[Fiware-ngsi] FIWARE NGSI API discussion points

marc.capdevielle at orange.com marc.capdevielle at orange.com
Fri Jul 10 14:35:28 CEST 2015

[MC] As Fermín suggested, I repost my comment in the current thread with 
my color... not sure how this is going to scale ;)


[TJ] could you list the most important points in terms of functionality 
that are added / removed by your proposal? E.g. I think that the 
attribute domains have been thrown out; at least I do not see them 

[FGM] Added:

      o Geolocation and filtering capabilities (actually, I'd say that
        they aren't addition to NGSI itself -as their implemention in
        the standard operations family relies on existing
        Scope/Restriction structures-, but an addition in the way of
        using them for filtering).
      o Pagination (already in Orion API for v1)
      o Get entity types
      o Get subscription list
      o Get registration list
      o Get subscription availability list
  * Removed:
      o Special semantics for metadata ID, i.e. ID is now a regular
        metadata (nobody was using these special semantcis, see my email
        to this list on June 2nd, 2015)
      o Attribute domains (you can get the same using attributes which
        value is a key-map).

[TJ] One important point would be the restriction language.  We used to 
have XPATH expressions for the XML message bodies, but they do not seem 
to have been used so much, and we talk about json messages now.

In the current ngsi2 proposal it seems restrictions on attribute values 
are supported as URL parameters, but filtering based on metadata (e.g. 
for retrieving only attribute values received from a certain provider) 
is not possible by this, right?

Have you thought about the language for restrictions? Something as 
powerful/complex as the previous xpath?


[TJ] Do you intend to keep the distinction between NGSI 9 and NGSI 10? 
In my view it would be useful to at least sharply distinguish between 
operations for exchanging information and operations for exchanging 
“availability information”.

[FGM2] That difference could be explained in the introductory sections, 
before depicting each operation. What we have found is that people find 
confusion "NGIS9" and "NGSI10" (they tend to confuse with version 9 and 
version 10 of a thing called "NGSI"), so probably we should discuss 
about "context" and "context availability" but without mentioning NGSI9 
and NGSI10.

[JH]   I rather believe that distinguishing between NGSI9 and NGSI10 
doesn't make so much sense from a developer's perspective.

[TJ] NEC agrees that we could get rid of the “API version numbers” 
NGSI-9 and NGSI-10.

But from the IoT Chapter point of view there should be a distinction 
between context-data and context-availability. In the IoT Backend the 
functionality is split between a component maintaining the availability 
information (“IoT Discovery”) and data (“IoT Broker”).

This sharp split e.g.  also better enables distributed setups where a 
central IoT Discovery component provides several instances of IoT Broker 
with availability information.

Concretely, what we propose is to have context data (former NGSI-10) and 
context availability (former NGSI-9) on different resource trees like we 
had it previously; e.g. {serverRoot}/contextData and 
{serverRoot}/contextAvailability .


-       [TJ] I think it would be good to keep the approach of having a 
set of basic operations (queryContextRequest etc.) with which in 
principle one can do everything, so that convenience operations only add 
convenience but not add functionality as compared to the basic operations?

[FGM2] In general, I agree. In fact, we plan to include standards 
operations also as part of the reference documentation. As I mention in 
my previous email: /"The current draft at the above URL is focused on 
not-standard operations (sometime referred as "convenience operations") 
but at the end it will also include a specification for the standard 
operations (e.g. queryContext, updateContext, registerContext, etc.) 
based in the one we already have for the JSON encoding of that 
operations in the v1 API"./ However, there are some exceptions, eg: the 
convenience operation to get all the entity types ("GET /v2/types") in 
the sytesm doesn't have any counterpart in the standards operation 
family. But I understand that this is not a mayor problem.

[JH]  We definitively should keep the non-convenience operations (I 
wouldn't call them "standards" by the way, maybe we need to call them in 
another way).   However, I understand that we will implement some of the 
simplifications in the returned JSON structures, aren't we?   Leaving 
the developer the option to choose between self-contained (verbose :-) 
JSON structures and more simplified structures also would apply for 
these kind of operations.

[MC] As newcomers to the NGSI / Fiware ecosystem, me and some colleagues 
of mine have found very confusing that NGSI v1 exposes multiple ways of 
accessing the exact same information thought the standard and 
convenience operations. After a quite heated discussion with Tobias at 
the F2F meeting in Heidelberg, I now have a better understanding of the 
historic reasons that pushed the decision to have a subset of the NGSI 
standard operations duplicated as "convenience" REST endpoints... but I 
still think it was an error in the first place. Accepting that some 
developers need a more "convenient" way to access data is accepting that 
standard operation are not convenient (by not being RESTfull) and that 
design of the NGSI v1 APIs is flawed in some way.

The first thing to decide (and there was no consensus at the F2F 
meeting) is whether NGSI v2 is about :
- breaking compatibility with v1 allowing to change all the APIs,
- keeping compatibility with v1 and just adding missing functionalities 
(more a v1.1),
We need to decide on that first.

Then, *if* the NGSI v2 specification is about breaking compatibility 
with v1 and simplifying it using REST endpoints, it *may* be the right 
time to discuss if the standard operations need to be included in v2 and 
if we can move all the NGSI functionalities to "REST-like" endpoints. I 
say only "REST-like" as some NGSI concepts cannot be mapped fully to 
REST properly.

On another side, I don't have anything against keeping the standard 
operations for v2. But then, we should accept that the NGSI model is not 
adapted to the REST conventions and don't try to apply REST partially by 
duplicating endpoints.


[NEC]: For NEC it is important to preserve the possibility to have 
multiple instances of attribute values. This might not be so important 
for most of the cases where NGSI is used these days, where entities 
represent sensors and attributes represent their readings. However, in 
we expect that in IoT scenarios entities will represent arbitrary 
objects like rooms, houses, etc. and then there can indeed be several 
providers of the same attribute values who should be distinguishable.

However, we also see that this possibility should not make the life of 
users difficult who do not care about multiple attribute value instances 
because in their scenarios this does not play a role. Therefore our 
proposal is that NGSI systems treat attribute values with no given ID as 
having a specific “null” ID.

By this, the value ID possibility can be completely ignored by scenarios 
where it is not needed, while the NGSI standard still offers the 
possibility to have multiple values.

[FGM1] In order to fully understand you idea about IDs, could you 
elaborate an example aligned with the current NGSIv2 in order to see how 
it would looks like, please?

[TJ] Assume you have a context entity representing a street, and the 
co2-level of the street is measures by two different devices. In the 
NGSI model, the attribute “co2level” would then have two relevant 
values, each delivered by a distinct device, and these two values would 
be distinguished by distinct value IDs.

In FIWARE NGSI 1, applications who wish to retrieve only a specific 
attribute value could

-make a queryContextRequest and add to it an XPATH restriction which 
would limit the response to the attribute value instance having the 
desired value ID as metadata

-or use the convenience function making a GET on 

A query not specifying the ID would, in contrast, return two attribute 

In FIWARE NGSI 2 we can discuss whether the possibility to query a 
specific value needs to be included in the convenience function as a 
sub-resource of resources representing attributes – maybe this not 
necessary, and specific value instances can still be queried by using 
the corresponding restriction [restrictions are another question to 

However, conceptually the NGSI system should distinguish between several 
value instances, so if two attribute values with different ID metadata 
exist, then e.g. an update on one instance should not overwrite the other.

I’m sympathetic to what you are proposing but I was wondering if what 
you are pursuing might result in API over engineering just to support a 
use case that can be seamlessly handled by the application itself. For 
instance, you can have a CO2 level value which can be obtained from the 
contribution of several measurements coming from different sensors . You 
might even automatically update the resulting value when a new 
measurement arrives by using the CEP. For instance.


    id: “Friedrichstrasse”,

   type: “Street”,

   co2Level: 0.1



id: “Sensor-789”,

    type: “CO2Sensor”,

location: “ Friedrichstrasse”,

measurement: 0.15



id: “Sensor-900”,

   type: “CO2Sensor”,

    location: “ Friedrichstrasse”,

measurement: 0..09


[TJ]: In your example you refer to entities representing the different 
sensors, and of course such a representation is always possible.

In the IoT chapter we typically speak of “higher-level” entities 
representing more abstract Things like streets, and we expect that the 
IoT user is not aware of which are the names of the sensors who deliver 
the information., so the user would query for “street” instead of 
“Sensor-900”. And it is in such scenarios where the same attribute is 
potentially delivered by several providers.


[TJ] The NGSI v2 proposal is very rich and there will be many different 
things to discuss or clarify. I am not sure what is the best “format” 
for the discussion, but let me start in this email with a few points 
(most of them questions). We are not done yet analyzing the complete 
proposal and more discussions will follow.

[FGM1] Email discussions are perfectly ok. Other alternative ways to 
provide feedback would be issues in github.com and even pull request 
suggesting modification to the specification or cookbook .apib files 
(.apib files at 
are the "source code" for Apiary web at 
http://telefonicaid.github.io/fiware-orion/api/v2/ and 

(If you are not familiar with the pull request way of working in 
github.com, please tell me and we try to provide an introduction).

[TJ] OK; I think I prefer at the moment the email format for the basic 
discussions, and when it comes to the subtle details we can consider 
moving to pull requests. [Personally I am also not so well aware yet on 
how this works, but I have colleagues who can help me J]


1)“flat” JSON message:
In general NEC agrees to reserve “id”, “type”, “value” to have special 
semantics. Even if this means that entities can have no attributes 
called “id”, “type” or “value”

Alternatively (and for maybe making the descriptions easier to 
understand) we might think about calling “id”, “type”, “value” special 
attributes with special semantics; some being mandatory (e.g. “id” is 
mandatory in entities).


2)Predefined value types: in general NEC supports to have predefined 
types in order to improve interoperability


3)JSON types as predefined value types: We understand that a JSON 
property whose value is not a JSON object (and thus has no explicitly 
stated type) is implicitly either of type “number”, “string” or 
“boolean”, depending on the type of the JSON property. So for example 
"temperature": 32.5 would be implicitly of type “number”.

[FGM2] Yes, that's the idea. I would recommend you to have a new look to 
the specification, as we have merged some changes this morning that (we 
hope) make this idea clearer.

(The diff of the newest changes is at 
<https://github.com/telefonicaid/fiware-orion/pull/1042/files> in the 
case you prefer to see only the modifications)

[TJ] It seems in the newest version that you removed the “implicit” 
types number, boolean and string, so that every attribute value now 
needs to be a JSON object. Is this correct?

[FGM1] Not exactly... Every attribute needs to be a JSON type, which can 
be one of the following ones: string, number, boolean, object or array 
(i.e. not necessarily an "object", which is only one among 5 possibilities).

What I meant was that now an entity looking like


id: myStreet

co2Level: “aLot”


is not allowed, but needs to be something like


id: myStreet

co2Level: {

value: ”aLot”

type: “fun-string”



So the actual value is of JSON type string, but needs to be nested 
inside a JSON object where also the value type is declared.

At least this is how I interpret the “JSON entity representation” 
description in the ngsi2 draft, but maybe I still get it wrong?



id: myStreet

co2Level: “aLot”


In this variant there is no NGSI type informed. In the variant which 
include type you are informing a NGSI type but from the point of view of 
the implementation they are both strings.

[TJ] OK, then my question would probably be whether an NGSI value type 
is mandated for attribute values. From reading the current specs my 
guess would be “yes”, but I would like to have it confirmed…


4)Further predefined value types: We also understand that there will be 
further predefined types like for example “geo:point”.  But we believe 
that attribute values having this kind of type will still need to be a 
JSON object with explicitly stated “type” property, because otherwise 
e.g. one cannot distinguish a “date” value from a “string” value. This 
would mean that the example /"timestamp": "2017-06-17T07:21:24.238Z" /is 
incorrect and would instead have to look like

                “value”: "2017-06-17T07:21:24.238Z"
               “type”: date

[FGM3] In the new version of the spec, there are only two special NGSI 
types ("date" and "geo:point"), both associated to the JSON string type. 
I think it works in the way you suggest here, but a double checking the 
new version of the spec to get your feedback would be great.

[TJ] Yes, in the new versions the values are objects with explicitly 
given types.

[FGM2] Actually, values are JSON valid types, among string, number, 
boolean, object and array. For JSON strings, the attribute type (from a 
NGSI point of view) "date" and "geo:point" would have the special 
meaning described in the specification.

[TJ] see the example previous discussion point. What I meant is that now 
each attribute value is nested inside a JSON object…


5)Further predefined value types: We assume that some predefined value 
types can refer to specific JSON object formats, not only to specific 
string formats.

[FGM4] It could be so from a theoretical point of view. However, by the 
moment, the only two special types we have found make sense are "date" 
and "geo:point", both associated to JSON string. Maybe you have some 
other case in mind?

[TJ] I do not have a specific example in my mind at the moment, so it is 
indeed more a theoretical consideration. I imagine that for the sake of 
interoperability specific domains could publish something  like a 
catalogue of their entity types and the format of the values they are using.

[FGM3] To be precise, I understand you mean "a catalogue of their entity 
types and the format of the values _of the entity attributes_ they are 

[TJ] Yes

[TJ] Probably we should first discuss what other predefined value types 
we want to have (if any), and only then discuss whether some of them 
should rather be JSON objects than specific string formats.

[FGM2] By the moment we have found "date" and "geo:point" and both fit 
into string JSON type, i.e. we haven't found the need to use a JSON 
obejct for them. Maybe some more examples arise as we progress in the 
NGSIv2 specification, but we don't foresee any new one at the current 
point of time.


6)User-defined types: It is currently written that /“The values of 
user-defined informative types are represented by JSON string”/, but we 
believe that user-defined types should be representable by numbers, 
Booleans and JSON objects as well.

[FGM5] This has  changed in the new version of the spec and I guess now 
works in the way you suggest. Now, NGSI type and JSON type are 
"orthogonal" aspects on the attribute.

[TJ] OK, I read that even arrays would be allowed. Makes sense to me.


7)Error format: Currently an error code is not specified. Is this 
because it is intended to use the status code in the HTTP header 
instead? Can this lead to conflicts between standard HTTP error codes 
(e.g. 404 resource not found) and NGSI error codes (eg. 404 context 
element not found)?

[FGM6] Exactly. The idea is to use HTTP status code for the numeric 
error code, so no conflict should occur. Note that one of the criticized 
aspects in NGSI v1 is not using HTTP code to convey the error code, as 
this is not the common way of working in RESTful APIs. E.g. this would 
be a "not found" error response in NGSIv2:

HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
Content-Length: 95
Content-Type: application/json
Date: ...

     "error": "NotFound",
     "description": "The requested entity has not been found. Check type 
and id"


[TJ] I need to further discuss with my colleagues about this before 
agreeing or proposing an alternative.

One concern is that not having the status code in the response message 
forces applications to also look into the response header, which is not 
always convenient.

[FGM4] (I understand that your refer to the status line, i.e. "HTTP/1.1 
404 Not Found", not to response headers, see 

On the other side, one of the concerns (that I have personally listened 
several times when presenting Orion in FIWARE events) is exactly the 
opposite :), i.e. that with the current way of working in NGSI you 
always need to check the payload to know the error. Even worse, 
depending on the request type (queryContext, updateContext, etc.) the 
error may be in different places on the payload, which is a little bit 
crazy from the point of view of the client programmer.

Anyway, the above approach should make both people happy, I mean:

?For people not wanting to check the status code, they can access to the 
payload and check the "error" message.

?For people not wanting to check the payload, they can get the status 
code in the status line.

[JMCF] Could you give us a real programming example on which getting 
access to response headers is not convenient? I think you must always 
check for response status if you are aiming at creating a robust 
application that deals with any kind of unexpected error which might 
happen (500, etc.)

8)API entry point
In general NEC agrees to make this resource somehow an overview of the 
main API urls. Would you make the format if this link list predefined, 
or would you leave the specific format to the API developer?

[FGM7] I think Jose Manuel could answer this better than me.

/[JMCF] The API entry point must list at least all the URLs that allow 
to get access to the core functionalities offered by the API i.e./


/E//ntities, types, subscriptions and registrations . In theory the only 
mandatory part would be the keys of the returned JSON object i.e./


/entities_url, types_url, etc. As values yo could return your own URLs, 
but in practice it is very likely that you will be returning the same as 
in the example provided. //I think this should be clarified in the spec. /



10)Pagination: In principle NEC supports the concept of pagination. 
However we are not sure how it can be realized in practice, as query 
results are dynamic (especially when getting the queried data live from 
a distributed system like IoT systems do). What the user probably 
expects is that the query results are “frozen” for him and then 
delivered page by page. But then something like a query ID is needed to 
collect the query results.
Alternatively the query result could be represented by a specific http 
resource (which is similar to a query id).
In both cases things become slightly more complex…

Do you have a proposal how to deal with that issue?

[FGM8] Frozen the query at NGSI server implementation could have an 
important performance impact (as the frozen results would need to be 
maintained in memory from an undefined amount of time while the client 
gets all the result) and would make NGSI sever implementation stateful, 
which is very bad from the point of view of HA and horizontal scaling.

Some ordering criteria may alleviate the problem In particular, entity 
creation date, which ensures that any new entity have to be put at the 
end. However, even in this case, there could be some problems if an 
entity already seen page is deleted (as it would introduce a shift in 
the next pages).

Thus, the solution based on limit/offset is not perfect, but may suffice 
most of the cases and have a good simplicity tradeoff. So, it is 
probably "the best of the worse" solution. But this point is still opened.

[TJ] I understand the scalability aspect.

On the other hand, NGSI systems who do not have the information ready in 
a database but need to assemble it from various sources anyway somehow 
have to cache the query result when it is retrieved page by page, as 
otherwise they would have to run the same queries on the subsystem again 
and again.

 From this point of view the question is whether clients should have 
separate control on data generation and on data retrieval, or if this 
difference should be transparent to applications. To be discussed.

[FGM5] I agree that pagination in a distributed context (as the 
architecture based on CB + CPrs is) is hard. We have been discussing 
about it at https://github.com/telefonicaid/fiware-orion/issues/847long 
time, but without having found a perfect solution.


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