Dear WP13 GEi owners The main topic of todays telco was the Release 3.3 review & fixes. Please check the general comments in the minutes<> [] (Topic 3: Delivery of Release 3.3) GEi owners: Please fix and/or give feedback for the open issues of your GEi until tomorrow Thursday 18:00. I’ll add the important open issues below. Release numbering: (New release means adding new features. Bugfixes/Documentation enhancements can also be done without a new release) * GIS Data provider: No new features. Stay in R3.2 (only bugfix & manual updates) -> R3.2 [Jarkko] * Real/Virtual Interaction: Has new features/new SW -> move Guides/UTP to R3.3 [Jarkko] * DaaS: Was not ready for R3.2 (SW, Guides) -> Move to R3.3 (Guides, SW, UTP) [Torsten] * Middleware (RPC over DDS, RPC over REST, FastBuffers): New releases. SW, Guides & UTP. Add features to the roadmap. [Jaime] I will also fix the WP13 Release pages with the references to the guides/UTP [Christof] User & Programmers Guide: Main request was to add references to the Open Spec, Architecture etc. Proposed Template to add in Introduction: === Background and Detail === This User and Programmers Guide relates to the XYZ GE which is part of the [[Advanced_Middleware_and_Web_UI_Architecture | Advanced Middleware and Web User Interfaces chapter]]. Please find more information about this Generic Enabler in the related [[FIWARE.OpenSpecification.MiWi.XYZ | Open Specification]] and [[FIWARE.ArchitectureDescription.MiWi.XYZ | Architecture Description]]. Most GEis addressed this already. You can differ from the above wording, but the following points should be consistent: * Use Third Level title “Background and Detail” (optional, but I think it is a good separator) * Have the reference to the chapter (Including the above link, will be the same in public wiki) * Use “Open Specification” and “Architecture Description” instead of FIWARE.OpenSpecification.MiWi.XYZ etc. for Link content. (see above example for format) [ALL] Please check your User Guide to be comply to this rules. other issues: CloudRendering: I see no updates. Is this fixed? [Jonne] GIS Data Provider: Add GUI snapshot [Sami/Jarkko] Augmented Reality: Add GUI snapshot, Title -> 3rd level [Antti Karhu] Installation & Admin Guide: Most comments are about missing or not matching content in Sanity Check Procedures or the Diagnosis Procedures. Please verify your content regarding the instructions: * TOC: for Sanity Check Procedures<> * TOC: for Diagnosis Procedures<> [ALL] Verify that your content fit with the description given there! other issues: Cloud Rendering: Diagnosis Procedure still „empty“. Is this fixed? [Jonne] DaaS: Diagnosis still empty. Add concrete list of running process names. [Torsten] Augmented Reality: Is this fixed? I see very little changes regarding the required fixes. [Antti Karhu] Interface Designer: No update of Installation Guide? No sanity checks or Diagnosis procedures? [Cvetan] Middleware (RPC over XY & Fast Buffers): I see no updates. Please fix the issues from the review [Jaime] Unit Testing Plans: [All] check for your GEi: * Verify that all features of the release are tested and referenced * Use local wiki-references to the feature description. * Always declare the expected result for each test * Give instructions where to find and how to execute the tests. Please be as exact as possible/needed. Instead of “By opening them the test-suit will be executed” say “By opening the file xy (or files in folder xy) in a supported browser the test-suite is executed” other issues: 3D-UI XML3D: I see no updates. Is this fixed? [Torsten] Cloud Rendering: I see no updates. I this fixed? [Jonne] POI Data Provider: Move not delivered/tested features in the roadmap to „Future Releases“ chapter. [Ari] 2D-3D Capture: Is this fixed? UTP7 link or explanation? [Jarkko] Augmented Reality: Please be more specific with instruction on how to run tests; add „how“ to open the test (e.g. in a supported browser) [Anthi Karhu] Middleware (RPC over XY & Fast Buffers): Please follow TOC structure „Unit Test 1“, "Unit Test 2“,… [Jaime] Files: DaaS: Files still missing. [Torsten] Best regard Christof Am 14.05.2014 um 08:15 schrieb Marti Christof (mach) <mach at<mailto:mach at>>: Good morning I prepared the agenda/minutes here: We will use the following hangout link: I would like to focus todays call on the 3 high prio topics: - Release of R3.3: Review/fixes (Topic 3) - Participation in WP10 (Topic 4) - Preparation of a Live Demo (Topic 8) I really want to fix all the open points and questions for R3.3 in this call. Please make sure that a representative for each GE is available. See you at 8:30. Christof ---- InIT Cloud Computing Lab - ICCLab Institut of Applied Information Technology - InIT Zurich University of Applied Sciences - ZHAW School of Engineering Phone: +41 58 934 70 63 Skype: christof-marti -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: <>
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