[oasc-iot-lsp-cities] abstract - next iteration

Sebastien Ziegler sziegler at mandint.org
Tue Apr 12 15:03:37 CEST 2016

We should not disregard the 9th reference zone. I suggest to mention "9 
reference zones", rather than "8 European reference zones".
9 has more impact than 8 and will avoid any discriminatory feeling ;-)
My 2cts

Le 12.04.2016 14:51, Alex Gluhak a écrit :
> This was intended for Bram – all others hold breath
> From: <fiware-oasc-iot-lsp-cities-bounces at lists.fiware.org 
> <mailto:fiware-oasc-iot-lsp-cities-bounces at lists.fiware.org>> on 
> behalf of Alex Gluhak <alex.gluhak at digicatapult.org.uk 
> <mailto:alex.gluhak at digicatapult.org.uk>>
> Date: Tuesday, 12 April 2016 13:49
> To: Bram Lievens <bram.lievens at iminds.be <mailto:bram.lievens at iminds.be>>
> Cc: "Fiware-oasc-iot-lsp-cities at lists.fiware.org 
> <mailto:Fiware-oasc-iot-lsp-cities at lists.fiware.org>" 
> <Fiware-oasc-iot-lsp-cities at lists.fiware.org 
> <mailto:Fiware-oasc-iot-lsp-cities at lists.fiware.org>>
> Subject: [oasc-iot-lsp-cities] abstract - next iteration
> Can you help cut down to 2000 Characters (currently 2087)
> SynchroniCity represents the first attempt to deliver a Single Digital 
> City Market for Europe by piloting its foundations at scale in 8 
> European reference zones, XX partners from XX countries, and XX 
> follower cities, encompassing altogether XX countries over 4 
> continents. It builds upon a mature European knowledge base derived 
> from initiatives such as OASC, FIWARE, FIRE, EIP-SCC, and includes 
> partners with leading roles in standardization bodies, such as the 
> ITU, ETSI, IEEE, OMA, IETF to deliver a harmonized eco-system for IoT 
> enabled smart city solutions where IoT device manufacturers, system 
> integrators and solution providers can innovate and openly compete.
> Synchornicity will establish a standardised reference architecture for 
> the envisioned IoT-enabled city market place with identified 
> interoperability points and interfaces, data models for different 
> verticals in the smart city. This will includes tools for co-creation 
> & integration of legacy platforms & IoT devices for urban services and 
> enablers for data discovery, access and data licensing that lower the 
> barriers for participation on the market. SynchroniCity will pilot 
> these foundations in the established reference zones together with a 
> set of citizen-centred services in three high-impact areas, showing 
> the value to participating cities, businesses and European citizens 
> involved, linked directly to the global market. They will serve as 
> light-house initiatives to inspire others to become part of the 
> established ecosystem and contribute to the emerging market place. 
> SynchroniCity takes an inclusive approach to grow the ecosystem by 
> inviting other European businesses and cities to join through an open 
> call, allowing SMEs to participate on the pioneering market place and 
> enable a second wave of successful pilots during the project lifetime. 
> They will strengthen the ecosystem by creating a positive ripple 
> effect throughout Europe, and globally, to establish sufficient 
> momentum and critical mass for a strong European presence in a global 
> digital single market of IoT-enabled solutions.
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> Fiware-oasc-iot-lsp-cities mailing list
> Fiware-oasc-iot-lsp-cities at lists.fiware.org
> https://lists.fiware.org/listinfo/fiware-oasc-iot-lsp-cities


*Sébastien Ziegler
Director, Mandat International*
President, IoT Forum
Vice Chairman, IEEE ComSoc Internet of Things TsC
Rapporteur on Research and Emerging Technologies for the IoT and Smart 
Cities, ITU-T SG20
Coordinator IoT Lab, F-Interop and Privacy Flag European research projects

Mandat International
International Cooperation Foundation
3 ch. du Champ-Baron
1209 Geneva - Switzerland
Phone: +41 79 750 53 83
sziegler at mandint.org
<mailto:sziegler at mandint.org>www.mandint.org <http://www.mandint.org/>

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