[Fiware-mundus-committee] IMPORTANT Presentations Utrecht + Speakers

Angeles Tejado angeles.tejado at ogilvy.com
Thu May 25 17:47:04 CEST 2017

Dear all.

I've seen some activity from Industry group (Sergio) and from Federico asking people to upload presentations.

Please try to have all the presentations uploaded on this folder <https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0BzoEA5B4NfVPMXFYUmdCa0lreUk?usp=sharing>  next Sunday 28th EOD (i mean, try to share this folder with your speakers, if not, just keep me aware of the folder you are using).

Most important presentations are the ones of the PLENARY... (@Ulrich, @Arjan are you taking care of this? Should I write to the speakers?)

Regarding Speakers registration.

I'm sending an email to people on this list - There are some emails pending (Olaf can you check? Fede? Andrea?). Thank you!!!

Hans Teuben     hteuben at deloitte.nl
Willem Jonker   willem.jonker at eitdigital.eu
Joao Rodrigues Frade    Joao.RODRIGUES-FRADE at ec.europa.eu
Sanyu Karani    sanyu at fundingbox.com / s.karani at econet-consultants.com
Juan Marcelo Gaitán     juanmarcelo.gaitanleiva at gmail.com / juanmarcelo.gaitanleiva at telefonica.com
Álvaro Arranz   aarranz at conwet.com
Olaf-Gerd Gemein        oggemein at googlemail.com
Thomas Kruse    t.kruse at utrecht.nl
Rui A. Costa    rcosta at ubiwhere.com
Carl Piva       cpiva at tmforum.org
Paul Kompfner   p.kompfner at mail.ertico.com<mailto:p.kompfner at mail.ertico.com>
Roman Mendle
Frans Jorna     f.jorna at utrecht.nl
Benno Bartels   benno at insfx.com ?????
Daniel Charité
Massimo Ippolito        massimo.ippolito at comau.com
Ajith Balakumar ajith at forthcode.com
Ana Sancho
Vik Vandecaveye
Arianna Giuliodori      arianna.giuliodori at coldiretti.it
Robin Puthli    r.puthli at itude.com
Adrien Ferial   Adrien.FERIAL at ec.europa.eu
Seán Murphy     murp at zhaw.ch
Ricardo Vitorino        rvitorino at ubiwhere.com
Gilles Privat   gilles.privat at orange.com
Ignacio Gurría
Lanfranco Marasso       lanfranco.marasso at eng.it


Angeles Tejado
FIWARE Press Office
OgilvyOne Worldwide Madrid
Office: +34-91-4512179
Cell: +34-608508873
E-mail: angeles.tejado at ogilvy.com


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