[Fiware-office-comms] FIWARE info day at Pamplona - Spain

Miguel García Miguelgarcia at zabala.es
Wed Jan 21 16:25:42 CET 2015

Good afternoon,

addtional event in Spain in which several accelerators are participating next week:

 *   Title: FIWARE INFO-DAY. Programa acelerador de Internet del Futuro
Date: 29.01.2015
 *   Time: 09:30AM-13:00PM (CET)
 *   Location: ATANA (Association of ICT companies from Navarra region). Edificio Fuerte del Principe I. Parque Tomás Caballero nº2, 6ª planta - Of.1. Pamplona
 *   Type of Event: FIWARE info session
 *   Accelerators that will be present: FINODEX, FI-ADOPT, FRACTALS, INCENSe + a general presentation on FIWARE and the FI-PPP
 *   Link: http://atana.org/es/index.php?option=com_seminar&task=3&cid=115
 *   Registration via email atana at atana.org<mailto:atana at atana.org> or phoen +34948333844

Thanks a lot!


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