[Fiware-office-comms] frontierCities events

Andreana ricerca at innovabic.it
Tue Dec 16 10:35:10 CET 2014

Dear All,

hereinafter other three events organised by forntierCities team:




₋          Name of the event:  frontierCities workshop in Namur

₋         date and hour: 16/12/2014 from 9h00 to 12h00

₋         place and address of the event: Salle Vivace du BEP - Avenue Sergent Vrithoff 2 - 5000 NAMUR, Belgium

₋         Organizers: frontierCities, the municipality of Namur, le BEP

₋         Type of event: information session

₋         Link to the webpage and registration page: http://www.bep-entreprises.be/inscription/appel-projet-frontiercities.aspx

₋         Brief description of the event (in english): An info session on frontierCities call will take place in the city of Namur. On that occasion frontierCities will present funding opportunities for smart mobility applications devoted to web-developers, SMEs and startups


₋         Name of the event:  frontierCities Workshop: Find out how to finance your mobility application!

₋         date and hour: 18/12/2014 From 09:00 to 11:30 CET

₋         place and address of the event: EBN headquarters, Avenue de Tervueren 168, 1150 Brussels, Belgium

₋         Organizers: EBN 

₋         Type of event: information session

₋         Link to the webpage and registration page: http://www.eventbrite.com/e/frontiercities-workshop-find-out-how-to-finance-your-mobility-application-tickets-14805616999?aff=es2 <http://www.eventbrite.com/e/frontiercities-workshop-find-out-how-to-finance-your-mobility-application-tickets-14805616999?aff=es2&rank=95> &rank=95

₋         Brief description of the event (in english):  During the meeting the frontierCities partners will present the notice of grant funding frontierCities which provides up to EUR 3.92m for web-developers, start-ups and SMEs that wish to support the creation and development of ICT innovative solutions applied to the mobility system through the use of FIWARE platform. Have a look to frontierCities call: http://www.fi-frontiercities.eu/the-call/


₋          Name of the event:  frontierCities webinar: fund your smart mobility app!


₋         date and hour: Friday, December 19, 2014 from 11:00 AM to 12:00 PM (CET)


₋         place and address of the event: EBN headquarters, Avenue de Tervueren 168, 1150 Brussels, Belgium

₋         Organizers: EBN

₋         Type of event: information session

₋         Link to the webpage and registration page: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/frontiercities-webinar-fund-your-smart-mobility-app-tickets-14851909461

₋         Brief description of the event (in english):  During the webinar the frontierCities partners will present the grant funding from frontierCities which provides up to EUR 3.92m for web-developers, start-ups and SMEs to support the creation and development of ICT innovative solutions applied to the mobility system through the use of FIWARE platform. Have a look to frontierCities call: http://www.fi-frontiercities.eu/the-call/




Andreana Casaramona

Project Manager

Innova BIC 
Technology Transfer Department 
E-mail:  <mailto:ricerca at innovabic.it> ricerca at innovabic.it
Address: Via La Farina n. 17 is. 278 
98122 Messina
Tel.: +39.090.716030
Fax: +39.090.669632
Website:  <http://www.innovabic.it/> http://www.innovabic.it/


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