[Fiware-oasc-etsi] ISG CIM ToR consultation successful with Hermann and Enrico - if you do not comment, it will be sent Wednesday 23rd 14:00 to ETSI for Board Meeting next week.

JOSE MANUEL CANTERA FONSECA josemanuel.canterafonseca at telefonica.com
Wed Nov 23 09:07:42 CET 2016

Hi Lindsay,

Many thanks for your hard and tireless work in pursuing this!

I’ve open a new Google Doc document


as suggested by Franck, for the NGSI position paper. Unfortunately, this week and next I have some project deadlines that make it difficult to start contributing but I would be able to do sometime next week

thanks, best

From: Lindsay Frost <Lindsay.Frost at neclab.eu>
Date: Tuesday 22 November 2016 at 18:50
To: "Mulligan, Catherine E A" <c.mulligan at imperial.ac.uk>, JUAN JOSE HIERRO SUREDA <juanjose.hierro at telefonica.com>, JOSE MANUEL CANTERA FONSECA <josemanuel.canterafonseca at telefonica.com>, "gilles.privat at orange.com" <gilles.privat at orange.com>, Franck Le Gall <franck.le-gall at eglobalmark.com>
Cc: "fiware-oasc-etsi at lists.fiware.org" <fiware-oasc-etsi at lists.fiware.org>
Subject: ISG CIM ToR consultation successful with Hermann and Enrico - if you do not comment, it will be sent Wednesday 23rd 14:00 to ETSI for Board Meeting next week.

Dear all,

Thank you everyone for a very successful consultation meeting with ETSI !
The only significant extra request is to have a workshop with ETSI SmartM2M in month (T0+3)
(which puts  some pressure on us to get our material ready quickly, but webinar attendance is ok).

Dear Cathy,
can you urgently tell me for Page 15 if Catapult Satellite (name exactly correct?) will be by e.g. end of December
an ETSI Member? If not, then we should move Catapult into the following list of non-ETSI orgs expecting to participate.

The change-tracked version attached is "dated" already for tomorrow, in the hope that no further changes are needed.
Nevertheless, it you find something which was not spotted, please speak up before 14:00. After that I will send a copy
to Hermann. He will distribute it to the lawyers for a quick "look over" and then to the ETSI Director General and then
to the ETSI Board ... hopefully already in time for their meeting next week.

Thank you all very much.
best wishes
Dr. Lindsay Frost, Chief Standardization Eng.
frost at neclab.eu<mailto:frost at neclab.eu>     Mobile +
NEC Laboratories Europe, Kurfürsten-Anlage 36,
D-69115 Heidelberg, Germany.

Reg. Headoffice: NEC Europe Ltd, VAT DE161569151
Athene, Odyssey Business Park, West End Road,
London HA4 6QE, Reg. in England 2832014

From: Mulligan, Catherine E A [mailto:c.mulligan at imperial.ac.uk]
Sent: Dienstag, 22. November 2016 13:52
To: Lindsay Frost; Juanjo Hierro; JOSE MANUEL CANTERA FONSECA; gilles.privat at orange.com; Franck Le Gall
Cc: fiware-oasc-etsi at lists.fiware.org
Subject: Re: Final version of ISG CIM ToR for partners to review - if you do not comment, it will be sent Monday 10:00 to ETSI


Agreed too.  We are a united front.  I would strongly recommend we go in with an open mind and see how they react rather than pre-empting what we think they will do/ say.

Some of the best outcomes from standards will come unexpectedly – but only if we are not constantly in a “defensive/offensive” stance.  Sometimes people genuinely just need things explained to them so they don’t feel threatened.  Once they have seen a small conciliatory approach, people may surprise you.  Give them the opportunity to do that.


Dr Catherine Mulligan
Research Fellow
Co Director, Imperial College Centre for Cryptocurrency Research and Engineering

OASC Standardisation // oascities.org<http://oascities.org/>
Director and Co-Founder of Contextualised // http://www.contextualised.com/
+ 44 753 888 7477
c.mulligan at imperial.ac.uk<mailto:c.mulligan at imperial.ac.uk>

From: Lindsay Frost <Lindsay.Frost at neclab.eu<mailto:Lindsay.Frost at neclab.eu>>
Date: Tuesday, 22 November 2016 at 12:47
To: Juanjo Hierro <juanjose.hierro at telefonica.com<mailto:juanjose.hierro at telefonica.com>>, Cathy Mulligan <c.mulligan at imperial.ac.uk<mailto:c.mulligan at imperial.ac.uk>>, JOSE MANUEL CANTERA FONSECA <josemanuel.canterafonseca at telefonica.com<mailto:josemanuel.canterafonseca at telefonica.com>>, "gilles.privat at orange.com<mailto:gilles.privat at orange.com>" <gilles.privat at orange.com<mailto:gilles.privat at orange.com>>, Franck Le Gall <franck.le-gall at eglobalmark.com<mailto:franck.le-gall at eglobalmark.com>>
Cc: "fiware-oasc-etsi at lists.fiware.org<mailto:fiware-oasc-etsi at lists.fiware.org>" <fiware-oasc-etsi at lists.fiware.org<mailto:fiware-oasc-etsi at lists.fiware.org>>
Subject: RE: Final version of ISG CIM ToR for partners to review - if you do not comment, it will be sent Monday 10:00 to ETSI

Dear Juanjo,
Agreed. I think nobody in this group has suggested or agreed on " starting from a blank page"
and I fully support_continuing_ with NGSI, but enhancing it if justification is clearly shown.

I also agree that KPI systems, dashboards and BigData analysis tools need more diversified integration
compared to simply showing a view of (e.g. from oneM2M) IoT data-stores.

And as we agreed, if further "amendments" are requested then we will note them during the call,
and discuss offline.

best wishes and looking forward to the call,

PS: I did try to get some small feedback from Hermann, but he is away from his desk and so we will all get feedback "live" at 5pm.

Dr. Lindsay Frost, Chief Standardization Eng.
frost at neclab.eu<mailto:frost at neclab.eu>     Mobile +
NEC Laboratories Europe, Kurfürsten-Anlage 36,
D-69115 Heidelberg, Germany.

Reg. Headoffice: NEC Europe Ltd, VAT DE161569151
Athene, Odyssey Business Park, West End Road,
London HA4 6QE, Reg. in England 2832014

From: Juanjo Hierro [mailto:juanjose.hierro at telefonica.com]
Sent: Dienstag, 22. November 2016 13:38
To: Lindsay Frost; Mulligan, Catherine E A; JOSE MANUEL CANTERA FONSECA; gilles.privat at orange.com<mailto:gilles.privat at orange.com>; Franck Le Gall
Cc: fiware-oasc-etsi at lists.fiware.org<mailto:fiware-oasc-etsi at lists.fiware.org>
Subject: Re: Final version of ISG CIM ToR for partners to review - if you do not comment, it will be sent Monday 10:00 to ETSI


  Apologies for not having sent a explicit confirmation but given the fact we were all of us working on line in the changes during our last confcall it was perfectly ok that Lindsay sent it already to ETSI.

  What I believe it is important to remark is that we should not show fissures in our common front.   We wanted this ISG to give it a push to further continuation through a formal standardization body of the work that has been done, this way consolidating the achievements already made (e.g., the momentum of cities adopting OASC principles).    And the work "continuation" is important here, starting from a blank page would send us two years back in a point where we are already getting significant results (more than 100 OASC cities, TMForum planning to publish a Smart City Reference Architecture integrating FIWARE NGSI and supporting OASC principles, GSMA embracing NGSI as well, ...).

  In the particular case of Smart Cities, I hardly believe cities will be place platforms where all context information describing what is going on in the city in real time will be placed in a OneM2M platform so that a) KPI systems, dashboards and BigData analysis tools will be placed on top for better monitor and govern city services or b) part of the data will be offered as real-time open data through open data publication platforms for the development of applications by third parties.   It simply has not been designed for that purpose.  I believe also solution integrators who develop a) or agile developers willing to rely on b) would not engage with the OneM2M API which is enough complex and again tailored for other purposes.

  I rather believe that it won't be the case for Smart Industry also.   There, the standard for getting access to sensors is other (OPC-UA) and the discussion is more about what standard can be used so that a Smart Factory can interchange data with a Smart City or a Smart Port.   Do we envision OneM2M playing the role of technology for exchange of data at that level?  I hardly do.   The vision on Industry Data Space (IDS) designed by the Germans (with Fraunhofer leading from a technical perspective) is the hot topic here and there are many who advocate FIWARE NGSI and common information models can be used for implementing IDS.

  With respect to Smart Agrifood, I believe things are less structured.   Developers of solutions will simply adopt what is easier and more straightforward.  It is not about rather complex systems.   There, I tell you the challenge is to convince that solution providers do not go for adopting something like the IoT platform of Amazon or Azure ...  I believe, though, that there will be little chances that OneM2M becomes adopted in their offering.

  Bottom line, I believe that we have to maintain the position on "not start from the scratch" as a basis.   It may be well the case that this cannot be accepted by ETSI (although it wold not be the first time a standard is based on previous work) but if that is the case, then bad luck.   We, at Telefonica, will certainly not support creating an ISG if it is not going to leverage on results achieved so far.

  In this respect, I believe that it is important that, if our proposal is not accepted, we don't try to fix it over the line.   I would avoid running into discussion among ourselves.  Maintain a common front is key, I believe.


-- Juanjo

On 18/11/2016 12:21, Lindsay Frost wrote:
Dear all, thank you for the very productive meeting !

Attached is the new version, with some purple comments as markers and explanations for ETSI. Please review.

If you think the text (or the comments) needs any further changes, please inform as soon as possible.
The final version (hopefully this one, or only cosmetic changes) will be sent by me to Hermann Brand of ETSI on Monday 10:00 am.

Also attached is a file "added bargaining points" with bits of text which we may "allow" to be added if there is continued sustained
objection from ETSI concerning overlap with oneM2M.  It should not be necessary, but if it is then we have something ready and agreed.

If the Tuesday call goes well, ETSI should decide positively before Christmas, allowing the first CIG meeting to be announced for
the month of February.  I will check the calendar beforehand, to void collision with Sophia Antipolis events and to try to be
_before_ https://www.mobileworldcongress.com/  which will be in Barcelona, 27 February - 2 March 2017.
Hopefully we can then announce some initial successes at MWC :-)

best wishes

-----Original Appointment-----
From: Lindsay Frost
Sent: Donnerstag, 17. November 2016 12:26
To: Lindsay Frost; Mulligan, Catherine E A; JOSE MANUEL CANTERA FONSECA; gilles.privat at orange.com<mailto:gilles.privat at orange.com>; Franck Le Gall; JUAN JOSE HIERRO SUREDA; joerg.swetina at neclab.eu<mailto:joerg.swetina at neclab.eu>; fiware-oasc-etsi at lists.fiware.org<mailto:fiware-oasc-etsi at lists.fiware.org>
Subject: GoToMeeting Invitation - ISG CIM partners finalize ToR (some political/tactical changes)
When: Freitag, 18. November 2016 09:00-10:30 (UTC+01:00) Amsterdam, Berlin, Bern, Rome, Stockholm, Vienna.
Where: https://global.gotomeeting.com/join/474081917
Importance: High

Dear all,
the purpose of the meeting is to update the ToR into one which we can send tonight,
and expect to get successfully "reviewed" on 22.11 during our teleconf with Hermann/Omar/Enrico.
Some significant political/tactical points need to be agreed so that we speak with one viewpoint,
so please have a representative on the call.
Thank you!

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Audio PIN: Shown after joining the meeting



Coordinator and Chief Architect, FIWARE platform

IoT Unit, Telefónica

email: juanjose.hierro at telefonica.com<mailto:juanjose.hierro at telefonica.com>

twitter: @JuanjoHierro

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