at zhaw.ch
Mon Jan 27 15:01:54 CET 2014

Dear GE owners

Since my mail last Wednesday and Friday a lot of you updated the tracker entries for your GEi. 
The tracker looks much better now (congratulations!!)

While checking today I still found some inconsistancies and errors.

To help you get a better overview I created several Advanced Queries:
01 All roadmap: All entries scheduled for future sprints (3.3.2, 3.3.3)
02 All backlog: All entries valid for the current sprint 3.3.1 (including empty sprint assignment)
03 All historic: All entries from previous Releases (3.2 and older)
04 All historic and open: All entries for previous Releases which are still open, under execution or scheduled.
+ queries for each GEi showing all entries of that specific GEi
You’ll find these queries in the „Advanced queries“ tab of the tracker.

All entries in "04 All historic and open“ are errors and should be fixed immediately.
All items for Release 3.2 should be closed or "finished but not delivered" (or dismissed).
As explained in the mail from last Friday, all entries with Sprint 3.3.x should also have Release 3.3.
If you are working on the documentation or software packaging of R3.2, this can be stated in the description field.

Entries in „02 All backlog“ are the items/stories/features you are working on currently.
including the Features for Release 3.3 (which have no sprint no. assigned to them).
You should always have some Work Items, Stories assigned to the current Sprint (3.3.1 at this date)

Entries in „01 All roadmap“ are items/stories/features planned for future sprints (3.3.2 or 3.3.3)
Because we are approaching the end of Sprint 3.3.1 you should have some entries scheduled/assigned to next sprints.

Please verify also the naming of Work Item entries as explained in my mail from last Friday (see below).
There are still documentation (or software) items, which do not specify the type of document and the action.

And last but not least. Please verify the Features you have in the tracker with the Features you have on the „Technical Roadmap“ wiki page.
Are they all available (in tracker and wiki) and are they in the correct release (3.1, 3.2 or 3.3).
The „Technical Roadmap“ page contains some GEi’s which have no Features planned for R3.3 (3D-UI, Display as a Service, GIS data provider, POI data provider, Augmented Reality).
There is still missing the plain text short description of the features in the first part of the document for Interface Designer.

Thanks for fixing the current errors and keeping the tracker up to date.

Best regards

Am 24.01.2014 um 11:48 schrieb MANUEL ESCRICHE VICENTE <mev at tid.es>:

> Please, let me a note on this sentence:
> "All entries which are executed in Sprint 3.3.x should also have Release 3.3 assigned"
> ->Features hold only as time frame Release
> ->Stories, Bugs and WorkItems hold both Release and Sprint
> ->Epics don't hold any timeframe
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Christof Marti [mailto:mach at zhaw.ch]
> Sent: viernes, 24 de enero de 2014 11:26
> To: FI-WARE, MiWi
> Subject: historic open items in tracker and naming conventions
> Dear WP13 GE owners
> I was checking the tracker and still found some errors and naming inconistencies.
> There are still some historic entries, which are not closed or „Finished but not released“.
> Historic means belong to Release 3.2 (which ended in December).
> https://forge.fi-ware.eu/tracker/?atid=234&group_id=36&func=browse
> I created a specific advanced query for these entries named "All historic open“.
> All entries which are executed in Sprint 3.3.x should also have Release 3.3 assigned.
> If you are writing documentation for Release 3.2 (in Sprint 3.3.1) then this should be expressed in the description.
> (e.g. with the line „Deliverable = D.13.3.3“)
> List of actual deliverables:
> D.13.1.2 GE Open Specificatoin (M30)
> D.13.1.3 GE Open Specification (M33 or M36)
> D.13.2.3 GE SW Release (M33)
> D.13.3.3 GE Installation and Administration Guide (M33)
> D.13.4.3 GE User and Programmer Guide (M33)
> D.13.5.3 GE Unit Testing Plan & Report (M33)
> D.2.3.3  FI-WARE Architecture V3 (M33)
> D.2.4.3  FI-WARE Technical Roadmap V3 (M33)
> Please also check the naming patterns:
> https://forge.fi-ware.eu/plugins/mediawiki/wiki/fi-ware-private/index.php/Backlog_items_patterns#Patterns_in_use
> Specially also add the „action“ extension at the end.
> The name (Summary) for creation of the Installation and Administration Guide for 3D-UI WebTundra GEi should be for example:
> FIWARE.WorkItem.MiWi.3D-UI-WebTundra.Documentation.InstAndAdminGuide.Create (description: Deliverable = D.13.3.3)
> or for update of the Architecture of the 3D-UI GE:
> FIWARE.WorkItem.MiWi.3D-UI.Documentation.Architecture.Update (description:D.2.3.3)
> or for creating the SW package:
> FIWARE.WorkItem.MiWi.3D-UI-WebTundra.Software.Deliver
> Watch also the difference between the GE naming „3D-UI“ and the GEi naming „3D-UI-WebTundra“ resp. "3D-UI-XML3D (only required if more then one implementation is available).
> Naming conventions for Features, UserStories etc can be found here:
> http://forge.fi-ware.eu/plugins/mediawiki/wiki/fiware/index.php/How_to_assign_identifiers_to_FI-WARE_Backlog_entries_(convention_to_follow)
> Cheers
> Christof
> ----
> InIT Cloud Computing Lab - ICCLab http://cloudcomp.ch Institut of Applied Information Technology - InIT Zurich University of Applied Sciences - ZHAW School of Engineering
> Phone: +41 58 934 70 63
> Skype: christof-marti
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