[Fiware-oasc-etsi] Working Documents for Initiating the CIM Deliverables: working now on (0) Outreach (1) Survey of CIM

Lindsay Frost Lindsay.Frost at neclab.eu
Wed Dec 7 12:36:43 CET 2016

Dear Franck, Cathy and all,
ok, lets work on these :-)

(0)    Outreach Powerpoint "Why CIM"

(1)    Survey of CIM-related Standards (including open-data protocols)

(0) Outreach Powerpoint "Why CIM"
There is an old draft for this, 4MB so I do not resend, in an email from me on 28.09.2016 11:44
Can we agree on the new contents, and the main points to include in time for the FIWARE Summit?
Any inline-comments, or volunteers to provide ppt material, please reply ...

1.      Why we urgently need specifications for Context Information Management

2.      Types of _practical_ Use Cases to Consider

a.      (we have some material, attached again to this email)

3.      Existing SDO work is widespread, but not handling exactly what we need

a.      AIOTI overview

b.      oneM2M current work

c.      ETSI SmartM2M current work

d.      W3C WoT

e.      etc

4.      Seeking Stakeholders for an ETSI ISG CIM

a.      "User" Groups (smart cities, developers, open data integrators ...)

b.      Low barrier to entry for an ISG (low meeting costs, non-ETSI is fine ... just regularly contribute!)

5.      Making the Gap Analysis

a.      FIWARE NGSI is already widely used and has many advantages ... but what is still missing?

b.      Other protocols which must be considered/interworked?

6.      Outreach & Smart Cities

(1) Survey of CIM-related Standards (including open-data protocols)
I have set up a "scratch pad" or draft for the CIM_Standardisation_Landscape at:

Please try to edit it, so I am sure it works. It is my long collection of various source material.
I had a lot of trouble to upload my word-file and then I finally used copy and paste and _then_
had to reformat it :-(    If other people have trouble then I should just send around
my .DOCX file (about 500kB). Let me know.

Any ideas how to structure an "analysis" after we have found the main material we want to use?

best wishes

Dr. Lindsay Frost, Chief Standardization Eng.
frost at neclab.eu<mailto:frost at neclab.eu>     Mobile +
NEC Laboratories Europe, Kurfürsten-Anlage 36,
D-69115 Heidelberg, Germany.

Reg. Headoffice: NEC Europe Ltd, VAT DE161569151
Athene, Odyssey Business Park, West End Road,
London HA4 6QE, Reg. in England 2832014

From: Franck Le Gall [mailto:franck.le-gall at eglobalmark.com]
Sent: Montag, 5. Dezember 2016 21:52
To: Lindsay Frost; fiware-oasc-etsi at lists.fiware.org
Cc: wenbin li (wenbin.li at eglobalmark.com)
Subject: RE: [Fiware-oasc-etsi] Working Documents for Initiating the CIM Deliverables

Hi Lindsay,

We welcome this ! It would be good to progress topics (0) and (1) from now

My colleague Wenbin Li (cced) will attend the FIWARE foundation summit so to participate to any discussions  relevant to CIM there.

Kind regards

De : fiware-oasc-etsi-bounces at lists.fiware.org<mailto:fiware-oasc-etsi-bounces at lists.fiware.org> [mailto:fiware-oasc-etsi-bounces at lists.fiware.org] De la part de Lindsay Frost
Envoyé : lundi 5 décembre 2016 20:56
À : fiware-oasc-etsi at lists.fiware.org<mailto:fiware-oasc-etsi at lists.fiware.org>
Objet : [Fiware-oasc-etsi] Working Documents for Initiating the CIM Deliverables

Dear colleagues,
in case anyone would like to work on draft documents for the start of the ISG CIM,
I would welcome collaboration on the following ones which I know will be
needed early in the planned set of deliverables:

(0)    Outreach Powerpoint "Why CIM"

(1)    Survey of CIM-related Standards (including open-data protocols)

(2)    CIM-related Use Cases (SmartCity)
(we will later need SmartAgriculture, but SmartCity is first)

(3)    Gap Analysis for a CIM API/Protocol
(actually a requirements list, plus mapping as much as possible to
NGSI and looking what changes should be considered)

The first one (0) is needed for liaising to other bodies and looking for
contributions and members from outside the founding members.
The first opportunity to use it may be at the FIWARE Foundation Summit ;-)

If there is interest to collaborate, I will start up a google-docs draft Contents
for each document and we can start collecting material. Of course other
ideas are most welcome :-)

I can also understand if most of you prefer to wait until we have a
definitive answer from ETSI  :-)

best wishes

Dr. Lindsay Frost, Chief Standardization Eng.
frost at neclab.eu<mailto:frost at neclab.eu>     Mobile +
NEC Laboratories Europe, Kurfürsten-Anlage 36,
D-69115 Heidelberg, Germany.

Reg. Headoffice: NEC Europe Ltd, VAT DE161569151
Athene, Odyssey Business Park, West End Road,
London HA4 6QE, Reg. in England 2832014

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