[Fiware-oasc-etsi] Update about ETSI ISG on cross-cutting Context Information Management (CIM) standards for Smart Applications using Open and Agile Smart Cities as catalyst

Mulligan, Catherine E A c.mulligan at imperial.ac.uk
Tue Jul 5 14:01:31 CEST 2016

Congratulations Juanjo and thanks for all the hard work.


Skaffa Outlook för Android<https://aka.ms/ghei36>

On Tue, Jul 5, 2016 at 12:47 PM +0100, "Juanjo Hierro" <juanjose.hierro at telefonica.com<mailto:juanjose.hierro at telefonica.com>> wrote:

Dear all,

  An update on the approval of the ToR for the ETSI ISG on cross-cutting Context Information Management (CIM) standards for Smart Applications using Open and Agile Smart Cities as catalyst.

  After a couple of exchanges with the ETSI team, we ended with the attached version of the ToR which I sent to them on June 24th.  It just incorporated the data about the fees to pay for attending meetings (the amount was suggested by them), added the EC as counselor and also some wording ETSI wanted to incorporate regarding relationship with OMA.   I also cleaned out everything which may be interpreted as "pending" on our side, like date of the document or the TBC regarding support from iMinds or Catapult, to avoid there were issues on our table ;-)

  After one week of silence, I called Patrick Guillemin yesterday.   He told me they were essentially ok with the last distributed version.   However, he told me there is a new official template for the ToR they have to adapt.  They also want to conduct a f2f meeting with major stakeholders behind the proposal to make sure the ToR gets finalized and also setup the strategy towards convincing members of the ETSI Board and preparing the kick-off of the ISG, which I told him we wish to have in September.    He told me that presence of the industrial partners who are behind the submission of the ToR is mandatory.  I guess presence of the others is also welcome of course.

  So, apparently good news.

  Now, we shall be looking for a date for this f2f.  I guess Nice may help to get the availability from the ETSI side.   Maybe setup a confcall previously.

  I'll come back to you with options regarding dates.  In the meantime, any input on your availability is welcome.

  Best regards,

-- Juanjo

On 09/06/16 06:40, Juanjo Hierro wrote:

Dear all,

  FYI, I have sent a version of the ToR to ETSI.   This version incorporates the comments that I received these days.

  Thanks to all of you for your revision of the ToR.

  I hope this time the ETSI team will not see any conflict and we will be able to close the ToR to be officially submitted.   Let's see.


-- Juanjo

-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject:        Re: Terms of Reference of a proposal for the creation of an ETSI ISG on cross-cutting Context Information Management (CIM) standards for Smart Applications using Open and Agile Smart Cities as catalyst
Date:   Thu, 9 Jun 2016 06:37:04 +0200
From:   Juanjo Hierro <juanjose.hierro at telefonica.com><mailto:juanjose.hierro at telefonica.com>
To:     Hermann Brand <Hermann.Brand at etsi.org><mailto:Hermann.Brand at etsi.org>, Patrick Guillemin <Patrick.Guillemin at etsi.org><mailto:Patrick.Guillemin at etsi.org>
CC:     Juanjo Hierro <juanjose.hierro at telefonica.com><mailto:juanjose.hierro at telefonica.com>, ELLOUMI, Omar (Omar) <omar.elloumi at nokia.com><mailto:omar.elloumi at nokia.com>, Juanjo Hierro <mailto:juanjose.hierro at telefonica.com> <juanjose.hierro at telefonica.com><mailto:juanjose.hierro at telefonica.com>

Dear Hermann, Patrick,

  Find enclosed a new version of the ToR that we believe should address the comments that were made.   Please confirm its reception.

  We have added some changes on section 3.1 describing the scope of activities in order to capture several points you will remember from our discussion in Nice:

  *   Distinguishing between the the Context Information Management API specification to be produced as result of the ISG and the FIWARE NGSI API specification that will be taken as starting point for the specification.
  *   Clarifying relationship between FIWARE NGSI API specifications and OMA NGSI interface specifications, mentioning the eventual contribution back to OMA (not mandatory).  Please review if there is some wording we should add regarding relationship with OMA.   Please make suggestions if any.
  *   Clarifying that development of an open source reference implementation of both the API and the data publication platform (e.g., CKAN) is not subject "per se" of the work of this ISG but just an instrument to follow an implementation-driven approach.   Multiple alternative implementations (open source or not) will be allowed/feasible.

  We have incorporated several changes in section 5 regarding clarification on the relationship between the scope of our work and that in OneM2M.   You will see that the picture is exactly the one we sketched in Nice, which was also very similar to the one you sent to me in the last exchange.   I add Omar in the loop as we discussed so that he can confirm it is fine.

  There is the point on payment of fees to attend meetings by observers and non-members of ETSI both in section 3.3 "Dues" and section 3.6.1 "Participation in the work of the Industry Specification Group (clarification of TWP 3.4)".   I have just proposed a fee of 100€ (before specified as "XXX") but we would welcome your advise based on experience.

  I have also added the reference to some relevant non-members of ETSI supporting the creation of this ETSI ISG as per your suggestion when we met in Nice.  We understand that Catapult UK and iMinds are ETSI members and they would endorse the creation of the ETSI ISG (they are rather active members in OASC) but we are confirming.   We will soon get back to you confirming whether we can list them or not in the final version of the ToR.

  Last but not least, you proposed that the EC participates in the ETSI ISG as councilor.   I would kindly ask you to add the wording that may be required in the proper section for this purpose, since I don't know where you would expect to see it in the document and what would be the right wording.

   Summary of concrete items in which we expect your input, besides overall revision of the document:

  *   Wording about relationship with OMA
  *   Advice on fees for observers and non-members of ETSI to attend meetings of the ISG
  *   Wording for adding the EC as councilor

  Please get back to us as soon as possible.   We definitively would like to have the ISG approved in June so I guess there is short time for reaction.  It's not only the EC but our management who is pressing.

  Best regards,

-- Juanjo

On 12/05/16 22:14, Hermann Brand wrote:

Tried to capture the discussion about the CIM/M2M service layer relationship. Have a look at the quick sketch in section 5.

Does it reflect your understanding?

Best regards,

-----Original Message-----
From: Juanjo Hierro [mailto:juanjose.hierro at telefonica.com]
Sent: 12 May 2016 10:26 AM
To: Hermann Brand <Hermann.Brand at etsi.org><mailto:Hermann.Brand at etsi.org>
Cc: Patrick Guillemin <Patrick.Guillemin at etsi.org><mailto:Patrick.Guillemin at etsi.org>; David Boswarthick <David.Boswarthick at etsi.org><mailto:David.Boswarthick at etsi.org>
Subject: Re: Terms of Reference of a proposal for the creation of an ETSI ISG on cross-cutting Context Information Management (CIM) standards for Smart Applications using Open and Agile Smart Cities as catalyst

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On 12/05/16 09:46, Hermann Brand wrote:

Of course. We will be there.
Kind regards,

-----Original Message-----
From: JUAN JOSE HIERRO SUREDA [mailto:juanjose.hierro at telefonica.com]
Sent: 11 May 2016 8:37 PM
To: Hermann Brand <Hermann.Brand at etsi.org><mailto:Hermann.Brand at etsi.org>
Cc: Patrick Guillemin <Patrick.Guillemin at etsi.org><mailto:Patrick.Guillemin at etsi.org>; David Boswarthick
<David.Boswarthick at etsi.org><mailto:David.Boswarthick at etsi.org>; JUAN JOSE HIERRO SUREDA
<juanjose.hierro at telefonica.com><mailto:juanjose.hierro at telefonica.com>
Subject: Re: Terms of Reference of a proposal for the creation of an
ETSI ISG on cross-cutting Context Information Management (CIM)
standards for Smart Applications using Open and Agile Smart Cities as


Can we meet in the lobby of the Nice Riviera hotel?

45 Rue Pastorelli


Juanjo from iPhone

El 11 may 2016, a las 17:21, Hermann Brand <Hermann.Brand at etsi.org><mailto:Hermann.Brand at etsi.org> escribió:

Dear Juanjo,
Patrick will be with me in Nice tomorrow at 14h.

We do not have a TM-Forum-pass.

Where do you want to you? in your hotel? Please provide an address.

Best regards,

-----Original Message-----
From: Hermann Brand
Sent: 09 May 2016 10:10 PM
To: 'Juanjo Hierro' <juanjose.hierro at telefonica.com><mailto:juanjose.hierro at telefonica.com>
Cc: Patrick Guillemin <Patrick.Guillemin at etsi.org><mailto:Patrick.Guillemin at etsi.org>; David Boswarthick
<David.Boswarthick at etsi.org><mailto:David.Boswarthick at etsi.org>
Subject: RE: Terms of Reference of a proposal for the creation of an
ETSI ISG on cross-cutting Context Information Management (CIM)
standards for Smart Applications using Open and Agile Smart Cities as

Dear Juanjo,
I do not have pass for the TMForum.

I could be in Nice at 14h. Where?

Best regards,
PS: Patrick, David?

-----Original Message-----
From: Juanjo Hierro [mailto:juanjose.hierro at telefonica.com]
Sent: 09 May 2016 8:01 PM
To: Hermann Brand <Hermann.Brand at etsi.org><mailto:Hermann.Brand at etsi.org>
Cc: Patrick Guillemin <Patrick.Guillemin at etsi.org><mailto:Patrick.Guillemin at etsi.org>; David Boswarthick
<David.Boswarthick at etsi.org><mailto:David.Boswarthick at etsi.org>
Subject: Re: Terms of Reference of a proposal for the creation of an
ETSI ISG on cross-cutting Context Information Management (CIM)
standards for Smart Applications using Open and Agile Smart Cities as


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X-BESS-VER: 2016.5-r1604211718

   Resent ...

On 09/05/16 17:02, Juanjo Hierro wrote:

  I would appreciate it if we could meet in Nice ...   Do you have a
pass for the TMForum event?   We may meet there.

  The best option for me would be to meet in the morning, around
09:30.   Otherwise, try to meet at 13:30 or 14:00.   My flight departs
at 18:20 from Nice airport.


-- Juanjo

On 06/05/16 21:55, Hermann Brand wrote:
Dear Juanjo,
Would you be available for a f2f meeting on Thursday, 12.5.2016?
Would you like to come to ETSI or should we meet in Nice?

Patrick's proposed text for section 4 reads as follows:

  In the framework of the ETSI Co-operation Agreement with OMA
(Open Mobile Alliance)
the ISG CIM will cooperate as needed with OMA through a new liaison
to be created (in addition to the existing OMA liaisons with INT ;
NTECH ;  SmartM2M and  TCCE).
The liaison between ETSI ISG CIM and OMA will be on activities
concerning the terms of usage, reference and eventual update of OMA
NGSI-9 and NGSI-10 referenced at

An example  for EC mentioned as Counsellor in an ISG is available
at https://portal.etsi.org/TBSiteMap/OEU/ListofOEUmembers.aspx
Of course EC would have to agree. Patrick has approached them.

I have been too much occupied by Board H2020 workshop preparations
and have not finalised my action from our call, i.e. the policy
context in the rationale. Please accept my apologies.

Best regards,

-----Original Message-----
From: Juanjo Hierro [mailto:juanjose.hierro at telefonica.com]
Sent: 28 April 2016 11:27 AM
To: Hermann Brand <Hermann.Brand at etsi.org><mailto:Hermann.Brand at etsi.org>
Subject: Re: Terms of Reference of a proposal for the creation of
an ETSI ISG on cross-cutting Context Information Management (CIM)
standards for Smart Applications using Open and Agile Smart Cities
as catalyst

    Please give me 15 mins ... so we start at 11:45


Coordinator and Chief Architect, FIWARE platform IoT Unit,

email: juanjose.hierro at telefonica.com<mailto:juanjose.hierro at telefonica.com>
twitter: @JuanjoHierro

You can follow FIWARE at:
    website:  http://www.fiware.org
    twitter:  @FIWARE
    facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/FI-WARE/251366491587242
    linkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/groups/FIWARE-4239932

On 28/04/16 11:04, Hermann Brand wrote:
Dear Juanjo,
In a first step I focused on section 3.1 (scope) and section 5
(overlapping or complementary elements).

As for section 3.1, I tried to describe the scope in an
implementation agnostic manner, trying to explain the problem
rather than coming up with concrete solutions. Once the group is
up and running and drafting of Group Reports or Group
Specifications has started concrete solutions may be brought in as written contributions.

As for section 5, here we have to demonstrate why this ISG
complements oneM2M. It is not sufficient to simply state that
there is no overlap. I see 2 potential options, either position
the FIWARE Context Broker as oneM2M Common Service Entity or as an
intermediary between an application and the oneM2M service layer.

Of course I have added some comments inline the attached document.

Talk to you in half an hour ...

Best regards,

-----Original Message-----
From: Juanjo Hierro [mailto:juanjose.hierro at telefonica.com]
Sent: 27 April 2016 5:08 AM
To: Hermann Brand <Hermann.Brand at etsi.org><mailto:Hermann.Brand at etsi.org>; Patrick Guillemin
<Patrick.Guillemin at etsi.org><mailto:Patrick.Guillemin at etsi.org>
Cc: David Boswarthick <David.Boswarthick at etsi.org><mailto:David.Boswarthick at etsi.org>; Luis Jorge
Romero <luis.romero at etsi.org><mailto:luis.romero at etsi.org>; Juanjo Hierro
<juanjose.hierro at telefonica.com><mailto:juanjose.hierro at telefonica.com>
Subject: Re: Terms of Reference of a proposal for the creation of
an ETSI ISG on cross-cutting Context Information Management (CIM)
standards for Smart Applications using Open and Agile Smart Cities
as catalyst


     Thanks for the update!

     Several organizations/editors have been working in the ISG
ToR (we actually edit it collaboratively using Google docs :-)
although I was the person who was driving the final revisions and
produced the latest
draft.   So, yes, somehow I have the pen on our side.

     Fine if you can provide concrete editorial change proposals
(under change control) about statements regarding how ISG
complements OneM2M we
can review.   There were several already in the document, btw, I guess
that you have already found them.   Please review other matters you
believe need to be fixed (I remember one comment where some of you
mentioned that it was not right to use "Task Force" to refer to
the different working groups we would establish within the ISG,

     The name of the file you had forwarded was not matching the
name of the file we submitted (maybe the name of the file was too
long?) ... but I took the time to review it with the one we
submitted and I believe
they are the same.   Please find the one we submit enclosed anyways for
your convenience.

     I would be available for a call today anytime after 14:30 or
(Thursday) from 11:30 to 12:30.

     Best regards,

-- Juanjo


Coordinator and Chief Architect, FIWARE platform IoT Unit,

email: juanjose.hierro at telefonica.com<mailto:juanjose.hierro at telefonica.com>
twitter: @JuanjoHierro

You can follow FIWARE at:
     website:  http://www.fiware.org
     twitter:  @FIWARE
     facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/FI-WARE/251366491587242
     linkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/groups/FIWARE-4239932

On 26/04/16 19:45, Hermann Brand wrote:
Dear Juanjo,
The next  step is to edit the proposal document. From my point of
view attention mainly has to be paid to concise but convincing
statements how the ISG complements oneM2M.

It is quite straight forward to resolve the other issues in the
text. Less will be more.

Who is holding the pen on your side? Will he make an update of
the ISG proposal to be discussed or should we/I make a try?

I attach the draft ISG proposal sent by Patrick after the meeting
with EC in Brussels last week. Is it the latest version to start from?

I can make myself available for a call tomorrow or on Thursday.
Happy to talk to you...

Best regards,
-----Original Message-----
From: Juanjo Hierro [mailto:juanjose.hierro at telefonica.com]
Sent: 26 April 2016 7:28 AM
To: Hermann Brand <Hermann.Brand at etsi.org><mailto:Hermann.Brand at etsi.org>; Patrick Guillemin
<Patrick.Guillemin at etsi.org><mailto:Patrick.Guillemin at etsi.org>
Cc: David Boswarthick <David.Boswarthick at etsi.org><mailto:David.Boswarthick at etsi.org>; Luis Jorge
Romero <luis.romero at etsi.org><mailto:luis.romero at etsi.org>; Juanjo Hierro
<juanjose.hierro at telefonica.com><mailto:juanjose.hierro at telefonica.com>
Subject: Re: Terms of Reference of a proposal for the creation of
an ETSI ISG on cross-cutting Context Information Management (CIM)
standards for Smart Applications using Open and Agile Smart
Cities as catalyst

Dear ETSI team,

      I would like to follow up on next steps regarding creation
of the ETSI ISG on cross-cutting Context Information Management
(CIM) standards for Smart Applications, at the light of recent
conversations that took place in Rome and recently in Brussels.

      As explained in Rome, work within the ISG would be focused
on specifications.  Development of an open source reference
implementation of those specs will be addressed within the FIWARE
Open Source community, but implementation activities would be run
aside of the
ISG.   This was apparently a source of misunderstanding because we
wanted to put open source development activities taking place within
FIWARE under the umbrella of the ISG.   We are happy to clarify this
point anywhere in the ISG ToR, although we believe there was no
part of
the document from which this could be inferred.   Anyways, suggestions
about wording that may clarify this further are welcome.

      With respect to the specs to be produced, I believe that we
reached a good level of common understanding during our
conversations in Rome.
We aim to deliver sets of specs in three areas: API, Data Publication
Platform and Common Information Models.   Level of maturity in each of
these areas is different and I believe we agreed that it is about
leveraging on what is already mature, proven and increasingly
adopted (the API) while concentrating efforts on what requires
further development and resources (Common Information Models and
Data Publication Platform specs, the former requiring much of the
This as opposed to going to square one in all three areas, which
would be against the interest of capturing the current window
opportunity of
leading standards for smart applications from Europe.   In all cases,
dealing with evolution of all of the specs following a "driven by
implementation" approach rather than a "design by committee",
that is relying on feedback from actual implementations already
taking place, first in the domain of Smart Cities (here
leveraging on increasing adoption thanks to the OASC initiative)
but also in other
domains.   We
can leverage on the ecosystems that is growing around the
proposed standards and the strong political support from the EC,
expressed in the recent communication package regarding the
Digital Single Market strategy [1] [2] [3].

      In another front, it was clear that there is no collision
but complementarity between the areas we are trying to cover
within the ISG
and the work being developed in OneM2M.   Indeed, the OneM2M framework
is focused on solving how data can be gathered from the IoT
space, and be injected as context information which can be merged
with that coming from other sources of information, altogether
offered to applications in a homogeneous way through the proposed
Context Information Management APIs, using agreed Common
Information Models and relying on Data Publication platforms
supporting defined specs for publishing the
catalogue/registry of available data resources.   This, in my opinion,
may even help to leverage adoption of OneM2M since all pieces
together can help to define a complete Reference Architecture for
IoT-enabled Smart Applications (although I see that more as an
activity that would go beyond the ISG and OneM2M, because none
need to depend each other, maybe as the result of some working
group or project aiming at that specific goal of defining a
Reference Architecture where both elements can be used together)

      I understood that David was going to come back to ETSI and
brief on results of our conversations in Rome, looking for the
best way moving
ahead.   I also understood that Patrick had also some productive
conversations with the EC while at Net Futures.

      I would like to discuss about concrete next steps. Should
we setup a confcall?

[1] -
gi t
[2] -
[3] -
ey n

      Best regards,

-- Juanjo


Coordinator and Chief Architect, FIWARE platform IoT Unit,

email: juanjose.hierro at telefonica.com<mailto:juanjose.hierro at telefonica.com>
twitter: @JuanjoHierro

You can follow FIWARE at:
      website:  http://www.fiware.org
      twitter:  @FIWARE
      facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/FI-WARE/251366491587242
      linkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/groups/FIWARE-4239932

On 30/03/16 10:15, Hermann Brand wrote:
Dear Juanjo,

Many thanks for your proposal to create a new ISG in ETSI.

ETSI welcomes the approach to utilise the well established ISG
mechanism to broaden consensus on a general purpose context
management system (with an initial use case of Smart Cities).

We have examined the proposal and would suggest the following
general guidance in order to ensure the project may be
acceptable to ETSI members and indeed our oneM2M partners.

We would propose that you consider rewording the draft ISG
proposal along the following principles
.     ISG CIM should be described as a pre-standardisation project
driven by contributions which cannot explicitly be limited to
specific solutions (in this case FiWare).
.     The project description should be problem oriented, not
solution oriented.
.     The work should start as a pre-standardisation activity
developing a group report first, that is an informative document
to set the scene and make a gap analysis
.     The related open source community that are looking to
develop code in the FiWare Foundation shall be separated from
the work in ETSI.
.     The ISG CIM should be limited to the standardisation
activity which would be carried out under the usual ETSI FRAND terms.
.     It is essential to explain how ISG CIM would complement
ongoing standardisation work in oneM2M and SmartM2M

Following more detailed comments highlight a few minor issues to
be resolved
.     Section 3.1 should talk about objectives or work items
rather than task forces
.     Section 6 (time plan) should mention 'Group Specifications
and or Group Reports' instead of specifications
.     .

Please advise who would be the correct contact within the
proposed founding members that we shall contact in order to
update the detailed text in the proposal (who is holding the pen on your side)?

We propose to have a F2F meeting, or if that is not possible
within a reasonable delay, a dedicate gotomeeting session to
clarify the final drafting of the proposal.

Looking forward to progressing this project with you over the
coming days

Best regards

-----Original Message-----
From: Juanjo Hierro [mailto:juanjose.hierro at telefonica.com]
Sent: 23 March 2016 6:02 AM
To: Hermann Brand <Hermann.Brand at etsi.org><mailto:Hermann.Brand at etsi.org>; Patrick Guillemin
<Patrick.Guillemin at etsi.org><mailto:Patrick.Guillemin at etsi.org>
Cc: Juanjo Hierro <juanjose.hierro at telefonica.com><mailto:juanjose.hierro at telefonica.com>
Subject: Re: Terms of Reference of a proposal for the creation
of an ETSI ISG on cross-cutting Context Information Management
(CIM) standards for Smart Applications using Open and Agile
Smart Cities as catalyst

Dear Patrick, Hermann,

       Any feedback?   People and the EC were asking ...

       Patrick: Franck Le Gall has told me that you briefly
discussed the
matter while at the OneM2M plenary meeting last week.   In understand
you told him that there may be a perception of conflict with
OneM2M / SmartM2M.

       It is a surprise that this matter is raised once again
when it is clear that FIWARE NGSI specifications (cornerstone
item for standardization for this ISG) doesn't work at M2M/IoT level.
Indeed, complementary exists as demonstrated several times (NGSI
is about context information management and of course part, but
only part, of the context information may come from the IoT
space in which case it will be
fine if OneM2M works as interface).    Besides and for the
avoidance of
doubts, we mentioned in the ISG ToR that collaboration with
OneM2M WGs is foreseen.

       May you tell us who is questioning?   Maybe there is a
chance to
discuss the matter openly.

       Europe may have the opportunity to lead the definition of
a standard where no one exist (context information management)
while there are several domains where this is being demanded:
smart cities, smart
industry, smart agrifood, ...   As pointed out in the 2016 Rolling
of Standardization on ICT published by the EC, many cities part
of the OASC initiative have declared their intention to adopt
basic mechanism to publish context information in cities.    This
is a
momentum Europe cannot miss.

       Best regards,

-- Juanjo


Coordinator and Chief Architect, FIWARE platform CTO Industrial
IoT, Telefónica

email: juanjose.hierro at telefonica.com<mailto:juanjose.hierro at telefonica.com>
twitter: @JuanjoHierro

You can follow FIWARE at:
       website:  http://www.fiware.org
       twitter:  @FIWARE
       linkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/groups/FIWARE-4239932

On 14/03/16 17:28, Hermann Brand wrote:
Dear Juanjo,
I confirm receipt of your proposal. Thank you very much.
I'll discuss with Patrick f2f when I am back in the office this
We will then come back to you.
Thank you again.
Best regards,
Hermann Brand

-----Original Message-----
From: Juanjo Hierro [mailto:juanjose.hierro at telefonica.com]
Sent: 14 March 2016 4:58 PM
To: Patrick Guillemin <Patrick.Guillemin at etsi.org><mailto:Patrick.Guillemin at etsi.org>; Hermann
Brand <Hermann.Brand at etsi.org><mailto:Hermann.Brand at etsi.org>
Cc: Juanjo Hierro <juanjose.hierro at telefonica.com><mailto:juanjose.hierro at telefonica.com>
Subject: Re: Terms of Reference of a proposal for the creation
of an ETSI ISG on cross-cutting Context Information Management
(CIM) standards for Smart Applications using Open and Agile
Smart Cities as catalyst

Hi Patrick,

        I would like to confirm that you received the
submission of the ETSI ISG ToR on cross-cutting Context
Information Management (CIM) standards for Smart Applications.

        Just for your info we used the ToR of another already
approved ETSI ISG, namely the one on Low Throughput Networks
(ISG LTN), as reference ... Attached a copy of the version of
that ToR ... I hope this was a good reference.

        Looking for your feedback.

        Best regards,

-- Juanjo Hierro


Coordinator and Chief Architect, FIWARE platform CTO Industrial
IoT, Telefónica

email: juanjose.hierro at telefonica.com<mailto:juanjose.hierro at telefonica.com>
twitter: @JuanjoHierro

You can follow FIWARE at:
        website:  http://www.fiware.org
        twitter:  @FIWARE
        linkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/groups/FIWARE-4239932

On 12/03/16 15:05, Juanjo Hierro wrote:
Dear Mr. Guillemin, Mr. Hermann,

       I'm glad to submit the attached Terms of Reference of a
proposal for the creation of an ETSI ISG on cross-cutting
Context Information Management (CIM) standards for Smart
Applications using Open and Agile Smart Cities as catalyst.

       The creation of this ETSI ISG is supported by members
of the FIWARE Core Industry Group (Atos, Engineering, Orange
and Telefónica), NEC and Easy Global Mark, as well as the
Board of the OASC (Open and Agile Smart Cities) initiative,
chaired by Mr. Martin Brynskov in
copy.   It
is called to play a highly relevant role in creation of
standards for development of interoperable and portable Smart
Applications in multiple sectors including Smart Industry, Smart Cities, Smart
Agrifood or Smart Grids, to mention a few.   As highlighted by Mr.
Roberto Viola, DG of EC DG CONNECT (see [1]) the proposed
standards can play a significant role in the materialization
of actions towards
creation of a Digital Single Market in Europe.   The creation of
ISG gives response to action 5 defined with the 2016 Rolling
Plan on ICT standardization defined by the EC (see [2]).

       We welcome your comments prior official submission to
the ETSI DG,
Mr. Luis Jorge Romero, for final approval.   I can work as main
contact point on behalf of the Industry companies submitting
the proposal but you can also copy
fiware-oasc-etsi at lists.fiware.org<mailto:fiware-oasc-etsi at lists.fiware.org> in further communications
since members of the team working on preparation of the ISG
proposal (involving representatives of Easy Global Mark, NEC,
Orange, Telefónica and OASC) are registered in that list and
that would help to achieve more efficient communication.

[1] - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BFKexvm9t_M
[2] -

       Best regards,

-- Juanjo Hierro


Coordinator and Chief Architect, FIWARE platform CTO
Industrial IoT, Telefónica

email: juanjose.hierro at telefonica.com<mailto:juanjose.hierro at telefonica.com>
twitter: @JuanjoHierro

You can follow FIWARE at:
       website:  http://www.fiware.org
       twitter:  @FIWARE
       linkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/groups/FIWARE-4239932


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