[Fiware-ngsi] Association in NGSI

Fermín Galán Márquez fermin at tid.es
Tue Mar 5 20:23:20 CET 2013

Dear Tobias, all,

Sorry for the delay sending the answer. It has take some time to read in deep your proposal and having a look to the discussion that followed it in the list (unfortunately, I haven't follow in deep so far the discussion by email, in the hope any relevant conclusion will be re-injected to the wiki page at the end).

We will need to discuss internally in TID the implications of this proposal (mainly in the implication side). However, in the meanwhile, let me ask some questions to clarify some points:

  *   Do the entities/attributes referred by the association registerContext (at both ends of the association) need to have been registered before? I mean, in your example, the Sensor_123-temperature, RoomB-temperature and RoomA elements need to have been previously registered? Otherwise, you will create an association between elements that does't "exists" in the database managed by the NGSI9 server...
  *   You describe basically association creation and query, but what about association modifications and deletion? Are these cases considered in the scope of your proposal?
  *   Could you detail the example of discoverContextAvailability introduced in the "Usage in NGSI9 operations" section in the wiki? I mean, what should be sent as discoverContextAvailabilityResponse in the following cases:
     *   discoverContextAvailability on <entityId_1>.<attributeName_1>
     *   discoverContextAvailability on <entityId_2>.<attributeName_2>
  *   Is NGSI10 out of the scope of your proposal?


Best regards,


El 01/03/2013 12:09, Tobias Jacobs escribió:
Dear all,

As promised, we have worked out a concept to represent associations between context entities in NGSI.

This is an important feature of the IoT Backend, and in particular relevant for the interaction between Configuration Management and IoT Broker.

If you are interested in this topic, please read our draft at
It is a rather short document.

I am looking forward to the discussion about this topic :)

Best regards

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