[Fiware-mundus-req] [SPAM] Boost your Rankings with our High PR Dofollow Backlinks

Manual SEO benny0439655322345345xo at gmail.com
Thu Jul 30 01:46:41 CEST 2015

Spam detection software, running on the system "fiware-forge-01", has
identified this incoming email as possible spam.  The original message
has been attached to this so you can view it (if it isn't spam) or label
similar future email.  If you have any questions, see
@@CONTACT_ADDRESS@@ for details.

Content preview:  Actual Page PR2-7 dofollow manual backlinks - 100% Manual
  Links - 100% Google Animals Safe - DoFollow Backlinks - Backlinks on High
  PR Pages not on Root Domains - Made according to Latest Google Update 2015
   - All Languages Acceptability - Unlimited URLS and Unlimited Keywords - Detailed
   Excel Report on Order Completion - Free Unlimited Revision until you get
  Fully Satisfied - Up to 48 hours Order Delivery - 24/7 Customer Support [...]

Content analysis details:   (15.3 points, 4.5 required)

 pts rule name              description
---- ---------------------- --------------------------------------------------
 0.0 FROM_LOCAL_DIGITS      From: localpart has long digit sequence
 0.0 FROM_LOCAL_HEX         From: localpart has long hexadecimal sequence
 0.0 FREEMAIL_FROM          Sender email is commonly abused enduser mail provider
 0.4 RCVD_IN_XBL            RBL: Received via a relay in Spamhaus XBL
                            [ listed in zen.spamhaus.org]
 3.3 RCVD_IN_PBL            RBL: Received via a relay in Spamhaus PBL
 2.7 RCVD_IN_PSBL           RBL: Received via a relay in PSBL
                            [ listed in psbl.surriel.com]
 1.3 RCVD_IN_BL_SPAMCOP_NET RBL: Received via a relay in bl.spamcop.net
                [Blocked - see <http://www.spamcop.net/bl.shtml?>]
 1.3 RCVD_IN_RP_RNBL        RBL: Relay in RNBL,
                            [ listed in bl.score.senderscore.com]
                            [ listed in bb.barracudacentral.org]
 0.7 SPF_HELO_SOFTFAIL      SPF: HELO does not match SPF record (softfail)
 0.8 BAYES_50               BODY: Bayes spam probability is 40 to 60%
                            [score: 0.5000]
 0.0 T_OBFU_HTML_ATTACH     BODY: HTML attachment with non-text MIME type
 0.8 RDNS_NONE              Delivered to internal network by a host with no rDNS
 2.4 TBIRD_SUSP_MIME_BDRY   Unlikely Thunderbird MIME boundary

The original message was not completely plain text, and may be unsafe to
open with some email clients; in particular, it may contain a virus,
or confirm that your address can receive spam.  If you wish to view
it, it may be safer to save it to a file and open it with an editor.

-------------- next part --------------
An embedded message was scrubbed...
From: "Manual SEO" <benny0439655322345345xo at gmail.com>
Subject: Boost your Rankings with our High PR Dofollow Backlinks
Date: Thu, 30 Jul 2015 09:46:41 +1000
Size: 2059
URL: <https://lists.fiware.org/private/fiware-mundus-req/attachments/20150730/f865a44f/attachment.mht>

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