[oasc-iot-lsp-cities] [synchronicity-legal] Second draft of the SynchroniCity Consortium Agreement

Tom Blockley tom at bronzelabs.co.uk
Fri Oct 7 15:12:36 CEST 2016

>From Bronze, I can see that it's been in debate from the track changes,
from an SME point of view, unnecessary risk is something that we need to be
very aware of.

On 5 October 2016 at 09:58, Sebastien Ziegler <sziegler at mandint.org> wrote:

> +1
> Let's avoid unnecessary risk for the partners.
> Le 05.10.2016 à 10:15, Alex Gluhak a écrit :
> Hi Eva
> We have a concern about the limitation of liability section that has been
> altered to remove the cap for an IPR infringement (see 5.2.4). I wonder
> whether all partners are aware of the consequences of this and whether this
> is really the preferred option by all. I think it would be more sensible to
> have limits in place which are proportional to the investments made by
> partners into the project. Any thoughts?
> Regards
> Alex
> From: Mirko Presser <mirko.presser at alexandra.dk>
> Date: Wednesday, 5 October 2016 08:19
> To: Eva Bang-Olsen <ebo at au.dk>, "Fiware-oasc-iot-lsp-cities@
> lists.fiware.org" <Fiware-oasc-iot-lsp-cities at lists.fiware.org>, Martin
> Brynskov <brynskov at cavi.au.dk>, Adriënne Heijnen <ahe at cc.au.dk>, Mikko
> Riepula <mikko.riepula at aalto.fi>, Pentti Launonen <
> pentti.launonen at aalto.fi>, Petra Turkama <petra.turkama at aalto.fi>, Jarkko
> Miettinen <jarkko.miettinen at aalto.fi>, Niina Mikkonen <
> niina.mikkonen at aalto.fi>, Clara Pezuela <clara.pezuela at atos.net>, Emilie
> Couwenberg <emilie.couwenberg at stad.antwerpen.be>, René Bartels <
> r.bartels at eindhoven.nl>, Arthur Noordhoek <a.noordhoek at eindhoven.nl>,
> Roope Ritvos <roope.ritvos at forumvirium.fi>, Hugo Goncalves <
> hugo.goncalves at forumvirium.fi>, Pekka Koponen <
> pekka.koponen at forumvirium.fi>, Marja Mattila <marja.mattila at forumvirium.fi
> >, Adrian Slatcher <a.slatcher at manchester.gov.uk>, "Adrian Slatcher (2nd
> contact" <a.slatcher at manchesterdda.com>, Paulo Calçada <
> paulo.calcada at portodigital.pt>, Margarida Campolargo <
> margarida.campolargo at portodigital.pt>, Bruno Rios <
> bruno.rios at portodigital.pt>, Juan Echevarría <juanechevarria at ayto-
> santander.es>, Alex Gluhak <alex.gluhak at digicatapult.org.uk>, Martino
> Maggio <martino.maggio at eng.it>, Roberto Di Bernardo <
> roberto.dibernardo at eng.it>, John Weston <john.weston@
> westhillcommercial.co.uk>, "nechchihab at futurecities.catapult.org.uk" <
> nechchihab at futurecities.catapult.org.uk>, Zsuzsanna Bodi <
> zsuzsanna.bodi at enoll.org>, Stijn Verkuilen <sverkuilen at heijmans.nl>, Bram
> Lievens <bram.lievens at iminds.be>, Koen De Vos <koen.de.vos at iminds.be>,
> Katrien Van den Houwe <research at iminds.be>, Caroline Luneaut <
> research.ilabo at iminds.be>, Remco Muijs <remco.muijs at philips.com>, Esther
> Martens <esther.martens at philips.com>, Aránzazu Sanz <asanz at tst-sistemas.es>,
> David Gutiérrez <dgutierrez at tst-sistemas.es>, Arturo Medela <
> amedela at tst-sistemas.es>, "luis at tlmat.unican.es" <luis at tlmat.unican.es>,
> Laurent Horvath <Laurent.Horvath at opi.ch>, Sébastien Ziegler <
> sziegler at mandint.org>, Ana Maria Pacheco Huamani <ampacheco at archimede.ch>,
> "synchronicity-legal at maillist.au.dk" <synchronicity-legal at maillist.au.dk>,
> Juan Echevarria Cuenca <juanechevarria at ayto-santander.es>, Claire
> Diot-Lefebvre <claire.diot at digicatapult.org.uk>, Richard French <
> richard.french at digicatapult.org.uk>, Marja Mattila <
> marja.mattila at forumvirium.fi>, Mikkonen Niina <niina.mikkonen at aalto.fi>, "
> nechchihab at futurecities.catapult.org.uk" <nechchihab at futurecities.
> catapult.org.uk>, "Pezuela Robles, Clara M" <clara.pezuela at atos.net>,
> "contracts (Functional Account)" <contracts at philips.com>, Paulo Calçada <
> paulo.calcada at portodigital.pt>, "Verkuilen, Stijn" <sverkuilen at heijmans.nl>,
> Rene Bartels <r.bartels at eindhoven.nl>, "Arroyo Bedia, Ruth" <
> ruth.arroyo at unican.es>, Koen De Vos <koen.de.vos at iminds.be>, Dina
> Tymofyéyeva <dina at tst-sistemas.es>
> Cc: Emilia Alegria <esa at au.dk>, Martin Brynskov <brynskov at cavi.au.dk>
> Subject: Re: Second draft of the SynchroniCity Consortium Agreement
> Dear Eva, all,
> We have no further comments to the CA.
> The partner details for the contract are:
> “3) Alexandra Institute (“AI”), Aabogade 34, 8200 Aarhus N, Denmark, reg.
> no. 24213366”
> Thanks
> Mirko
> *From: *Eva Bang-Olsen <ebo at au.dk>
> *Date: *Friday 30 September 2016 at 10:45
> *To: *"Fiware-oasc-iot-lsp-cities at lists.fiware.org" <
> Fiware-oasc-iot-lsp-cities at lists.fiware.org>, Martin Brynskov <
> brynskov at cavi.au.dk>, Adriënne Heijnen <ahe at cc.au.dk>, Mikko Riepula <
> mikko.riepula at aalto.fi>, Pentti Launonen <pentti.launonen at aalto.fi>,
> Petra Turkama <petra.turkama at aalto.fi>, Jarkko Miettinen <
> jarkko.miettinen at aalto.fi>, Niina Mikkonen <niina.mikkonen at aalto.fi>,
> Mirko Presser <mirko.presser at alexandra.dk>, Clara Pezuela <
> clara.pezuela at atos.net>, Emilie Couwenberg <emilie.couwenberg at stad.
> antwerpen.be>, René Bartels <r.bartels at eindhoven.nl>, Arthur Noordhoek <
> a.noordhoek at eindhoven.nl>, Roope Ritvos <roope.ritvos at forumvirium.fi>,
> Hugo Goncalves <hugo.goncalves at forumvirium.fi>, Pekka Koponen <
> pekka.koponen at forumvirium.fi>, Marja Mattila <marja.mattila at forumvirium.fi
> >, Adrian Slatcher <a.slatcher at manchester.gov.uk>, "Adrian Slatcher (2nd
> contact" <a.slatcher at manchesterdda.com>, Paulo Calçada <
> paulo.calcada at portodigital.pt>, Margarida Campolargo <
> margarida.campolargo at portodigital.pt>, Bruno Rios <
> bruno.rios at portodigital.pt>, Juan Echevarría <juanechevarria at ayto-
> santander.es>, Alex Gluhak <alex.gluhak at digicatapult.org.uk>, Martino
> Maggio <martino.maggio at eng.it>, Roberto Di Bernardo <
> roberto.dibernardo at eng.it>, John Weston <john.weston@
> westhillcommercial.co.uk>, Nadia Echchihab <nechchihab at futurecities.
> catapult.org.uk>, Zsuzsanna Bodi <zsuzsanna.bodi at enoll.org>, Stijn
> Verkuilen <sverkuilen at heijmans.nl>, Bram Lievens <bram.lievens at iminds.be>,
> Koen De Vos <koen.de.vos at iminds.be>, Katrien Van den Houwe <
> research at iminds.be>, Caroline Luneaut <research.ilabo at iminds.be>, Remco
> Muijs <remco.muijs at philips.com>, Esther Martens <
> esther.martens at philips.com>, Aránzazu Sanz <asanz at tst-sistemas.es>, David
> Gutiérrez <dgutierrez at tst-sistemas.es>, Arturo Medela <
> amedela at tst-sistemas.es>, Luis Muñoz <luis at tlmat.unican.es>, Laurent
> Horvath <Laurent.Horvath at opi.ch>, Sébastien Ziegler <sziegler at mandint.org>,
> Ana Maria Pacheco Huamani <ampacheco at archimede.ch>, "
> synchronicity-legal at maillist.au.dk" <synchronicity-legal at maillist.au.dk>,
> Juan Echevarria Cuenca <juanechevarria at ayto-santander.es>, Claire
> Diot-Lefebvre <claire.diot at digicatapult.org.uk>, Richard French <
> richard.french at digicatapult.org.uk>, Marja Mattila <
> marja.mattila at forumvirium.fi>, Mikkonen Niina <niina.mikkonen at aalto.fi>,
> Nadia Echchihab <nechchihab at futurecities.catapult.org.uk>, "Pezuela
> Robles, Clara M" <clara.pezuela at atos.net>, "contracts (Functional
> Account)" <contracts at philips.com>, Paulo Calçada <
> paulo.calcada at portodigital.pt>, "Verkuilen, Stijn" <sverkuilen at heijmans.nl>,
> Rene Bartels <r.bartels at eindhoven.nl>, "Arroyo Bedia, Ruth" <
> ruth.arroyo at unican.es>, Koen De Vos <koen.de.vos at iminds.be>, Dina
> Tymofyéyeva <dina at tst-sistemas.es>
> *Cc: *Emilia Alegria <esa at au.dk>, Martin Brynskov <brynskov at cavi.au.dk>
> *Subject: *Second draft of the SynchroniCity Consortium Agreement
> Dear SynchroniCity Partners,
> Thank you for providing me with your comments on the Consortium Agreement.
> Enclosed you can find the *second version* with changes shown as
> tracked.
> We have tried to consider as many of your requests for changes as
> possible, but of course, given the number of partners, some of your
> requests could not be met or we had to find a compromise. We hope that the
> CA is now acceptable for all of you. If you have any further requests for
> changes at this stage it should be just in the case of a dealbreaker that
> will keep you from participating in the project.
> At this point of time no partners have informed us of any Background to be
> added to Attachment 1. Unless you specifically inform us of any Background
> to be added, we will assume that you have none.
> I would be grateful if you could review the changes and revert to me no
> later than *MONDAY 10 OCTOBER (deadline)*. Even if you do not have any
> further requests for changes, please confirm that your legal team is happy
> with the document. The CA still needs to be signed by all before 28
> October, so  your timely cooperation would be most appreciated.
> Best regards,
> *Eva Bang-Olsen*
> Senior Legal Adviser
> Dir: +45 87 15 01 32
> Mob: +45 40 86 53 14
> E-mail: ebo at au.dk
> *Corporate Relations and Technology Transfer *
> Aarhus University
> Katrinebjergvej 107
> Building no. 5530,
> DK-8200 Aarhus N
> Tel: +45 87 15 32 05
> E-mail: tto at au.dk
> [image: id:image005.jpg at 01CB12BE.4D855120]
> *Fra:* Eva Bang-Olsen
> *Sendt:* 26. august 2016 11:50
> *Til:* Fiware-oasc-iot-lsp-cities at lists.fiware.org; Martin Brynskov;
> Adriënne Heijnen; 'Mikko Riepula'; 'Pentti Launonen'; 'Petra Turkama';
> 'Jarkko Miettinen'; 'Niina Mikkonen'; Mirko Presser; 'Clara Pezuela';
> 'Emilie Couwenberg'; 'René Bartels'; 'Arthur Noordhoek'; 'Roope Ritvos';
> 'Hugo Goncalves'; 'Pekka Koponen'; 'Marja Mattila'; 'Adrian Slatcher';
> 'Adrian Slatcher (2nd contact'; 'Paulo Calçada'; 'Margarida Campolargo';
> 'Bruno Rios'; 'Juan Echevarría'; 'Alex Gluhak'; 'Martino Maggio'; 'Roberto
> Di Bernardo'; 'John Weston'; 'Nadia Echchihab'; 'Zsuzsanna Bodi'; 'Stijn
> Verkuilen'; 'Bram Lievens'; 'Koen De Vos'; 'Katrien Van den Houwe';
> 'Caroline Luneaut'; 'Remco Muijs'; 'Esther Martens'; 'Aránzazu Sanz';
> 'David Gutiérrez'; 'Arturo Medela'; 'Luis Muñoz'; 'Laurent Horvath';
> 'Sébastien Ziegler'; 'Ana Maria Pacheco Huamani'
> *Cc:* Emilia Alegria
> *Emne:* SynchroniCity Consortium Agreement First Draft
> Dear all SynchroniCity Partners,
> Please find attached the first draft of the Consortium Agreement for the
> SynchroniCity project.
> The draft is based upon the MCARD Model due to the fact that the
> SynchroniCity project is an Innovation Action (IA). We have adapted the
> MCARD Model to fit our project better, please see our amendments and
> comments made in track-changes in the attached PDF version. A Word version
> is also attached for your own commenting.
> I would be grateful if you and your legal representative could review the
> documents and provide me with any comments by *WEDNESDAY 7 SEPTEMBER*.
> I kindly request that only substantive changes or comments are made to the
> draft. If you do suggest a change please *add the legal suggested text
> into the Word version using track changes*. In addition, please add any
> specific information to be inserted within the attachments to the
> consortium agreement (Background included, Listed Third Parties, Affiliate
> Entities, if any) or confirm that you have nothing to add.
> Please be aware that it is a condition of the grant award that this
> consortium agreement is signed by all partners prior to signature of the
> Grant Agreement (28 October 2016), therefore your timely cooperation would
> be most appreciated.
> Also, please let me and Emilia (cc) know if any other persons should be
> included in the legal mailing-list with regards to this negotiation process.
> Looking forward to your comments.
> Best regards,
> *Eva Bang-Olsen*
> Senior Legal Adviser
> Dir: +45 87 15 01 32
> Mob: +45 40 86 53 14
> E-mail: ebo at au.dk
> *Corporate Relations and Technology Transfer *
> Aarhus University
> Katrinebjergvej 107
> Building no. 5530,
> DK-8200 Aarhus N
> Tel: +45 87 15 32 05
> E-mail: tto at au.dk
> [image: id:image005.jpg at 01CB12BE.4D855120]
> --
> *Sébastien Ziegler Director, Mandat International*
> President, IoT Forum
> Vice Chairman, IEEE ComSoc Internet of Things TsC
> Rapporteur on Research and Emerging Technologies for the IoT and Smart
> Cities, ITU-T SG20
> Coordinator IoT Lab, F-Interop and Privacy Flag European research projects
> Mandat International
> International Cooperation Foundation
> 3 ch. du Champ-Baron
> 1209 Geneva - Switzerland
> Phone: +41 79 750 53 83
> sziegler at mandint.org
> www.mandint.org
> *********************************************
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> _______________________________________________
> synchronicity-legal mailing list


Tom Blockley
  Multi-Award Winning IoT Software Innovation

  +44(0)1952 288 217 <+441952288217>
  tom at bronzelabs.co.uk
  e-Innovation Centre, Priorslee, Telford, Shropshire. TF2 9FT

<https://twitter.com/bronzelabs> <https://www.facebook.com/bronzelabs>

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