[oasc-iot-lsp-cities] Name -- cast your vote

Martin Brynskov brynskov at cavi.au.dk
Tue Mar 22 18:34:25 CET 2016

Dear all,

In parallel to the much more complex discussions ongoing here in London, please indicate your preference(s) regarding the name for the project.

Here's the link to vote:

And here's the document with the potential names:

Please add a comment in the Doodle if you suggest a new name in the doc. You may also inform the mailing list, if it's really good. :)


Martin Brynskov, Ph.D.
Associate professor, interaction technologies
Aarhus University

Chair, Open & Agile Smart Cities // oascities.org
Research director, AU Smart Cities // smartcities.au.dk
Director, Digital Design Lab // ddlab.dk
Participatory IT Centre // Digital Urban Living // CAVI
Tel. (+45) 3068 0424
More info: http://au.dk/en/brynskov@cavi

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