[oasc-iot-lsp-cities] Dial-in details - SynchroniCity - CA (legal call)

Eva Bang-Olsen ebo at au.dk
Mon Oct 24 09:09:15 CEST 2016

Join the Audio Conference
Dial-In:        +45 70 26 50 45 Local Denmark
Passcode:       7070 4453#
For a current list of available local and international freephone telephone numbers, CLICK HERE<http://www.yourconferencecentre.com/r.aspx?p=11&a=DYzOeEuxXYqvem>

Best regards,

Eva Bang-Olsen
Senior Legal Adviser

Dir: +45 87 15 01 32
Mob: +45 40 86 53 14
E-mail: ebo at au.dk<mailto:ebo at au.dk>

Corporate Relations and Technology Transfer
Aarhus University
Katrinebjergvej 107
Building no. 5530,
DK-8200 Aarhus N
Tel: +45 87 15 32 05
E-mail: tto at au.dk<mailto:tto at au.dk>

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From: Eva Bang-Olsen <ebo at au.dk>
Subject: [synchronicity-legal] Teleconference on the SynchroniCity	Consortium Agreement draft
Date: Thu, 20 Oct 2016 14:32:31 +0000
Size: 1430452
URL: <https://lists.fiware.org/private/fiware-oasc-iot-lsp-cities/attachments/20161024/4405bc36/attachment.mht>
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From: Eva Bang-Olsen <ebo at au.dk>
Subject: Re: [synchronicity-legal] Teleconference on the	SynchroniCity	Consortium Agreement draft
Date: Fri, 21 Oct 2016 07:25:05 +0000
Size: 201656
URL: <https://lists.fiware.org/private/fiware-oasc-iot-lsp-cities/attachments/20161024/4405bc36/attachment-0001.mht>

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