[Fiware-mundus-req] Pull it to highest rank with reasonable tolls...

Andrean Jones andrea.jones at intensify-search-visibility.com
Thu Nov 16 18:23:23 CET 2017


Confuse about future of S.E.O.? Ask for a complete website audit report, you
will find solution.

Will keywords help you with the Local Carousel? No, proximity and review
generation will.

How will Google Now propel your keyword strategy? It won't, but social
efforts will.

Do you think that Google will give you a Knowledge Graph box for a keyword
and link to your site? If so, you're dreaming. Add in the recent Google
update, and all of these changes tell us that Google is moving closer to
bringing everything together through the tie-ins of localization and
semantic improvements for conversational search, which is popular on mobile.

SEO Isn't Dead, It's Converging .. What you have to do for 2018?

Reply this email with your contact details so that we can call you for a
detailed report on your website. 

Looking forward to speak with you soon!

In case you are NOT INTERESTED, reply with UNSUBSCRIBE and we'll have you
removed from our database, don't worry!


Warm Regards, 
Andrea Jones 
Marketing Manager
Head Office: San Jose, CA 95120

ResultFirst Inc.


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