[Fiware-oasc-iot-lsp-cities] LSP: Full speed ahead

Martin Brynskov brynskov at cavi.au.dk
Fri Feb 5 17:24:58 CET 2016

Dear all,

It is my pleasure to share the good news with you all that we now have a fully confirmed and committed consortium behind the IoT LSP European Reference Zones, grounded on the existing pillars in the discussion so far, and agreed among the organisations in cc above.

The approach and concept is fully in line with the discussions at the January 22 meeting in Brussels, and on behalf of the coordination group I invite you, the participants in that meeting, to the first concrete proposal online workshop Tuesday next week. Proposed time is 14-16 CET, but indicate your preferences in the doodle below.

The online meeting login details are the same as usual, and indicated below.

We believe that we have a winning concept and consortium. That's why we have invested the time and effort in giving it the time needed. We also believe that it is necessary for all partners at this stage to confirm their exclusive commitment to this particular proposal in order to proceed. Therefore, you will receive, via this channel, an NDA for your organisation to sign in order to join the meeting on Tuesday. We acknowledge that there may be internal procedures relates to this, so we will for Tuesday accept the written intent and recommendation to sign from the persons directly involved in the proposal.

I will not go in to any further details at this moment, but we will distribute additional material for Tuesday as well as outline the proposal development process.

Together with the colleagues at Aalto University in Helsinki (and UAE), I'll be your host for the development. Mikko will be the "proposal secretary". Please inform him of any additional persons/name changes.

We welcome you on board.

Kind regards,
On behalf of the coordination group,


Meeting registration (starting time, 2 hours):

GoTo Meeting Login:
1.  Please join my meeting, 5. feb. 2016 at 17.00 CET.

2.  Use your microphone and speakers (VoIP) - a headset is recommended. Or, call in using your telephone.

Denmark: +45 89 88 05 39
Belgium: +32 (0) 42 68 0180
Finland: +358 (0) 931 58 4588
Italy: +39 0 294 75 15 37
Netherlands: +31 (0) 108 080 116
Spain: +34 911 23 4248
Switzerland: +41 (0) 435 0824 41
United Kingdom: +44 (0) 330 221 0099

Access Code: 156-586-477
Audio PIN: Shown after joining the meeting

Meeting ID: 156-586-477

Martin Brynskov, Ph.D.
Associate professor, interaction technologies
Aarhus University

Chair, Open & Agile Smart Cities // oascities.org<http://oascities.org/>
Research director, AU Smart Cities // smartcities.au.dk<http://smartcities.au.dk/>
Director, Digital Design Lab // ddlab.dk<http://ddlab.dk/>
Participatory IT Centre // Digital Urban Living // CAVI
Tel. (+45) 3068 0424<tel:(+45)%203068%200424>
More info: http://au.dk/en/brynskov@cavi
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