[Fiware-miwi] URGENT: WP13 Standardization contributions in FI-WARE (M26-44) until Friday 10:00

Jaime Martin Losa JaimeMartin at eprosima.com
Sun Feb 1 14:53:51 CET 2015

-          Standards we use in middleware GE:

o   For the advanced middleware we use mainly the OMG (Object Management Group) standards:

§  OMG DDS (Data Distribution Service): DDS is the basic communication engine for the advanced middleware.

§  OMG RPC over DDS: Remote Procedure Calls over DDS. This standard has been developed during the FIWARE Project, eProsima is one of the main submitters, and we delivered an RPC over DDS implementation as part of the advanced middleware

§  OMG IDL (Interface Definition Language): We use this IDL spec for the advanced middleware, and the mappings IDL to C++11, and IDL to Java (also standards)

§  OMG CDR: Common Data Serialization: This is an standard for Data Serialization, and we provide an standalone implementation as part of the advanced middleware deliverables.

§  OMG DDS Security: We use the Pluggable security architecture of this standard as the basis for the advanced middleware security.

o   Standards Contributions:

§  eProsima is an OMG member and during the last two years we have been working in these standards with the following results:

·         RPC over DDS Standard Final Submission: After two years, we finally agreed with the other submitters for a common standard, we have an approved joint submission and it will be released mid-2015.

·         DDS Security Standard: Final Joint submission (eProsima, RTI, PrismTech), the standard has been releases in June 2014.

§  EPROS also contributes to the MIP standards (Multilateral Interoperability Programme), an international organization of 27 countries to standardize data models and middleware for joint defence operations. eProsima is part of the Spanish delegation and works to standardize the use of WP 13 in this scenario.

§  Some main contributions and meetings attended are shown in the public wiki, such as the latest eProsima presentations of RPC over DDS in the OMG technical meetings.

o   Open Source Communities: The code of the advanced middleware deliverables is also in GITHUB (https://github.com/eProsima )


From: fiware-miwi-bounces at lists.fi-ware.org [mailto:fiware-miwi-bounces at lists.fi-ware.org] On Behalf Of Marti Christof (mach)
Sent: jueves, 29 de enero de 2015 21:40
To: FI-WARE, MiWi; fiware-webui at lists.fi-ware.org
Subject: [Fiware-miwi] URGENT: WP13 Standardization contributions in FI-WARE (M26-44) until Friday 10:00

Hi everybody

I just discovered a bunch of emails which where delivered to my spam folder in the past week.
Only a few from FI-WARE, but some of them are now getting very urgent.

Standardisation deliverable (very urgent, due tomorrow Friday 12:00 CET)

In one of our last telcos in September I asked you to collect and prepare your work on
Standardisation and open source community activities. We never continued this activity.
Our last chance to bring in our activities in the report is until tomorrow noon.

I will write a general introduction for the chapter and will bring all contributions into the
required format. But I need a few contributions very urgently:

Please send me a few paragraphs for your GEs addressing the following content:

  *   Which Standards did you use in your GE? including a short description (how, where).
  *   To which standards and standards bodies did you contribute? What was your contribution?
(also add monitoring activities)
  *   What open source communities did you address? What was your contribution. (e.g. links to open source repos)
Please also add links and document/paper references, if available.

If you send it to me until tomorrow Friday 10 CET I have to chance to bring it in shape and include it in the report.

I will send a second email later tonight regarding the periodic and final reporting which we also have to prepare until Monday.

Sorry for the stressful last minute actions. I was out of office beginning of January and I simply had this deliverable not on my radar anymore.

Best regards
InIT Cloud Computing Lab - ICCLab http://blog.zhaw.ch/icclab
Institut of Applied Information Technology - InIT
Zurich University of Applied Sciences - ZHAW
School of Engineering
Phone: +41 58 934 70 63
Skype: christof-marti

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