[Fiware-mundus-req] Uraia: contribute to the Inspiring practices catalogue

Uraía SMART Technologies info at uraia.org
Fri Jul 31 13:29:39 CEST 2015

Dear FIWARE team,

I am contacting you on behalf of Uraia <http://www.uraia.org/about>, a
global platform seeking to promote Smart technologies at the service of
more inclusive and efficient city management.
Uraia is an initiative jointly established by Un-Habitat and the Global
Fund for Cities Development (FMDV).

We facilitate knowledge exchange and information sharing among our partners
and provide technical assistance and capacity-building Workshops on the use
of new technologies in municipal service management.

One of our objectives is to gather 'inspiring practices
<http://www.uraia.org/case-studies>' on our website in order to showcase
successful and innovate projects and mechanisms, and to encourage their
implementation in different contexts.

In this context, we are interested in publishing the FIWARE mechanism on
our website, since we consider that we share a common vision and approach.
Also, you may be interested in knowing that we are currently documenting
the experience of the City of Valencia with FIWARE. Therefore, we would be
interested in elaborating an article on the FIWARE mechanism itself, rather
than a concrete application in a city.

If you would like to contribute to this initiative and publish an
'inspiring practice', please fill in the attached form. I am also available
for an interview via telephone or Skype Call.

We are also happy to discuss other possibilities of collaboration. Please
do not hesitate to contact me for further inquiries.

We look forward to hearing from you.
Kind regards,

*Bea Varnai*
Project Assistant
http://www.uraia.org <http://www.uraia.org/home>
tel: +33 <%2B556130449838> 1 53 85 73 80 <%2B33%201%2053%2085%2073%2082>
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