Dear Tarek, Currently there isn't any piece of documentation as you explain (although it could be "assambled" from the pieces of information in the Orion User Manual). However, in the near future we plan to document API reference using apiary (, which will cover what you suggest. Thanks for the feeedback! Best regards, ------ Fermín El 24/02/2015 a las 12:44, t.elsaleh at<mailto:t.elsaleh at> escribió: Hello Fermin, Thanks for getting back. What I meant by complete JSON example was an example that reflected the whole schema for each message, i.e. all the fields (except the custom ones, like polygons, circles etc.)… for example one that includes “contextMetadata” or “metadatas”. But since you pointed to an NGSI-10 example, that should suffice for now. I agree with you about phasing out XML. What is the point of extra work if it will not be used? It would be good to get a consensus on this, and collectively agree on the JSON binding structure. And I don’t mind using the one your guide presents. Best regards, Tarek From: Fermín Galán Márquez [mailto:fermin.galanmarquez at] Sent: 24 February 2015 10:15 To: Elsaleh T Mr (Electronic Eng) Cc: kengunnar.zangelin at<mailto:kengunnar.zangelin at>; fiware-ngsi at<mailto:fiware-ngsi at> Subject: Re: [Fiware-ngsi] reference for JSON structure Dear Tarek, Please find my comments inline. El 23/02/2015 a las 21:36, t.elsaleh at<mailto:t.elsaleh at> escribió: Hello Ken, Fermin, I would like to share some points about the JSON representation you have documented in the Orion UPG. · The structure for NGSI-9 in JSON is a bit different that in XML. I guess this has been done intentionally to make it easier. Wouldn’t it make sense to have it aligned with the XML version, in the sense that the XML version is also simplified? Because this just makes the mapping between XML and JSON more complex. [FGM1] In fact, I would suggest a more radical approach: remove completely the XML binding and keep only the JSON option. Nobody in modern REST APIs is using XML and after attending ~10 FIWARE events last year where I had the oportunity to talk with developers, I checked that everybody is interested in NGSI JSON and nobody is interested in XML. Let's face the reality. · By the way, does your version in JSON consider contextMetadata in the “attributes”? if so, what is it called. [FGM2] An example of metadata in attributes follows, based in updateContextRequest payload ( { "contextElements": [ { "type": "Room", "isPattern": "false", "id": "Room1", "attributes": [ { "name": "temperature", "type": "float", "value": "26.5", "metadatas": [ { "name": "accuracy", "type": "float", "value": "0.8" } ] } ] } ], "updateAction": "APPEND" } Although I'm not sure if you refer to that... :) · The “s” in “metadatas”, when metadata is already a plural term. [FGM3] I think you are right, it should be 'metadata' to be correct English. However, changing it now could involve backward compatibility issues in Orion clients using the current syntax. Thus, in this case, probably it doesn't worth to change. It would be very useful to have a complete JSON example. [FGM4] The Orion User Manual is plenty of JSON examples, so I'm not sure what do you mean by "complete JSON example"... Please let me know what you think. Best regards, Tarek From: Ken Zangelin [mailto:kengunnar.zangelin at] Sent: 01 December 2014 10:19 To: Elsaleh T Mr (Electronic Eng); fermin.galanmarquez at<mailto:fermin.galanmarquez at> Cc: fiware-ngsi at<mailto:fiware-ngsi at> Subject: Re: [Fiware-ngsi] reference for JSON structure Hi Tarek, Fermin is on a short vacation until Thursday. Your best source for the orion JSON is the wiki: All examples are in XML and JSON. BR, /KZ On 30/11/14 22:35, t.elsaleh at<mailto:t.elsaleh at> wrote: Hello Fermin, Could you please point me to where I can find the agreed JSON structure for NGSI-9? …I believe it is not a direct mapping to the XML version. Best regards, Tarek _______________________________________________ Fiware-ngsi mailing list Fiware-ngsi at<mailto:Fiware-ngsi at> Best regards, ------ Fermín ________________________________ Este mensaje y sus adjuntos se dirigen exclusivamente a su destinatario, puede contener información privilegiada o confidencial y es para uso exclusivo de la persona o entidad de destino. Si no es usted. el destinatario indicado, queda notificado de que la lectura, utilización, divulgación y/o copia sin autorización puede estar prohibida en virtud de la legislación vigente. Si ha recibido este mensaje por error, le rogamos que nos lo comunique inmediatamente por esta misma vía y proceda a su destrucción. 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