[oasc-iot-lsp-cities] THIRD DRAFT of the SynchroniCity Consortium Agreement

Eva Bang-Olsen ebo at au.dk
Mon Oct 17 15:20:10 CEST 2016

Dear all,

Attached please find the third draft of the Consortium Agreement for SynchroniCity. I also attach the guidelines/policies of the City of Eindhoven (EIN) which we suggest to set forth as an attachment 5 to the CA.

Still no partners have provided me with any Background Knowledge to be added to Attachment 1, any Third Parties for simplified transfer to be added in Attachment 3, or any Affiliated Entities to be added in Attachment 4 . Please provide me with any such, or I will assume that you have none.

We are coming close to the deadline for the GA signature which is also the deadline for completion of the negotiations of the Consortium Agreement. So please revert to me with any comments to this third draft no later than FRIDAY this week (21 OCTOBER), and please only comment on any substantial issues. If needed a telephone conference might be set up in the beginning of next week to discuss and come to final agreement on the CA.

Best regards,

Eva Bang-Olsen
Senior Legal Adviser

Dir: +45 87 15 01 32
Mob: +45 40 86 53 14
E-mail: ebo at au.dk<mailto:ebo at au.dk>

Corporate Relations and Technology Transfer
Aarhus University
Katrinebjergvej 107
Building no. 5530,
DK-8200 Aarhus N
Tel: +45 87 15 32 05
E-mail: tto at au.dk<mailto:tto at au.dk>
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Fra: synchronicity-legal [mailto:synchronicity-legal-bounces at maillist.au.dk] På vegne af Eva Bang-Olsen
Sendt: 14. oktober 2016 15:49
Til: Tom Blockley; Sebastien Ziegler; synchronicity-legal at maillist.au.dk; Fiware-oasc-iot-lsp-cities at lists.fiware.org; Arroyo Bedia, Ruth; contracts (Functional Account); Mikkonen Niina; Pezuela Robles, Clara M; John Weston; Esther Martens; Richard French
Cc: Emilia Alegria
Emne: Re: [synchronicity-legal] Second draft of the SynchroniCity Consortium Agreement

Dear all,

In continuation of my e-mail below some partners have required Section 5.2.4 to be deleted from the CA.

Atos considers that it is more confusing to maintain this section then not to having it.

Aalto has provided the following explanation: “Aalto University is a foundation based university and as such it is extremely important that all liabilities (except for those due to gross negligence or intentional acts) are limited. This does not, of course, extend to anything which is not a subject to this agreement, but any activities under this agreement should be clearly limited. If we apply the proposed language, it is not clear whether using access rights under this consortium agreement could be subject to unlimited liability in certain cases relating to use of access rights.”

On this basis  Section 5.2.4 will be deleted from the CA. As previously mentioned AU is of the opinion that this section expresses a basic legal principle, and AU therefore has no problem with deleting it.

Best regards,

Eva Bang-Olsen
Senior Legal Adviser

Dir: +45 87 15 01 32
Mob: +45 40 86 53 14
E-mail: ebo at au.dk<mailto:ebo at au.dk>

Corporate Relations and Technology Transfer
Aarhus University
Katrinebjergvej 107
Building no. 5530,
DK-8200 Aarhus N
Tel: +45 87 15 32 05
E-mail: tto at au.dk<mailto:tto at au.dk>
[cid:image005.jpg at 01CB12BE.4D855120]

Fra: synchronicity-legal [mailto:synchronicity-legal-bounces at maillist.au.dk] På vegne af Eva Bang-Olsen
Sendt: 13. oktober 2016 09:43
Til: Tom Blockley; Sebastien Ziegler
Cc: contracts (Functional Account); synchronicity-legal at maillist.au.dk<mailto:synchronicity-legal at maillist.au.dk>; Fiware-oasc-iot-lsp-cities at lists.fiware.org<mailto:Fiware-oasc-iot-lsp-cities at lists.fiware.org>; Arroyo Bedia, Ruth; Emilia Alegria
Emne: Re: [synchronicity-legal] Second draft of the SynchroniCity Consortium Agreement

Dear all,

Just a follow up on the limitation on liability (CA section 5.2.4) discussed in e-mails below.

Section 5.2.4 remains unchanged from the original version. Digital Catapult has clarified its position on Section 5.2.4 to mean that it is Digital Catapult’s preference that the section remains in the CA. So, accordingly no change or amendment is proposed. I assume that all partners that have concurred with Digital Catapult in the e-mails on this subject are of the same position.

I also believe that Section 5.2.4 expresses a basic legal principal, i.e. that a party’s acts outside the scope of an agreement is not covered by the regulation of said agreement. Accordingly, if a partner exceeds the scope of the access rights granted under the CA, the IPR infringement will not be covered by the CA including by the cap on liability in section 5.2.3.

Section 5.2.4 therefore archives the purpose of avoiding unnecessary risk of the other partners (putting the risk on only the infringing partner).  I therefore propose that section 5.2.4 stays in the CA.

Please revert to me as soon as possible, and before the end of this week if you have any comments on this issue.

Best regards,

Eva Bang-Olsen
Senior Legal Adviser

Dir: +45 87 15 01 32
Mob: +45 40 86 53 14
E-mail: ebo at au.dk<mailto:ebo at au.dk>

Corporate Relations and Technology Transfer
Aarhus University
Katrinebjergvej 107
Building no. 5530,
DK-8200 Aarhus N
Tel: +45 87 15 32 05
E-mail: tto at au.dk<mailto:tto at au.dk>
[cid:image005.jpg at 01CB12BE.4D855120]

Fra: Tom Blockley [mailto:tom at bronzelabs.co.uk]
Sendt: 7. oktober 2016 15:13
Til: Sebastien Ziegler
Cc: Alex Gluhak; Mirko Presser; Eva Bang-Olsen; Fiware-oasc-iot-lsp-cities at lists.fiware.org<mailto:Fiware-oasc-iot-lsp-cities at lists.fiware.org>; Martin Brynskov; Adriënne Heijnen; Mikko Riepula; Pentti Launonen; Petra Turkama; Jarkko Miettinen; Niina Mikkonen; Clara Pezuela; Emilie Couwenberg; René Bartels; Arthur Noordhoek; Roope Ritvos; Hugo Goncalves; Pekka Koponen; Marja Mattila; Adrian Slatcher; Adrian Slatcher (2nd contact; Paulo Calçada; Margarida Campolargo; Bruno Rios; Juan Echevarría; Martino Maggio; Roberto Di Bernardo; John Weston; Nadia Echchihab; Zsuzsanna Bodi; Stijn Verkuilen; Bram Lievens; Koen De Vos; Katrien Van den Houwe; Caroline Luneaut; Remco Muijs; Esther Martens; Aránzazu Sanz; David Gutiérrez; Arturo Medela; Luis Muñoz; Laurent Horvath; Ana Maria Pacheco Huamani; synchronicity-legal at maillist.au.dk<mailto:synchronicity-legal at maillist.au.dk>; Claire Diot-Lefebvre; Richard French; contracts (Functional Account); Arroyo Bedia, Ruth; Dina Tymofyéyeva; Emilia Alegria
Emne: Re: [synchronicity-legal] Second draft of the SynchroniCity Consortium Agreement

From Bronze, I can see that it's been in debate from the track changes, from an SME point of view, unnecessary risk is something that we need to be very aware of.

On 5 October 2016 at 09:58, Sebastien Ziegler <sziegler at mandint.org<mailto:sziegler at mandint.org>> wrote:
Let's avoid unnecessary risk for the partners.

Le 05.10.2016 à 10:15, Alex Gluhak a écrit :
Hi Eva

We have a concern about the limitation of liability section that has been altered to remove the cap for an IPR infringement (see 5.2.4). I wonder whether all partners are aware of the consequences of this and whether this is really the preferred option by all. I think it would be more sensible to have limits in place which are proportional to the investments made by partners into the project. Any thoughts?


From: Mirko Presser <mirko.presser at alexandra.dk<mailto:mirko.presser at alexandra.dk>>
Date: Wednesday, 5 October 2016 08:19
To: Eva Bang-Olsen <ebo at au.dk<mailto:ebo at au.dk>>, "Fiware-oasc-iot-lsp-cities at lists.fiware.org<mailto:Fiware-oasc-iot-lsp-cities at lists.fiware.org>" <Fiware-oasc-iot-lsp-cities at lists.fiware.org<mailto:Fiware-oasc-iot-lsp-cities at lists.fiware.org>>, Martin Brynskov <brynskov at cavi.au.dk<mailto:brynskov at cavi.au.dk>>, Adriënne Heijnen <ahe at cc.au.dk<mailto:ahe at cc.au.dk>>, Mikko Riepula <mikko.riepula at aalto.fi<mailto:mikko.riepula at aalto.fi>>, Pentti Launonen <pentti.launonen at aalto.fi<mailto:pentti.launonen at aalto.fi>>, Petra Turkama <petra.turkama at aalto.fi<mailto:petra.turkama at aalto.fi>>, Jarkko Miettinen <jarkko.miettinen at aalto.fi<mailto:jarkko.miettinen at aalto.fi>>, Niina Mikkonen <niina.mikkonen at aalto.fi<mailto:niina.mikkonen at aalto.fi>>, Clara Pezuela <clara.pezuela at atos.net<mailto:clara.pezuela at atos.net>>, Emilie Couwenberg <emilie.couwenberg at stad.antwerpen.be<mailto:emilie.couwenberg at stad.antwerpen.be>>, René Bartels <r.bartels at eindhoven.nl<mailto:r.bartels at eindhoven.nl>>, Arthur Noordhoek <a.noordhoek at eindhoven.nl<mailto:a.noordhoek at eindhoven.nl>>, Roope Ritvos <roope.ritvos at forumvirium.fi<mailto:roope.ritvos at forumvirium.fi>>, Hugo Goncalves <hugo.goncalves at forumvirium.fi<mailto:hugo.goncalves at forumvirium.fi>>, Pekka Koponen <pekka.koponen at forumvirium.fi<mailto:pekka.koponen at forumvirium.fi>>, Marja Mattila <marja.mattila at forumvirium.fi<mailto:marja.mattila at forumvirium.fi>>, Adrian Slatcher <a.slatcher at manchester.gov.uk<mailto:a.slatcher at manchester.gov.uk>>, "Adrian Slatcher (2nd contact" <a.slatcher at manchesterdda.com<mailto:a.slatcher at manchesterdda.com>>, Paulo Calçada <paulo.calcada at portodigital.pt<mailto:paulo.calcada at portodigital.pt>>, Margarida Campolargo <margarida.campolargo at portodigital.pt<mailto:margarida.campolargo at portodigital.pt>>, Bruno Rios <bruno.rios at portodigital.pt<mailto:bruno.rios at portodigital.pt>>, Juan Echevarría <juanechevarria at ayto-santander.es<mailto:juanechevarria at ayto-santander.es>>, Alex Gluhak <alex.gluhak at digicatapult.org.uk<mailto:alex.gluhak at digicatapult.org.uk>>, Martino Maggio <martino.maggio at eng.it<mailto:martino.maggio at eng.it>>, Roberto Di Bernardo <roberto.dibernardo at eng.it<mailto:roberto.dibernardo at eng.it>>, John Weston <john.weston at westhillcommercial.co.uk<mailto:john.weston at westhillcommercial.co.uk>>, "nechchihab at futurecities.catapult.org.uk<mailto:nechchihab at futurecities.catapult.org.uk>" <nechchihab at futurecities.catapult.org.uk<mailto:nechchihab at futurecities.catapult.org.uk>>, Zsuzsanna Bodi <zsuzsanna.bodi at enoll.org<mailto:zsuzsanna.bodi at enoll.org>>, Stijn Verkuilen <sverkuilen at heijmans.nl<mailto:sverkuilen at heijmans.nl>>, Bram Lievens <bram.lievens at iminds.be<mailto:bram.lievens at iminds.be>>, Koen De Vos <koen.de.vos at iminds.be<mailto:koen.de.vos at iminds.be>>, Katrien Van den Houwe <research at iminds.be<mailto:research at iminds.be>>, Caroline Luneaut <research.ilabo at iminds.be<mailto:research.ilabo at iminds.be>>, Remco Muijs <remco.muijs at philips.com<mailto:remco.muijs at philips.com>>, Esther Martens <esther.martens at philips.com<mailto:esther.martens at philips.com>>, Aránzazu Sanz <asanz at tst-sistemas.es<mailto:asanz at tst-sistemas.es>>, David Gutiérrez <dgutierrez at tst-sistemas.es<mailto:dgutierrez at tst-sistemas.es>>, Arturo Medela <amedela at tst-sistemas.es<mailto:amedela at tst-sistemas.es>>, "luis at tlmat.unican.es<mailto:luis at tlmat.unican.es>" <luis at tlmat.unican.es<mailto:luis at tlmat.unican.es>>, Laurent Horvath <Laurent.Horvath at opi.ch<mailto:Laurent.Horvath at opi.ch>>, Sébastien Ziegler <sziegler at mandint.org<mailto:sziegler at mandint.org>>, Ana Maria Pacheco Huamani <ampacheco at archimede.ch<mailto:ampacheco at archimede.ch>>, "synchronicity-legal at maillist.au.dk<mailto:synchronicity-legal at maillist.au.dk>" <synchronicity-legal at maillist.au.dk<mailto:synchronicity-legal at maillist.au.dk>>, Juan Echevarria Cuenca <juanechevarria at ayto-santander.es<mailto:juanechevarria at ayto-santander.es>>, Claire Diot-Lefebvre <claire.diot at digicatapult.org.uk<mailto:claire.diot at digicatapult.org.uk>>, Richard French <richard.french at digicatapult.org.uk<mailto:richard.french at digicatapult.org.uk>>, Marja Mattila <marja.mattila at forumvirium.fi<mailto:marja.mattila at forumvirium.fi>>, Mikkonen Niina <niina.mikkonen at aalto.fi<mailto:niina.mikkonen at aalto.fi>>, "nechchihab at futurecities.catapult.org.uk<mailto:nechchihab at futurecities.catapult.org.uk>" <nechchihab at futurecities.catapult.org.uk<mailto:nechchihab at futurecities.catapult.org.uk>>, "Pezuela Robles, Clara M" <clara.pezuela at atos.net<mailto:clara.pezuela at atos.net>>, "contracts (Functional Account)" <contracts at philips.com<mailto:contracts at philips.com>>, Paulo Calçada <paulo.calcada at portodigital.pt<mailto:paulo.calcada at portodigital.pt>>, "Verkuilen, Stijn" <sverkuilen at heijmans.nl<mailto:sverkuilen at heijmans.nl>>, Rene Bartels <r.bartels at eindhoven.nl<mailto:r.bartels at eindhoven.nl>>, "Arroyo Bedia, Ruth" <ruth.arroyo at unican.es<mailto:ruth.arroyo at unican.es>>, Koen De Vos <koen.de.vos at iminds.be<mailto:koen.de.vos at iminds.be>>, Dina Tymofyéyeva <dina at tst-sistemas.es<mailto:dina at tst-sistemas.es>>
Cc: Emilia Alegria <esa at au.dk<mailto:esa at au.dk>>, Martin Brynskov <brynskov at cavi.au.dk<mailto:brynskov at cavi.au.dk>>
Subject: Re: Second draft of the SynchroniCity Consortium Agreement

Dear Eva, all,

We have no further comments to the CA.

The partner details for the contract are:
“3) Alexandra Institute (“AI”), Aabogade 34, 8200 Aarhus N, Denmark, reg. no. 24213366”



From: Eva Bang-Olsen <ebo at au.dk<mailto:ebo at au.dk>>
Date: Friday 30 September 2016 at 10:45
To: "Fiware-oasc-iot-lsp-cities at lists.fiware.org<mailto:Fiware-oasc-iot-lsp-cities at lists.fiware.org>" <Fiware-oasc-iot-lsp-cities at lists.fiware.org<mailto:Fiware-oasc-iot-lsp-cities at lists.fiware.org>>, Martin Brynskov <brynskov at cavi.au.dk<mailto:brynskov at cavi.au.dk>>, Adriënne Heijnen <ahe at cc.au.dk<mailto:ahe at cc.au.dk>>, Mikko Riepula <mikko.riepula at aalto.fi<mailto:mikko.riepula at aalto.fi>>, Pentti Launonen <pentti.launonen at aalto.fi<mailto:pentti.launonen at aalto.fi>>, Petra Turkama <petra.turkama at aalto.fi<mailto:petra.turkama at aalto.fi>>, Jarkko Miettinen <jarkko.miettinen at aalto.fi<mailto:jarkko.miettinen at aalto.fi>>, Niina Mikkonen <niina.mikkonen at aalto.fi<mailto:niina.mikkonen at aalto.fi>>, Mirko Presser <mirko.presser at alexandra.dk<mailto:mirko.presser at alexandra.dk>>, Clara Pezuela <clara.pezuela at atos.net<mailto:clara.pezuela at atos.net>>, Emilie Couwenberg <emilie.couwenberg at stad.antwerpen.be<mailto:emilie.couwenberg at stad.antwerpen.be>>, René Bartels <r.bartels at eindhoven.nl<mailto:r.bartels at eindhoven.nl>>, Arthur Noordhoek <a.noordhoek at eindhoven.nl<mailto:a.noordhoek at eindhoven.nl>>, Roope Ritvos <roope.ritvos at forumvirium.fi<mailto:roope.ritvos at forumvirium.fi>>, Hugo Goncalves <hugo.goncalves at forumvirium.fi<mailto:hugo.goncalves at forumvirium.fi>>, Pekka Koponen <pekka.koponen at forumvirium.fi<mailto:pekka.koponen at forumvirium.fi>>, Marja Mattila <marja.mattila at forumvirium.fi<mailto:marja.mattila at forumvirium.fi>>, Adrian Slatcher <a.slatcher at manchester.gov.uk<mailto:a.slatcher at manchester.gov.uk>>, "Adrian Slatcher (2nd contact" <a.slatcher at manchesterdda.com<mailto:a.slatcher at manchesterdda.com>>, Paulo Calçada <paulo.calcada at portodigital.pt<mailto:paulo.calcada at portodigital.pt>>, Margarida Campolargo <margarida.campolargo at portodigital.pt<mailto:margarida.campolargo at portodigital.pt>>, Bruno Rios <bruno.rios at portodigital.pt<mailto:bruno.rios at portodigital.pt>>, Juan Echevarría <juanechevarria at ayto-santander.es<mailto:juanechevarria at ayto-santander.es>>, Alex Gluhak <alex.gluhak at digicatapult.org.uk<mailto:alex.gluhak at digicatapult.org.uk>>, Martino Maggio <martino.maggio at eng.it<mailto:martino.maggio at eng.it>>, Roberto Di Bernardo <roberto.dibernardo at eng.it<mailto:roberto.dibernardo at eng.it>>, John Weston <john.weston at westhillcommercial.co.uk<mailto:john.weston at westhillcommercial.co.uk>>, Nadia Echchihab <nechchihab at futurecities.catapult.org.uk<mailto:nechchihab at futurecities.catapult.org.uk>>, Zsuzsanna Bodi <zsuzsanna.bodi at enoll.org<mailto:zsuzsanna.bodi at enoll.org>>, Stijn Verkuilen <sverkuilen at heijmans.nl<mailto:sverkuilen at heijmans.nl>>, Bram Lievens <bram.lievens at iminds.be<mailto:bram.lievens at iminds.be>>, Koen De Vos <koen.de.vos at iminds.be<mailto:koen.de.vos at iminds.be>>, Katrien Van den Houwe <research at iminds.be<mailto:research at iminds.be>>, Caroline Luneaut <research.ilabo at iminds.be<mailto:research.ilabo at iminds.be>>, Remco Muijs <remco.muijs at philips.com<mailto:remco.muijs at philips.com>>, Esther Martens <esther.martens at philips.com<mailto:esther.martens at philips.com>>, Aránzazu Sanz <asanz at tst-sistemas.es<mailto:asanz at tst-sistemas.es>>, David Gutiérrez <dgutierrez at tst-sistemas.es<mailto:dgutierrez at tst-sistemas.es>>, Arturo Medela <amedela at tst-sistemas.es<mailto:amedela at tst-sistemas.es>>, Luis Muñoz <luis at tlmat.unican.es<mailto:luis at tlmat.unican.es>>, Laurent Horvath <Laurent.Horvath at opi.ch<mailto:Laurent.Horvath at opi.ch>>, Sébastien Ziegler <sziegler at mandint.org<mailto:sziegler at mandint.org>>, Ana Maria Pacheco Huamani <ampacheco at archimede.ch<mailto:ampacheco at archimede.ch>>, "synchronicity-legal at maillist.au.dk<mailto:synchronicity-legal at maillist.au.dk>" <synchronicity-legal at maillist.au.dk<mailto:synchronicity-legal at maillist.au.dk>>, Juan Echevarria Cuenca <juanechevarria at ayto-santander.es<mailto:juanechevarria at ayto-santander.es>>, Claire Diot-Lefebvre <claire.diot at digicatapult.org.uk<mailto:claire.diot at digicatapult.org.uk>>, Richard French <richard.french at digicatapult.org.uk<mailto:richard.french at digicatapult.org.uk>>, Marja Mattila <marja.mattila at forumvirium.fi<mailto:marja.mattila at forumvirium.fi>>, Mikkonen Niina <niina.mikkonen at aalto.fi<mailto:niina.mikkonen at aalto.fi>>, Nadia Echchihab <nechchihab at futurecities.catapult.org.uk<mailto:nechchihab at futurecities.catapult.org.uk>>, "Pezuela Robles, Clara M" <clara.pezuela at atos.net<mailto:clara.pezuela at atos.net>>, "contracts (Functional Account)" <contracts at philips.com<mailto:contracts at philips.com>>, Paulo Calçada <paulo.calcada at portodigital.pt<mailto:paulo.calcada at portodigital.pt>>, "Verkuilen, Stijn" <sverkuilen at heijmans.nl<mailto:sverkuilen at heijmans.nl>>, Rene Bartels <r.bartels at eindhoven.nl<mailto:r.bartels at eindhoven.nl>>, "Arroyo Bedia, Ruth" <ruth.arroyo at unican.es<mailto:ruth.arroyo at unican.es>>, Koen De Vos <koen.de.vos at iminds.be<mailto:koen.de.vos at iminds.be>>, Dina Tymofyéyeva <dina at tst-sistemas.es<mailto:dina at tst-sistemas.es>>
Cc: Emilia Alegria <esa at au.dk<mailto:esa at au.dk>>, Martin Brynskov <brynskov at cavi.au.dk<mailto:brynskov at cavi.au.dk>>
Subject: Second draft of the SynchroniCity Consortium Agreement

Dear SynchroniCity Partners,

Thank you for providing me with your comments on the Consortium Agreement. Enclosed you can find the second version with changes shown as tracked.

We have tried to consider as many of your requests for changes as possible, but of course, given the number of partners, some of your requests could not be met or we had to find a compromise. We hope that the CA is now acceptable for all of you. If you have any further requests for changes at this stage it should be just in the case of a dealbreaker that will keep you from participating in the project.

At this point of time no partners have informed us of any Background to be added to Attachment 1. Unless you specifically inform us of any Background to be added, we will assume that you have none.

I would be grateful if you could review the changes and revert to me no later than MONDAY 10 OCTOBER (deadline). Even if you do not have any further requests for changes, please confirm that your legal team is happy with the document. The CA still needs to be signed by all before 28 October, so  your timely cooperation would be most appreciated.

Best regards,

Eva Bang-Olsen
Senior Legal Adviser

Dir: +45 87 15 01 32<tel:%2B45%2087%2015%2001%2032>
Mob: +45 40 86 53 14<tel:%2B45%2040%2086%2053%2014>
E-mail: ebo at au.dk<mailto:ebo at au.dk>

Corporate Relations and Technology Transfer
Aarhus University
Katrinebjergvej 107
Building no. 5530,
DK-8200 Aarhus N
Tel: +45 87 15 32 05<tel:%2B45%2087%2015%2032%2005>
E-mail: tto at au.dk<mailto:tto at au.dk>

Fra: Eva Bang-Olsen
Sendt: 26. august 2016 11:50
Til: Fiware-oasc-iot-lsp-cities at lists.fiware.org<mailto:Fiware-oasc-iot-lsp-cities at lists.fiware.org>; Martin Brynskov; Adriënne Heijnen; 'Mikko Riepula'; 'Pentti Launonen'; 'Petra Turkama'; 'Jarkko Miettinen'; 'Niina Mikkonen'; Mirko Presser; 'Clara Pezuela'; 'Emilie Couwenberg'; 'René Bartels'; 'Arthur Noordhoek'; 'Roope Ritvos'; 'Hugo Goncalves'; 'Pekka Koponen'; 'Marja Mattila'; 'Adrian Slatcher'; 'Adrian Slatcher (2nd contact'; 'Paulo Calçada'; 'Margarida Campolargo'; 'Bruno Rios'; 'Juan Echevarría'; 'Alex Gluhak'; 'Martino Maggio'; 'Roberto Di Bernardo'; 'John Weston'; 'Nadia Echchihab'; 'Zsuzsanna Bodi'; 'Stijn Verkuilen'; 'Bram Lievens'; 'Koen De Vos'; 'Katrien Van den Houwe'; 'Caroline Luneaut'; 'Remco Muijs'; 'Esther Martens'; 'Aránzazu Sanz'; 'David Gutiérrez'; 'Arturo Medela'; 'Luis Muñoz'; 'Laurent Horvath'; 'Sébastien Ziegler'; 'Ana Maria Pacheco Huamani'
Cc: Emilia Alegria
Emne: SynchroniCity Consortium Agreement First Draft

Dear all SynchroniCity Partners,

Please find attached the first draft of the Consortium Agreement for the SynchroniCity project.

The draft is based upon the MCARD Model due to the fact that the SynchroniCity project is an Innovation Action (IA). We have adapted the MCARD Model to fit our project better, please see our amendments and comments made in track-changes in the attached PDF version. A Word version is also attached for your own commenting.

I would be grateful if you and your legal representative could review the documents and provide me with any comments by WEDNESDAY 7 SEPTEMBER.

I kindly request that only substantive changes or comments are made to the draft. If you do suggest a change please add the legal suggested text into the Word version using track changes. In addition, please add any specific information to be inserted within the attachments to the consortium agreement (Background included, Listed Third Parties, Affiliate Entities, if any) or confirm that you have nothing to add.

Please be aware that it is a condition of the grant award that this consortium agreement is signed by all partners prior to signature of the Grant Agreement (28 October 2016), therefore your timely cooperation would be most appreciated.

Also, please let me and Emilia (cc) know if any other persons should be included in the legal mailing-list with regards to this negotiation process.

Looking forward to your comments.

Best regards,

Eva Bang-Olsen
Senior Legal Adviser

Dir: +45 87 15 01 32<tel:%2B45%2087%2015%2001%2032>
Mob: +45 40 86 53 14<tel:%2B45%2040%2086%2053%2014>
E-mail: ebo at au.dk<mailto:ebo at au.dk>

Corporate Relations and Technology Transfer
Aarhus University
Katrinebjergvej 107
Building no. 5530,
DK-8200 Aarhus N
Tel: +45 87 15 32 05<tel:%2B45%2087%2015%2032%2005>
E-mail: tto at au.dk<mailto:tto at au.dk>


Sébastien Ziegler
Director, Mandat International
President, IoT Forum
Vice Chairman, IEEE ComSoc Internet of Things TsC
Rapporteur on Research and Emerging Technologies for the IoT and Smart Cities, ITU-T SG20
Coordinator IoT Lab, F-Interop and Privacy Flag European research projects

Mandat International
International Cooperation Foundation
3 ch. du Champ-Baron
1209 Geneva - Switzerland
Phone: +41 79 750 53 83<tel:%2B41%2079%20750%2053%2083>
sziegler at mandint.org
<mailto:sziegler at mandint.org>www.mandint.org<http://www.mandint.org/>

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synchronicity-legal mailing list



Tom Blockley

Multi-Award Winning IoT Software Innovation

[http://www.bronzelabs.co.uk/esig/images/bl-call.png]+44(0)1952 288 217<tel:+441952288217>

[http://www.bronzelabs.co.uk/esig/images/bl-mail.png]tom at bronzelabs.co.uk<mailto:tom at bronzelabs.co.uk>


[http://www.bronzelabs.co.uk/esig/images/bl-map.png]e-Innovation Centre, Priorslee, Telford, Shropshire. TF2 9FT<https://www.google.co.uk/maps/place/e-Innovation+Centre/@52.6845322,-2.4268908,17z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m2!3m1!1s0x487a801eb5c8b427:0x5b4391b32d2e1632>



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