[oasc-iot-lsp-cities] Update

Martin Brynskov brynskov at cavi.au.dk
Mon Feb 29 13:25:55 CET 2016

Dear all,

This is a call specifically involving the reference zone/city representatives, so please indicate your availability:
City of Antwerp
City of Carouge
City of Eindhoven
City of Helsinki
City of Manchester
City of Milan
City of Novi Sad
City of Porto
City of Santander

Adrian Slatcher from Manchester have offered some additional reflections, which I share below. They are central to the reference zone discussion to be had.

>From Adrian:
> 1. I realise we didn't have time to talk through city pilots within the project, so we need to ensure these are at the centre of the project.
> 2. The city partners have a formidable infrastructure between them and leveraging this infrastructure seems key to this consortium's strengths. In this context, I wondered if there might need to be a benchmarking/study visits component in the first phase of the project looking at how those infrastructure models can help with knowledge transfer. 
> 3. As mentioned yesterday, I think there is much work going on around standards and security. If a marketplace could be for security projects /technologies as part of the Cascade funding call, I Think it would be a real strength for adoption.
> 4. Regarding the service design model for Manchester and the other city pilots, I'm speaking with potential partners and colleagues at the moment. My sense is that given the number of "thematic" pilots within CityVerve we should be looking at something that is more holistic rather than just transport, or environment. I think if the other city pilots are looking at thematic based services then we might be able to do something more "place" based that provides a useful extension of this. 

I have asked the WP3 team to facilitate the reference zone discussion.



> On 29. feb. 2016, at 08.00, Mirko Presser <mirko.presser at alexandra.dk> wrote:
> Doodle for the WP3 reference zone discussion:
> http://doodle.com/poll/ppiburephiervxyv
> Please complete by this afternoon.
> Thanks
> Mirko
> ____________________________________________
> Ã…BOGADE 34, 8200 AARHUS N
> + 45 30 49 09 76
> mirko.presser at alexandra.dk
> alexandra.dk
> linkedin.com/in/mirkopresser
> twitter.com/mirkopresser
> ____________________________________________
> From: <fiware-oasc-iot-lsp-cities-bounces at lists.fiware.org> on behalf of Martin Brynskov <brynskov at cavi.au.dk>
> Date: Friday 26 February 2016 17:07
> To: "Fiware-oasc-iot-lsp-cities at lists.fiware.org" <Fiware-oasc-iot-lsp-cities at lists.fiware.org>
> Subject: [oasc-iot-lsp-cities] Update
> Dear all,
> Thank you for a great couple of days in Madrid, to Juanjo for hosting, and all who joined physically or online. It worked well and was quite productive.
> We had good talks on how to leverage the existing reference zones and structure the tech integration and development. We've established the WP structure (some further tweaks arriving still), assigned writing tasks, and basically have a plan.
> The meeting on Wednesday will review the WPs, thematic service areas and highlevel objectives.
> Templates for WP (Section 3) and partner (Secrion 4) descriptions are in the google drive > Proposal. Please provide your descriptions before Wednesday. We need time for other content before submitting.
> The writing plan is also in the root (LSP-timeline).
> Finally, I've asked the WP3 (Service design and co-creation) to facilitate a meeting with all reference zone representatives. This should preferably be next week. We'll send out a doodle.
> Thanks, all.
> Kind regards,
> Martin -- with Mirko and Mikko
> --
> Martin Brynskov, Ph.D.
> Associate professor, interaction technologies
> Aarhus University
> Chair, Open & Agile Smart Cities // oascities.org
> Research director, AU Smart Cities // smartcities.au.dk
> Director, Digital Design Lab // ddlab.dk
> Participatory IT Centre // Digital Urban Living // CAVI
> Tel. (+45) 3068 0424
> More info: http://au.dk/en/brynskov@cavi
> _______________________________________________
> Fiware-oasc-iot-lsp-cities mailing list
> Fiware-oasc-iot-lsp-cities at lists.fiware.org
> https://lists.fiware.org/listinfo/fiware-oasc-iot-lsp-cities

Martin Brynskov, Ph.D.
Associate professor, interaction technologies
Aarhus University

Chair, Open & Agile Smart Cities // oascities.org
Research director, AU Smart Cities // smartcities.au.dk
Director, Digital Design Lab // ddlab.dk
Participatory IT Centre // Digital Urban Living // CAVI
Tel. (+45) 3068 0424
More info: http://au.dk/en/brynskov@cavi

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