We just spoke with Martin on the phone: after this slight Saturday confusion is now cleared, I‘ll come up with the next (integrated) version of WP6 description in Ch 3, based on my earlier version 0.4.1, by 2 pm tomorrow Sunday. I have comments and bits from some of you over the past couple of days (notably at least from Nuria and Ana, thanks, and I’ll reel my mailbox for possible others). We obviously can’t all be integrating in parallel… So if someone else has made changes to WP6 from Ch 3 v0.4.1, please send to me before Sun 10 am. If you haven’t, please don’t, but wait for the new version tomorrow. (Again, I’m not aware of the details of what was discussed on yesterday’s telco, but we seemed to get fairly quickly on the same page with Martin a moment ago.) kr. Mikko > On 9 Apr 2016, at 21:49, Martin Brynskov <brynskov at cavi.au.dk> wrote: > > Hi Mikko, > > Thanks. Very helpful. > > The problem is that we need an acting WP lead right up intil submission -- in order to assess how to best (re)distribute effort, as well as to shape the WP tasks. That's an active and still ongoing role, as the active WP leads can attest to. > > I'd be very happy to receive your efforts on integrating, but also actively working with me an the others, including the section writing leads, to finish the work. (That's the clear communication, and the deadline is tonight). > > The discussions in the telco (and before) were brought up for two reasons: there's work to be done, and visible industry leadership would be very welcomed. At the moment, my main focus is the finish the proposal. But to be able to discuss roles, the relevant partner organisations must be visible (by delegation if necessary) in order to engage. > > Best, > Martin > >> On 9. apr. 2016, at 20.35, Riepula Mikko <Mikko.Riepula at aalto.fi> wrote: >> >> Hi all, >> >> This may already be redundant/parallel but herewith the integrated inputs I have so far received to WP6 effort distribtution (changes in bold). NOw I understood from Martin today that since yesteday the consortium would prefer another approach and someone else is working on the textual description for WP6, so I am not going to waste my time integrating the comments I have received into the Ch 3 WP6 text, unless clearly otherwise communicated. >> >> As you all know Pentti has been ill and myself I was away yesterday Friday… but if needed at least I’m at my desk and available on Monday. (Also Tue till noon, but by then I’d expect the submission to have happened.) >> >> I know Martin you’re working day and night on this so wouldn’t like to sound like pushing, but if you could please circulate a consolidated version of the overall budget (even if it not final in details) so that we can get our organisations’ approvals. (At least within Aalto it was not yet possible based on the information available earlier this week.) >> >> kr. Mikko >> >> >> >> >> >>> On 7 Apr 2016, at 15:43, Riepula Mikko <Mikko.Riepula at aalto.fi> wrote: >>> >>> Dear proposed WP6 contributors, >>> >>> Please can you check the attached 1st sketch for PM distribution within WP6. Please refer to the Task descriptions in attached draft. As discussed with Martin earlier today, WP4 should be more about intra-project introspection and steering back on track with a tight feedback loop (so more technical in nature even if service-oriented); WP6 is more outward-reaching and longer term impact assessment serving “higher political goals” beyond partners’ own immediate needs. So you may also want to check what you want to contribute in WP4 in parallel. >>> >>> We’re so close to the deadline that probably best if you can send your comments/change requests to Martin (cc me) so that he can have the numbers in his master monster sheet, from which a snapshot will end up into proposal document at a point in time of his choosing. Since I don’t have a fixed PM or € budget for WP6, there’s still a bit of leeway, just maybe bearing an idea in mind that we shouldn’t exceed 200 PM very much — Martin may still change the weighting between WP’s of course. >>> >>> kind regards, >>> Mikko >>> <Ch 3 Implementation v0.4.1 MRI.docx><Effort-distribution-SynchroniCity-WP6 v0.9.xlsx> >> >> <Effort-distribution-SynchroniCity-WP6 v0.9.5.xlsx> > > -- > Martin Brynskov, Ph.D. > Associate professor, interaction technologies > Aarhus University > > Chair, Open & Agile Smart Cities // oascities.org > Research director, AU Smart Cities // smartcities.au.dk > Director, Digital Design Lab // ddlab.dk > Participatory IT Centre // Digital Urban Living // CAVI > Tel. (+45) 3068 0424 > More info: http://au.dk/en/brynskov@cavi >
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