[Fiware-oasc-etsi] DRAFT JOINT PRESS RELEASE re ISG CIM - edit now, do not release

Lindsay Frost Lindsay.Frost at neclab.eu
Wed Dec 21 16:19:04 CET 2016

Dear all,
when we eventually have four signatures (EGM was first, Orange is doing it, NEC expects tomorrow, ...), and the ETSI DG has sent the Letter of Invitation for the first meeting, we need to be ready with a fast press release. We also need to send it in advance to Hermann to avoid formal errors.

Proposal: Adapt the draft below and decide if we can make it one joint press release or six individual ones with same content.

Q1: How do your organisations handle such releases?   One joint or six identical separately?
Q2: What additions and changes do you want for the text below ?

best wishes

********* Do NOT distribute yet!  JOINT PRESS RELEASE (to coordinate with partners) *********

Cities are striving to use digital services to advance the quality of life of their citizens, the efficiency of their operations, the growth of their economies and to increase their sustainability. Such "Smart Cities" need applications which can integrate their existing services and enable new 3rd party services. Telecommunication systems, city infrastructure databases, car traffic management systems, and new Internet of Things (IoT) solutions all have their own specifications and Smart Cities are held back by lack of interoperability for exchange of information between these platforms.

To overcome this, five ETSI Members (Easy Global Market, iMinds, NEC, Orange, Telefonica) and the organisation OASC (Open & Agile Smart Cities) initiated a new ETSI Industry Specification Group on Context Information Management. This ISG CIM will specify protocols running "on top" of IoT platforms and allowing exchange of data together with its' context (e.g. what is described by the data, what was measured, when, where, by what, time of validity, ownership, etc) so as to dramatically extend interoperability of applications. The initial focus is Smart Cities, but the approach should be extensible e.g. to Smart Agriculture and Smart Industry.

A strong requirement on the work is coordination and collaboration with other standardisation activities in related areas, such as ETSI TC SmartM2M and ETSI PP oneM2M, as well as groups such as EIP-SCC,  W3C or ITU-T, and open source IoT software platforms such as FIWARE and OM2M. The goal is to interoperate and to re-use existing work as much as possible. Congruence amongst platforms used in Europe has been a primary goal of the EU Commission's support of IoT and the ISG CIM work is intended to align with their standardisation policies for the Digital Single Market.

Organisations from all areas are welcome to join the ISG CIM initiative: non-ETSI as well as ETSI members, including research organisations, software houses and system integrators, SMEs, industrial partners, city groups and other stakeholders.

The official ISG CIM Terms of Reference is available at XXX and a call for participation to the first ISG CIM General Meeting on XXX at ETSI headquarters in Sophia Antipolis, France, has been issued to ETSI Members. Please send enquiries to the convenor of the first ISG CIM meeting, Dr. Lindsay Frost (NEC Laboratories Europe, frost at neclab.eu<mailto:frost at neclab.eu>)

About the initiators:

Easy Global Market


(Doro: include lab address)
NEC Corporation is a leader in the integration of IT and network technologies that benefit businesses and people around the world. By providing a combination of products and solutions that cross utilize the company's experience and global resources, NEC's advanced technologies meet the complex and ever-changing needs of its customers. NEC brings more than 100 years of expertise in technological innovation to empower people, businesses and society.  For more information, visit NEC at http://www.nec.com.

The NEC Group globally provides "Solutions for Society" that promote the safety, security, efficiency and equality of society. Under the company's corporate message of "Orchestrating a brighter world," NEC aims to help solve a wide range of challenging issues and to create new social value for the changing world of tomorrow. For more information, please visit

//LF asks, please check//
The Open & Agile Smart Cities initiative (OASC) is a city-driven, non-profit organisation dedicated to creating viable smart city markets. OASC was founded in January 2015 and came to life with the first wave of cities joining in March 2015. OASC currently has more than 100 cities globally and continues to grow.  OASC promotes the use of a shared set of methods to develop systems and make them interoperable across a single city as well as between multiple cities. Today's smart cities are pioneering solutions that improve local practices while promoting sustainable job creation. OASC provides the network for cities all over the world to share best practices, compare results, and avoid vendor (and city) lock-in.



About ETSI

About EC Policies

e.g. ICT Standardisation Priorities for the Digital Single Market<http://ec.europa.eu/newsroom/dae/document.cfm?doc_id=15265> and Standardisation Policy<http://europa.eu/rapid/press-release_MEMO-16-1963_en.htm>.

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