[oasc-iot-lsp-cities] Fwd: [SynchroniCity] Kick-off programme update

Martin Brynskov brynskov at cavi.au.dk
Wed Jan 4 21:16:04 CET 2017


Dear colleagues,

This is the last post to the now defunct mailing list for the SynchroniCity proposal. All communication will continue on the new mailing lists, as it has been already since during the Grant Agreement Preparation phase.

Please IMMEDIATELY update your (and your team's) contact information as per the instructions given several times, including below, and inform Anders Rasmussen (cc) -- do not reply-all.

The direct link is here:

This mailing list will close soon, and without further notice.



> Begin forwarded message:
> From: Martin Brynskov <brynskov at cavi.au.dk>
> Subject: Kick-off programme update
> Date: 4. januar 2017 kl. 10.58.07 CET
> To: synchronicity-all at maillist.au.dk
> Cc: Kristoffer Thyrrestrup <kristofferthyrrestrup at gmail.com>, Mette Presser <mesp at au.dk>
> Dear all,
> Greetings and happy new year! I hope you all have entered 2017 in a festive manner and are finding the new year full of opportunities.
> Here's an update on the programme with more details and clarification that many of you have been requesting, and I have been promising. It is attached for your convenience, and online:
> https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1CXvYv3ucO5u0dcbNOTdsMGimf4ERCZ4bPsplA8RNLY8/edit#gid=0
> As mentioned earlier, the kick-off is one part of several in a week of overall IoT Large Scale Pilot activities: the kick-off Monday-Tuesday (in parallel with several of the other LSPs), the LSP coordinators' meeting Wednesday, the Mayors' Working Dinner on Wednesday evening, the Connected Smart Cities Conference Thursday (the official public launch of the overall IoT LSP portfolio, more than 300 registered). Friday is left for further project meetings.
> We are very happy to see several SynchroniCity mayors joining us in Brussels for the dinner!
> This context matters more for some than for others, but it certainly matters for us as coordinators, and I trust that the kick-off and further involvement of the SynchroniCity partners in the other events will come across as a huge opportunity to set direction and pace for the development of IoT-enabled urban services, locally as well as globally!
> The programme is structured so that the first day is focused on getting to know each other (and the project), highlighting overall goals and decision points now that the project is starting, whereas the second day gives room to get into more detail about planning and coordination, internally as well as externally.
> The programme has all logistical details, with contact info, links etc. Hotel/accomodation is for you to arrange directly, and dinners are self-paid (as you have budget for it on the project). Lunch/coffee is provided as part of the venue so you don't have to pay for that.
> In general, all partners should familiarise themselves with the Description of Action (DoA), the Grant Agreement and the Consortium Agreement [1]. Also, you should be ready to conrifm the list of persons on your partner team for SynchroniCity, as we will do this in written form on site.
> In particular, all partners should read the tasks related to their own engagement in the DoA.
> Each city should prepare a short (3-minute) presentation of themselves -- this is very compressed, but with 8 cities, and inevitably questions, we have to condense things. There is no fixed template or format, but please provide a few slides so that we can later on use them as a reference when presenting the project.
> WP leads should prepare a 10-minute presentation of their WP, with focus on goals, immediate actions, interdependencies with other tasks. Please prepare a few slides for this as well.
> I'm available for the WP leads to discuss any questions leading up to the kick-off.
> Adjustments may still come to the programme.
> We will have two instances of parallel tracks: one in the afternoon on the first day, giving the administrative colleagues an opportunity to meet and focus on such aspects (reporting, payments etc.), and one on the morning of the second day, splitting the discussion in an engagement and a tech track.
> I ask the main WP leads to lead to the second morning discussions, i.e. WP 1-5-6 (imec, FCC, Aalto) and WP 2-3-4 (TID, Philips, UC), respectively. 
> We finish with a plenary session where the two tracks are joined again, and we identify and consolidate main principles and interaction points.
> After the plenary, we have left room for partners to meet in smaller groups for a few hours, to plan for the coming actions.
> We will have the fortune of being joined during the first day by our Project Officer, Mr. Olavi Luotonen, and co-P.O., Svetoslav Mihaylov, from the Commission units on IoT (Olavi) and smart mobility and living (Svet). That's a great opportunity to seek comments and guidance directly.
> To conclude this message, a few simple, but essential reminders:
> - Please register ALL SynchroniCity team members in the Consortium Contact info sheet (including mailing lists) [2].
> - Please register kick-off PARTICIPANTS in the registration sheet, including LUNCH / DINNERS [3].
> - Please get ready to enjoy a great time, with excellent and fun colleagues!
> Any questions regarding logistics can be directed to Kristoffer Thyrrestrup <kristofferthyrrestrup at gmail.com>, +45 23 95 98 46.
> Kind regards, and see you soon,
> Martin and the coordination team
> [1] Description of Action (final version 2.1) and Consortium Agreement (final version for signing): https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B4jiMzhNIS92dHc0c2JyZ3VYWHM
> The Grant Agreement can be found in the EU Participant Portal.
> [2] https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/16KakXlmSKWmHCMqsfBbyAefsx1FH0aoLuBfodLjciDk/edit#gid=0
> [3] https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1yup28rD1WVZZJI1DnyIMJSrBUPhs8fKEc0fXCXy-ZbE/edit#gid=1037328069
> --
> Martin Brynskov, Ph.D.
> Associate professor, interaction technologies
> Aarhus University
> Chair, Open & Agile Smart Cities // oascities.org
> Research director, AU Smart Cities // smartcities.au.dk
> Director, Digital Design Lab // ddlab.dk
> Participatory IT Centre // Digital Urban Living // CAVI
> Tel. (+45) 3068 0424
> More info: http://au.dk/en/brynskov@cavi
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