[Fiware-oasc-etsi] Moving forward regarding creation of the ISG on standards for smart digital infrastructures at ETSI

Mulligan, Catherine E A c.mulligan at imperial.ac.uk
Mon Mar 21 12:07:19 CET 2016

Dear Juanjo,

Hope all is well - have we received any feedback from the ETSI DG yet?



From: fiware-oasc-etsi-bounces at lists.fiware.org <fiware-oasc-etsi-bounces at lists.fiware.org> on behalf of vincent.danno at orange.com <vincent.danno at orange.com>
Sent: 15 March 2016 11:13
To: Juanjo Hierro; PRIVAT Gilles IMT/OLPS
Cc: Fiware-oasc-etsi at lists.fiware.org
Subject: Re: [Fiware-oasc-etsi] Moving forward regarding creation of the ISG on standards for smart digital infrastructures at ETSI

Dear Juanjo,

Sure, no pb to wait for further feedback from the secretariat.

As far as the legal framework is concerned, ETSI is not royalty-free, it is FRAND. ETSI already faced similar issue in the past and they created a special group in that case, rather than an ISG. So we could have an ISG with FRAND, or if we really want to deviate from the IPR policy, the alternative would be to have the same type of group (you may want to get in touch with your colleagues on this matter because the other group was proposed by Telefonica).

Kind regards


De : Juanjo Hierro [mailto:juanjose.hierro at telefonica.com]
Envoyé : lundi 14 mars 2016 16:29
Cc : Franck Le Gall; Fiware-oasc-etsi at lists.fiware.org
Objet : Re: [Fiware-oasc-etsi] Moving forward regarding creation of the ISG on standards for smart digital infrastructures at ETSI

On 14/03/16 14:04, vincent.danno at orange.com<mailto:vincent.danno at orange.com> wrote:

Thanks Juanjo,

ETSI is having much discussion around OS at the moment, and with the approach you are proposing (i.e. Fiware remains the owner of the OS), it should avoid the legal discussion, so that’s good.


However, I noted that in the description of the scope (3.1, bullet 2, last sentence) it says "It will also provide an open source reference implementation of this specification."  To avoid ambiguity, I suggest this is deleted.

Also, it may seem a small point, but I suggest referring to working groups rather than task forces in the scope (3.1). The ETSI directives don't really refer to task forces in the context of IGs, and indeed the ISG ToR refers to working groups later. This would also avoid any potential misinterpretation that these could be Special Task Forces.  In fact, I would suggest the scope section just lists the 4 topic without referring to the actual structure (it's a small point, but would avoid anyone asking questions in this).

Last, mentioning Royalty-Free specifications should be deleted as the existing ETSI legal framework should apply.

Those comments are really related to formalities, to avoid subsequent discussions at ETSI on such formalities. But I am supportive of the intention.

  Thanks very much for your constructive feedback.   We will incorporate changes based on these comments once we will receive feedback from the ETSI secretariat.   Just to avoid they feel like they have to start reading the whole text again if they had already started to do so.    I hope this is fine with you, otherwise let me know.

  One question: when you say that the ETSI legal framework should apply ... is it because it already considers that specifications produced by ISGs must be royalty-free therefore it is fine to delete because it is redundant?   We should go for royalty-free specs definitively, so rather than deleting the mentioning I believe we should stress it explaining that this would be "aligned with ETSI legal requirements" or something like that.


-- Juanjo

Kind regards


De : Juanjo Hierro [mailto:juanjose.hierro at telefonica.com]
Envoyé : lundi 14 mars 2016 10:47
Cc : Franck Le Gall; Fiware-oasc-etsi at lists.fiware.org<mailto:Fiware-oasc-etsi at lists.fiware.org>
Objet : Re: [Fiware-oasc-etsi] Moving forward regarding creation of the ISG on standards for smart digital infrastructures at ETSI


  This is how I see it:

  *   Evolution of specs of the FIWARE NGSI as well as DCAT specs to be supported by data publication platforms would be transfer to the ETSI ISG
  *   Same applies to the specification of Common Information Models to be proposed as standards
  *   Therefore ETSI ISG is focused on delivering specifications.   However, note that we intend to adopt a driven-by-implementation approach regarding creation and evolution of these specs.   So no "design-by-committee" approach :-)   In this respect:
     *   Evolution of the FIWARE NGSI API spec or DCAT specs to be suported by data publication platforms would be driven by experience gathered during implementation of applications using these mechanisms as well as the experience gained during implementation of the mechanism themselves as part of smart city platforms.
     *   There maybe multiple alternative implementation of the FIWARE NGSI API specs or data publication platforms supporting the proposed DCAT specifications.
     *   The FIWARE OS community will remain evolving and supporting the open source reference implementation of the FIWARE NGSI API and the extensions to CKAN needed to support specifications defined by the ETSI ISG ...  So input as part of this driven-by-implementation approach will certainly come from there.
     *   Definition of Common Information Models will be driven by the experience gathered in implementation of pilots/initiatives that will contribute to the ETSI ISG.      As an example, projects/initiatives endorsed by OASC will provide input to the ISG regarding Common Information Models for Smart Cities.   This way we would be following a driven-by-implementation approach.

  Regarding your concrete question: the open source reference implementation of the FIWARE NGSI API will remain under the scope of the FIWARE OS community activities.


-- Juanjo


Coordinator and Chief Architect, FIWARE platform

CTO Industrial IoT, Telefónica

email: juanjose.hierro at telefonica.com<mailto:juanjose.hierro at telefonica.com>

twitter: @JuanjoHierro

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On 14/03/16 09:52, vincent.danno at orange.com<mailto:vincent.danno at orange.com> wrote:

Dear Juanjo,

It is not clear to me who will be in charge of the OS: is the proposal that ETSI will take over, or Fiware would keep it?

Kind regards


De : Juanjo Hierro [mailto:juanjose.hierro at telefonica.com]
Envoyé : vendredi 11 mars 2016 21:02
Cc : DANNO Vincent IMT/OLN; Franck Le Gall; Fiware-oasc-etsi at lists.fiware.org<mailto:Fiware-oasc-etsi at lists.fiware.org>
Objet : Re: [Fiware-oasc-etsi] Moving forward regarding creation of the ISG on standards for smart digital infrastructures at ETSI

On 11/03/16 19:39, gilles.privat at orange.com<mailto:gilles.privat at orange.com> wrote:

Dear Juanjo

I can’t say I am 100% happy with everything but I   think we could live with this version  as a starting point

Just 2 points, I have not had time to go through the whole document again  :

1.      A potential conflict between ETSI policies (that prescribe FRAND licences)  and the provision of an open source reference implementation  (which he says  is not at all usual for ETSI) has been cited by my colleague Vincent Danno (cced). Did you discuss this with Mr Romero?

  The matter about open source at ETSI was tackled in general during that meeting and not specifially linked to FIWARE (although Mr. Romero seemed to be aware that FIWARE was open source).   I understood that Mr. Romero didn't see any obstacle on developing open source reference implementation of specifications delivered within ETSI ISGs, right the contrary.

  By the way, a clarification (and I have participated in this kind of discussions with attorneys in many projects, including FIWARE):

  *   Open Source doesn't mean that your are not licensing your software.   Precisely open source means you have adopted a concrete kind of license: a license that means you don't have to pay a price for using (or modifying) the software but have to follow certain rules regarding distribution, etc.
  *   Precisely, an open source license is an example of FRAND license: all open source licenses that I know comply with Fair, Reasonable and Non Discriminatory conditions: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reasonable_and_non-discriminatory_licensing.
  *   Saying, for example that specifications produced by ETSI could not be open source would be a clear break of FRAND conditions

2.      This paragraph  in the “scope” section Task Force on Cross-domain Data Models that will define the metamodels, definition languages and processes for the specification, curation, publication and evolution of data models, as well as to manage the domains where the models will be defined and applied

Is much too broad in its embrace, (one may think you define data models for everything…) unless you understand it in the …context  of everything that is written before, but I think it should stand on its own :

I would have proposed to call it “cross-domain IoT data models” , I know you prefer to avoid this for tactical reasons, so I would still   propose  to qualify a little bit to make it more specific :

Task Force on Cross-domain Physical Context Data Models that will define the generic categories that can serve as common denominators between all domains being targeted, together with the metamodels, definition languages and processes for the specification, curation, publication and evolution of data models, as well as to manage the domains where the models will be defined and applied..

  And sorry but disagree to add the "Physical" qualifier.  We may produce context data models which are useful to describe things that do not have a "physical" mapping.   As an example, just consider a "ticket" issues by a citizen or an "alarm" generated by detection of a pattern, or a "restaurant-chain" (which is a company with restaurants that are located in physical places but as the whole company is nothing "physical".    This are entities which we may need to model for some smart services.

  As for the rest of the text, I found it hard to understand ... what about the following:

Task Force on Cross-domain Context Information Models that will deal with definition of the models that are common to all domains being targeted, together with the metamodels, definition languages and processes needed for the specification, curation, publication and evolution of Context Information models, as well as the management of specific domains where the models will be defined and applied.


-- Juanjo

Gilles Privat, PhD
Senior Scientist
Orange Labs, Grenoble

M2M, Internet of Things, Smart Cities
gilles.privat at orange.com<mailto:gilles.privat at orange.com>
office +33 4 38 42 86 16
mobile +33 6 71 17 64 60

twitter @gilles_privat



28 Chemin du Vieux Chêne
BP 98 38243 Meylan, France

De : fiware-oasc-etsi-bounces at lists.fiware.org<mailto:fiware-oasc-etsi-bounces at lists.fiware.org> [mailto:fiware-oasc-etsi-bounces at lists.fiware.org] De la part de Juanjo Hierro
Envoyé : vendredi 11 mars 2016 18:01
À : Franck Le Gall; Fiware-oasc-etsi at lists.fiware.org<mailto:Fiware-oasc-etsi at lists.fiware.org>
Objet : Re: [Fiware-oasc-etsi] Moving forward regarding creation of the ISG on standards for smart digital infrastructures at ETSI


  Thanks Franck for your comments, they have been just implemented (I dropped the unfinished sentence)

  Any other comments regarding the document?   I plan to send this document this evening.


-- Juanjo


Coordinator and Chief Architect, FIWARE platform

CTO Industrial IoT, Telefónica

email: juanjose.hierro at telefonica.com<mailto:juanjose.hierro at telefonica.com>

twitter: @JuanjoHierro

You can follow FIWARE at:

  website:  http://www.fiware.org

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  linkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/groups/FIWARE-4239932

On 11/03/16 10:33, Franck Le Gall wrote:


I went through the doc.

Section2: A sentence is unfinished: “In addition, standards will encourage XXX”

Sections 4 &  16

I replaced “ETSI oneM2M” by “ ETSI SmartM2M and oneM2M” as oneM2M is not an ETSI committee.

Otherwise, It looks OK for me to be circulated to get first reactions


De : fiware-oasc-etsi-bounces at lists.fiware.org<mailto:fiware-oasc-etsi-bounces at lists.fiware.org> [mailto:fiware-oasc-etsi-bounces at lists.fiware.org] De la part de Juanjo Hierro
Envoyé : vendredi 11 mars 2016 08:38
À : Fiware-oasc-etsi at lists.fiware.org<mailto:Fiware-oasc-etsi at lists.fiware.org>
Objet : Re: [Fiware-oasc-etsi] Moving forward regarding creation of the ISG on standards for smart digital infrastructures at ETSI

Dear all,

  I have completed the revised version of the ISG Terms of Reference.   You can see the document shared in Google docs:


  Regarding the rationale, I mostly put the things in the right order: first elaborate on the general need and then explain that the case for cities, leveraging on OASC, comes as a front-runner.  For this change of just placement, I didn't activate changes tracking to avoid too much "noise", then activate tracking afterwards so that you can see more clearly what was changed.   I have also added sections within the rationale describing relevance to the Digitisalization of Industry (this brings a nice connection to the Digitising European Industry initiative by the EC) and to the concept of Economy of Data (also relevant within the Digital Single Market strategy and an area where cities, IMHO, are called to becomen enablers).

  I changed the name because nobody was really that happy and wanted it to be more focused, therefore I focused on "Context Information Management (CIM)" because this is a term actually used in the text describing the Action identified under the 2016 Rolling Plan on ICT standardization by the EC, also the term used in some discussions within the DEI (Digitising the European Industry) Action.

  At this time, I would kindly ask all of you to be pragmatic.   We are very late and people is pressing us in all fronts: ETSI, the EC, ... We need to send it out NOW if we wish to arrive with the ISG approved before the week of April 11.   That would be a rather good announcement we could bring to the IES-City Framework Workshop meeting in Rome and the NetFutures event in Brussels.   We cannot get blocked on just the acronym.   Let's submit the proposal to the ETSI secretariat and if we come with something significantly better, we can clearly submit that change on time, but the discussion with the ETSI secretariat had already started.

  I remind you that text in Blue (besides the entire section on Rationale) is what is specific of our ISG ToR.  Rest of text in blank comes from a template for this ToR documents.  It brings rules that are typically adopted in ISGs.   The ETSI DG told us that if those rules are respected, it is very hard to object to creation of an ISG.

  Best regards,

-- Juanjo


Coordinator and Chief Architect, FIWARE platform

CTO Industrial IoT, Telefónica

email: juanjose.hierro at telefonica.com<mailto:juanjose.hierro at telefonica.com>

twitter: @JuanjoHierro

You can follow FIWARE at:

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On 10/03/16 22:27, Juanjo Hierro wrote:


  I'm working on producing a revised version of the draft tonight.   If people agree with the changes I will propose by EOB tomorrow, then we can send it to the ETSI secretariat for comments.   I guess there will be some interactions with them until we get something finished, so that should allow to introduce also additional comments on our own if necessary.


-- juanjo


Coordinator and Chief Architect, FIWARE platform

CTO Industrial IoT, Telefónica

email: juanjose.hierro at telefonica.com<mailto:juanjose.hierro at telefonica.com>

twitter: @JuanjoHierro

You can follow FIWARE at:

  website:  http://www.fiware.org

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On 10/03/16 22:02, Franck Le Gall wrote:


Are we still in-line to get the text circulated to ETSI ISG core group this week ?

Is any help needed to finalize it ?


De : fiware-oasc-etsi-bounces at lists.fiware.org<mailto:fiware-oasc-etsi-bounces at lists.fiware.org> [mailto:fiware-oasc-etsi-bounces at lists.fiware.org] De la part de Juanjo Hierro
Envoyé : dimanche 6 mars 2016 20:42
À : Fiware-oasc-etsi at lists.fiware.org<mailto:Fiware-oasc-etsi at lists.fiware.org>
Objet : [Fiware-oasc-etsi] Moving forward regarding creation of the ISG on standards for smart digital infrastructures at ETSI

Hi all,

  Last week I had a meeting with Mr. Luis Jorge Romero, DG of ETSI, whom I briefed about creation of the ISG under way.   Feedback was very positive and I believe we can count on his support.   His perfectly aware about the strategic interest and the support from the EC.   He is also very supportive about ETSI being the forum where we could push the specification of standards aiming at creating a Digital Single Market for Smart Services and Solutions, Smart Cities being the frontrunner domain but also addressing a wider scope covering domains such as smart industry, smart agrifood, etc.

  Luis Jorge Romero confirmed me that the procedure for creation of the ISG is simple and doesn't need to be tied to a face to face meeting of the ETSI Board: it is the DG of ETSI who approves the creation of any ISG, obviously after positive feedback from the ETSI Secretariat core ISG advisor team (Hermann Brand, Christian Loyau the Legal Director, David Boswarthick/Committee Standards Support Direct and Patrick Guillemin) and following a two-week consultation process (which is not binding) with the ETSI Board members.  This consultation of the ETSI Board can run without the need to start or close with a face to face meeting.   He doesn't foreseen objections and, in any case, those should come with very solid arguments.   As far as we adopt the rules of functioning of ISGs (which I guess we comply with given the fact that we have based our ISG on an example of a previously approved ISG) there shouldn't be any reason why this as any other ISG can be created.   Of course, it would be advisable to socialize with ETSI Board members enough in advance, so some of them can respond positively as soon as the ISG proposal is announced by the ETSI DG and comments are requested, since this would help in creating a good momentum.

  I was also approached by Jesús Villasante and Emilio Davila last week.   Both passed the message of the urgency to move quickly.   They support the vision about running an ISG with a wide scope, at the light of the recent statements of support to FIWARE from Roberto Viola and Commissioner Oettinger, highlighting its potential role in actions about Digitising the European Industry which you know is considered key within the Digital Single Market Strategy.   Emilio wishes to include a reference about creation of the ETSI ISG in the next edition of the Standardization Rolling Plan.

  I plan to review the latest version of the ISG text that I understand is still available as Google share doc:


  The current text has all the pieces but not in the right order in my opinion: we should elaborate on the wider need and then explain that Smart Cities will be one of the frontrunners domains, there highlighting the connection to the OASC initiative and also bringing reference to the text of the Standardization Rolling Plan.  This instead of the other way around (i.e., as it is in the current version).

  Let's move ahead and get the ISG submitted to the ETSI Secretariat core ISG advisor team mid of this week at the latest.   Hopefully get the ISG proposal submitted by mid March to the ETSI DG.


-- Juanjo


Coordinator and Chief Architect, FIWARE platform

CTO Industrial IoT, Telefónica

email: juanjose.hierro at telefonica.com<mailto:juanjose.hierro at telefonica.com>

twitter: @JuanjoHierro

You can follow FIWARE at:

  website:  http://www.fiware.org

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Este mensaje y sus adjuntos se dirigen exclusivamente a su destinatario, puede contener información privilegiada o confidencial y es para uso exclusivo de la persona o entidad de destino. Si no es usted. el destinatario indicado, queda notificado de que la lectura, utilización, divulgación y/o copia sin autorización puede estar prohibida en virtud de la legislación vigente. Si ha recibido este mensaje por error, le rogamos que nos lo comunique inmediatamente por esta misma vía y proceda a su destrucción.

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