[oasc-iot-lsp-cities] Master v1.3

Riepula Mikko Mikko.Riepula at aalto.fi
Sun Apr 10 21:19:04 CEST 2016

Ok here’s the one on WP6 — almost down to 2 pages. It can be squeezed down to 2 exactly by removing space between paragraphs (intendation takes less space) and then if still necessary, simply removing Milestones, Subtask headings, and Deliverables, in this order. So it depends on formatting tricks Martin you want to use and what you see as the uniform structure across WP’s.

Enclosed is also a version of the WP6 budget that the figures in the Word doc come from. Totals unchanged. The ones in grey are changes w.r.t. the master budget version Martin distributed earlier. The one thing I did was that I took away the lonely 1-PM figures from cities from T6.4. It won’t take a month from any city. (It will take a few days of effort but they sink into the whole. I also think it’s better to have a smaller number of dedicated partners than everyone with very small budgets. This does not prevent partners from contributing. We already have quite a long list in T6.1!)

I’ll be checking in tomorrow morning, goodnite for now,

kind regards,

ps. beware of decimal figures in budgets — I guess we shouldn’t have any! (There was at least one 0,5 PM that appeared as 1 PM due to formatting, but the trick causes problems in the sums later on.)

> On 10 Apr 2016, at 18:19, Martin Brynskov <brynskov at cavi.au.dk> wrote:
> Dear all,
> Here's the updated master document, with condensed formatting of WP descriptions. WP leads, please supply a no longer than 2 pages descriptino by 8pm CEST. Deliverables and objectives should be only 1 line, and milestones are only shown in the table 3.2a in the back. So spare the talk. Open call descriptions should go in Section 3.2, not in the WP (above 2 pages).
> I've received som feedback on the budget. Now I'm going over everything with WP leads, checking balance. Another iteration will follow. Thanks for understanding that this is a difficult exercise.
> The Section 1-3 + 4-5 whipping team is Alex, Bram, Sébastien and Adriënne, with good support from several more. Please include them if you address me editing. Thanks for proof-reading, Adrian!
> By the end of the day we'll produce a red-yellow-green list of partner info. Monday is to chase absolute last minute (and trivial) info so that reference zone descriptions are well-edited.
> Who volunteers to edit Section 4.2 with the 7 + 1 + 1 reference zone descriptions?
> Thanks.
> Best,
> Martin
> --
> Martin Brynskov, Ph.D.
> Associate professor, interaction technologies
> Aarhus University
> Chair, Open & Agile Smart Cities // oascities.org
> Research director, AU Smart Cities // smartcities.au.dk
> Director, Digital Design Lab // ddlab.dk
> Participatory IT Centre // Digital Urban Living // CAVI
> Tel. (+45) 3068 0424
> More info: http://au.dk/en/brynskov@cavi
> <SynchroniCity-Section-1-3-MASTER-v1.3.docx>_______________________________________________
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