[oasc-iot-lsp-cities] Clarification

Launonen Pentti pentti.launonen at aalto.fi
Tue Feb 16 09:40:25 CET 2016

Dear Martin, all,

Thank you everybody for reaching this joint aspiration and unity. We at Aalto are fully committed to this proposal, explicitly will not be part of any other competing proposal for this call and look forward to making our European cities even better places to live in!

On behalf of Aalto´s team

-----Original Message-----
From: fiware-oasc-iot-lsp-cities-bounces at lists.fiware.org [mailto:fiware-oasc-iot-lsp-cities-bounces at lists.fiware.org] On Behalf Of Martin Brynskov
Sent: 16. helmikuuta 2016 8:18
To: Fiware-oasc-iot-lsp-cities at lists.fiware.org
Subject: [oasc-iot-lsp-cities] Clarification

Dear all,

It has become apparent that it is time to clarify the current situation and unity of our OASC IoT LSP consortium. We want to win, and we need to take decisive steps to get moving. There has been concerns from several sides, about the voice of cities in the consortium, and about the commitment to adopt the technical mechanisms defined in the OASC initiative.

Let us therefore state the principles of the consortium in a clear manner that addresses directly the concerns, and call for the shared vision we need in order to reach our common goal, which I believe will be difficult to achieve otherwise.

The overall goal of the proposal is to create a project which can serve as a reference for adoption of co-created portable IoT-enabled smart city services in Europe and globally. This consortium is founded on the belief that OASC is an exceptionally promising and timely context to do this within, especially because it provides existing technical mechanisms, born out of and extending the values and modes of operation the involved cities and other partners would like to see a global market based on. Because it is a city-driven initiative, there is no way industry interests would be able to sway or topple this strong city lead against the will of the cities. The cities would simply refuse. On the other hand, industry support will warrant sustainability and help global adoption.

Our proposal will be based on the these three core principles:

1) An inclusive approach. The consortium will include the already selected OASC cities, on condition of their expression of exclusive commitment to this proposal: Antwerp, Eindhoven, Helsinki, Milan, Porto, Santander, and a city from the UK still to be determined. They are chosen based on their maturity as early OASC adopters, their relevant IoT infrastructure or potential for scalability. Cities from associated countries (e.g. Switzerland, Serbia and Mexico) can be also included because they won’t strain budget/funding. This breadth is absolutely needed for the creation of European and global market and standards beyond the project.

2) Replicating showcases across cities. OASC provides the concrete and existing means to build the global Digital Single Market for Smart Cities, and this project is instrumental for demonstrating scalability of the reference zones. A Smart City 1.0 approach (i.e. building non-portable solutions without the potential given by OASC) is not viable.

3) Adhering to OASC mechanisms. This means using FIWARE NGSI as an interface for exposing real-time data, also incorporating extensions in open data publication platforms (e.g., CKAN), enabling the publication of datasets linked to real-time open data; leveraging on a first set of NGSI-compatible common information models derived from results of the CitySDK project; and adopting common information models following a driven-by-implementation approach. It goes without saying that using other FIWARE technologies apart from the FIWARE NGSI API or CKAN with the necessary extensions is optional; specs associated with OASC mechanisms (e.g., FIWARE NGSI, or the open data publication platform) allow diverse implementations (e.g., integration of the existing FIWARE NGSI open source reference implementation or evolution of an existing platform to support FIWARE NGSI interfaces) as well as multiple platform providers. This flexibility and diversity should be showcased in the proposal.

To sum up: These three principles are necessary to win.

The horizontal activities are important. They consist of three main elements: co-creation of services, technical coordination and overall coordination. The co-creation of services would be led by iMinds supported by Forum Virium Helsinki/Future Cities Catapult, the technical coordination would be led by Telefónica supported by Digital Catapult, and the overall coordination would be led by Aarhus University supported by Aalto University.

The budget will allocate base funding to zones and reserve a pool to distribute based on service development.

With this setup we ensure that we have a strong voice from cities leading the service development, while still addressing challenges which are relevant across more zones. We ensure that we build on existing experience, e.g. the co-creation and replication mechanisms already developed in OrganiCity, and the pre-commercial procurement mechanisms from Select for Cities. We also leverage on a clear connection to FIWARE, which is emphasised in the LSP info sessions and strongly supported within the Horizon 2020 programme.

This message comes after talks and contributions from across the consortium, and I’m confident that we have found a consensus.

We need to move on with the proposal writing with fully committed partners. For the sake of clarity, I ask every partner to confirm by email by this Tuesday February 16 at 17 CET your commitment to this very proposal, as laid out in the principles above, and your agreement not to be part of any other competing proposal for this call.

Next meetin is tomorrow, Wednesday at 10 CET.

I'm looking forward to creating a European and global OASC smart city market with you.

Kind regards,

Martin Brynskov, Ph.D.
Associate professor, interaction technologies Aarhus University

Chair, Open & Agile Smart Cities // oascities.org Research director, AU Smart Cities // smartcities.au.dk Director, Digital Design Lab // ddlab.dk Participatory IT Centre // Digital Urban Living // CAVI Tel. (+45) 3068 0424 More info: http://au.dk/en/brynskov@cavi

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